Charlotte Schrimpff, M.A.
- Born 1987 in Münster/Westphalia
- 2006-2010 Bachelor studies in Musicology, minors in Theatre Studies & Communication Studies at the University of Leipzig
- 2010 Internship at the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture
- 2008-2011 Freelancer for the Leipziger Volkszeitung newspaper
- 2011-2013 traineeship Press & Public Relations Musikland Niedersachsen gGmbH
- 2013-2015 Master studies Media and Music at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research, Hanover
- 2013-2015 various freelances, among others Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, Orchester im Treppenhaus, University Music Hamburg
- 2015-2017 Press Relations & Online Communication for International Music Festival Heidelberger Frühling
- 2017-2021 Online Editor for Diocese of Feldkirch, Austria
- Since November 2021 Research Assistant at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research
Major teaching and research interests
- Health communication
- Strategic communication
- Research Associate in the externally funded project "Sicherheitsintegrierte und infektionsreaktive Implantate (SIIRI)" [Safety-integrated and infection-reactive implants]
- Research Associate in the externally funded project "Agile Bio-inspirierte Architekturen (ABA)"
- Member of International Communication Association (ICA)
- Member of European Communication Research and Education Association (ecrea)
- Member of the German Communciation Association (DGPuK)
- Member of KommunikationsKultur e. V. (KKeV, alumni association "communication culture")
- Member of the social media team of the German Communication Association's (DGPuK) Expert Group Health Communication (since 11/2022)
- Member of the Senate of the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media (since 4/2023)
- (Co-)founder of the sustainability initiative at Hanover University of Music, Drama, and Media
Link, E., Baumann, E., Schrimpff, C., Fisse, T. & Klimmt, C. (2024). What drives or inhibits individuals’ intention to seek information about medical innovations? Findings from an online survey among German residents. Science Communication, Article 10755470241253815. Advance online publication.
Naderer, B., Fisse, T. & Schrimpff, C. (2024). On the (in)effectiveness of textual disclosures on expectancies, attitudes, and perceived appropriateness of alcohol. Psychology & Health. Advance online publication.
Fisse, T., Link, E., Schrimpff, C., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2023). Health information repertoires of implant patients: Toward a deeper understanding of multiple source use and the role of health-related motives. Health Communication. Advance online publication, 1–15.
Schrimpff, C., Link., E., Fisse, T., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2023). Communication matters when it comes to adverse events: Associations of adverse events during implant treatment with patients’ communication quality and trust assessments. Patient education and counseling, 107675,
Schrimpff, C., Fisse, T., Link, E., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2024, January). Lay experts’ mental models of smart implant technology in medicine: A qualitative exploration of the role of initial information, labels, and information needs. Paper presented at the 2nd International SIIRI Symposiums, January 24-25, 2024, Hanover.
Fisse, T., Schrimpff, C., Link, E., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2023, November). Identifying situational HISB patterns for uncertainty management in Cochlear implant patient journeys. Paper presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), November 15-17, 2023, Klagenfurt, Austria.
Schrimpff, C., Fisse, T., Rosset, M. & Baumann, E. (2023, November). Clinical AI applications in the context of cancer: Explaining openness to information and consent to use through risk perceptions and efficacy beliefs. Paper presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), November 15-17, 2023, Klagenfurt, Austria.
Link, E., Schrimpff, C., Fisse, T., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2023, September). Predictors of interest in science communication using medical innovations as an example. Paper presented at the Conference of the journalism and science communication division of the DGPuK, September 20-22, 2023, Passau.
Fisse, T., Link, E., Schrimpff, C., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2023, May). Information repertoires of patients: Toward a deeper understanding of multiple source use and health-related motives. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2023, Toronto, Canada.
Naderer, B., Fisse, T. & Schrimpff, C. (2023, May). Alcohol is bad for me: So what. On the (in)effectiveness of textual disclosures on expectations, attitudes, and perceived appropriateness of alcohol. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2023, Toronto, Canada.
Last modified: 2024-07-05
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