

Mittwoch, 08.06.2022 11:28 - Alter: 2 Jahre

Vorträge auf der ICA 2022 in Paris

Im Rahmen der 72. Jahrestagung der International Communication Association (ICA), die vom 26. - 30. Mai in Paris stattfand, präsentierten Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des IJK spannende Erkenntnisse aus zahlreichen Forschungsprojekten. Das Institut war mit 17 Beiträgen sowie einer Preconference vertreten, die das weit gefächerte Spektrum der IJK-Forschung widerspiegeln.

Fragen Sie gern die jeweiligen IJK-Mitarbeiter*innen an, um weitere Informationen zu den Studien zu erhalten:

Avoidance of Interpersonal Discussions About the COVID-19 Vaccination: Applying and Extending the Theory of Motivated Information Management (E. Link)

Consenting Without Being Informed: Testing Approaches to Improve Consent Procedures in Online Surveys (A.F. Zillich; E. Link; E. Csonka; D.M. Schlütz; W. Möhring)

Coping With COVID-19: How Family Communication Influences Crisis Management (M. Jaspersen; E. Link; D.M. Schlütz; E. Baumann)

Do Players Seek Meaning or Stumble Upon It? Exploring Fans’ (Eudaimonic) Motivations for Upcoming Games (D. Possler; R. Daneels; N.D. Bowman)

Effects of Mindfulness Training Via App on Cognitive and Behavioural Connectedness to the Mobile Phone (A. Freytag; S. Kittmann; D. Hefner)

Explaining the Rich Entertainment Appeal of Nature Documentaries and Its (Partially) Pro-Environmental Consequences (A. Freytag; D. Possler; N. Spreen; A.A. Raney; C. Klimmt)

Flattering Compliments and Savage Insults: The Influence of Mediated Intergroup Contact on Minority

(Outgroup) Support Considering Affective and Cognitive Mediators (J. Scheper; S. Bruns; C.E. Meltzer)

Information Seeking and Avoidance: Longitudinal Analyses of the Interplay of Information Behaviors and Normative Influences (E. Link; E. Baumann; R. Leuppert)

Initial Results on the Effects of Sexist Incivility in Political Discussions Online (S. Reich; M. Bachl)

Making Sense and Sense Making: Extending Dual-Process Models of Entertainment to Account for Self-Transcendent Experiences (D. Possler; A.A. Raney)

Media as Powerful Coping Tools to Recover From Social Exclusion Experiences? A Systematic Review on Need Restoration and Emotion Regulation Through Using Media (S. Lutz; F.M. Schneider; S. Reich)

Mindful Mobile Phone Use: A Structural Equation Model of Mindfulness, Mobile Phone Connectedness, and Stress (D. Hefner; A. Freytag)

New Directions in Spiral of Silence Research - Preconference (Gerads, M.; Scheper, J.; Scherer, H., & Eilders, C.)

Of Seekers and Non-Seekers: Characteristics of COVID-19-Related Information Seeking Behaviors (M. Rosset; E. Link; E. Baumann; F. Czerwinski; R. Suhr)

Zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.02.2021

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