Campus Life

Campus Life: more than just study and resesarch

All employees and students at the IJK appreciate that the life of the institute is not just all about work. During the lecture period, various activities take place, which not only serve teaching and research, but above all ensure a lot of fun and the establishment of contacts. They also strengthen the sense of community of all people at the IJK. We will describe the most important of them on this page.

Freshman Rally

The first week of the course serves as part of "Reading - Seeing - Listening" workshops in order to introduce the students to the basics of the course. At the same time, you can get to know the media world of the city with several excursions within Hanover. Traditionally, at the end of this week, the so-called “Freshman Rally” takes place, which is very popular among all students. The students embark on a tour of the city of Hanover in small groups in order to get to know each other better and work together as a team for the first time. Students from higher semesters are waiting for the freshmen at different places throughout the city like Hanover central station, the Maschsee, Leibniz University, at the Neue Rathaus, at Kröpcke, by the river Leine and many other locations. The freshmen have to do exciting tasks as a team. The rally guarantees a great day with a lot of adventure feeling.

Freshman Party

At the beginning of their studies, the freshmen are also welcomed with a nice, little party. Organized by the students of higher semesters, it offers students the opportunity to find and strengthen new contacts and to have a good time in a pleasant atmosphere with good music and cold drinks.

First Semester Trip

A popular IJK tradition for many students is the annual first semester trip. In a carefully selected accommodation, the freshmen experience unforgettable highlights together with their new fellow students. With fun mini-games in groups, musical evenings and other exciting activities, freshmen students have the opportunity to get to know each other even better. Some students from the higher semesters accompany the freshmen and take part in the ceremonial activities with a lot of joy. They contribute to the great atmosphere and exchange ideas with the new students. During the three short days, the trip provides the students a lot of fun and the opportunity to network within the semester and across semesters.

Running Dinner

Usually at the beginning of the winter semester, the non-profit association KommunikationKultur e.V. organizes the running dinner. Each participant is drawn to a partner - student, professor or institute employee - with whom he has to prepare a tasty meal at one of their homes. Two other pairings will later come to visit them to spend a fun evening. Before or after this visit, however, he will also go to other pairs to let them cook for them. The Running Dinner is a unique opportunity to get to know the professors and fellow students from a different and closer perspective.

IJK forum

One of the academic highlights at the Institute for Journalism and Communication Research is the IJK Forum, which takes place every autumn. Since 1998, the graduates of the institute the graduates of the institute celebrate their graduation in a festive and varied program in the main building of the University of Music, Drama and Media. With entertaining presentation, live musical performances by various artists, exciting insights into today's media landscape and speeches by professors and lecturers, the graduates and their families are led through the evening in a joyous atmosphere. After the festive gala, guests can either continue the celebrations in the refectory with good music until late into the night or relax with cocktails and long drinks. The IJK Forum is traditionally organized and realized by the third semesters, who are supported by students from the other semesters and other organizations.

Theatre Project Group

Since 2001, the Theatre Project Group has been very popular among students. Prof. For the winter semester, Dr. Gunter Reus initiates a new project for an elaborate play, which is produced over two semesters and will be performed in Hanover at the end of the summer semester. Together with Mr. Reus, the students work hard and motivated on everything a good play requires: from marketing and production to costume and mask to stage design and the actual drama. Anyone who wants to can get involved in the Theatre Project Group - whether with or without theatrical experience. The ultimate results of these projects are quite impressive: comedies, satires, crime thrillers, dramas and much more are celebrated by an enthusiastic audience of Hanover in summer.

AC Plaza

Of course, the IJK also has its own football team. The participating students regularly test their shooting and trick-shot skills to put the ball in the net. In addition to the great celebrations and events that the team organizes throughout the year, it tries to compete with other teams in the Hanover Campus League - sometimes more and sometimes less successfully. What counts for our players, however, is will, fighting spirit and fun. For this very reason, our eager soccer players of AC Plaza always rely on the support of the IJK fan community, which brings the necessary incentive to the pitch from the side of the pitch. Every IJK student is welcome at AC Plaza and can register for it at the beginning of each semester.


Last modified: 2024-05-23

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