Overview of the Workshop Architecture
February 12
R Training Course |
February 13
Parallel Method Training Courses |
February 14
February 15
February 16
Roadmap Event |
Part 1: Workshops for young scholars
Dates |
Mon, February 12, 2018, 9:00 a.m. to 18 p.m. (Introduction to R only)
Tue, February 13, 2018, 9:00 a.m. to Thu, February 15, 2018, 11:00 a.m.
Location |
Department of Journalism and Communication Research (IJK), Hanover University of Music, Drama, and Media, EXPO-Plaza 12, D-30539 Hannover, Germany
Topics |
- Workshop 0: Introduction to R (optional, prior to other Workshops)
- Workshop 1: Automated Content Analysis
- Workshop 2: Tracking Data
- Workshop 3: Network Analysis
- Workshop 4: Statistical Analysis of Large Data Sets
- Workshop 5: Web Scraping and APIs
Workshop 1 -5 take place simultaneously. Your preferred topic may be stated within the application (information on the application procedure will be provided soon).
Participants |
Young scholars from the field of communication and neighboring disciplines (post-doctoral researchers and doctoral students), travel expenses will be covered to enable participation
Part 2: Roadmap Conference
Dates |
Thu, February 15, 2018, 12:00 p.m. to Fri, February 16, 2018m, 6 p.m.
Location |
Leibnizhaus – Historic Convention Center of Hanoverian Universities; City Centre of Hanover, Germany
Address: Holzmarkt 4, D-30159 Hannover
Participants |
Scholars from all subfields of communication and neighboring social sciences – for 50 young scholars (post-doctoral researchers and doctoral students) travel expenses will be covered to enable participation – approximately 20 experts and leading scholars will be invited to the ‘roadmap conference’
Topics |
- Introduction and kick-off discussion: Key elements of the strategic roadmap
- Access and Availability of Big Data Resources for Communication Research(ers)
- Big Data and Research Ethics
- Arranging interdisciplinary collaboration
- Combining Big Data and Conventional Methods
- Crafting the Strategic Roadmap for Computational Methods in Communication Science (Closing Plenary)
Last modified: 2017-12-03
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