Dr. Aljoscha Paulus
- 1979 born in Hildesheim
- 2001-2002 internship in the field of A&R/marketing at eastwest records, Hamburg
- 2002-2003 A&R/Marketing Assistant at Warner Strategic Marketing, Hamburg
- Since 2003 freelance musician, Hamburg, Berlin, Hildesheim
- 2006-2012 studies of Media Management at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research
- 2013-2014 Research Assistent at the Hochschule Macromedia, University of Applied Sciences Campus Berlin
- Since April 2015 Research Assistant at the Department of Journalism and communication Resarch
Major teaching and research interests
Cultural and creative work/industries research
Theories and practice of interest-driven political (self-)organization
Social theory
- Member of Rock-City Hamburg e.V.
- Member of Gesellschaft für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung (GMM) (Association of Research in Music Economy and Musical Culture)
- Assistance in the organizational team of the Network Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft (KriKoWi) (Critical Mass Communication)
Paulus, A. (2023). Organisierte Interessen in der Kultur- und Medienarbeit. Eine Übersicht [Organized interests in cultural and media relations. An overview]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-40652-3
Paulus A. (2018) Alexandra Manske: Kapitalistische Geister in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft. Kreative zwischen wirtschaftlichem Zwang und künstlerischem Drang [Alexandra Manske: Capitalist ghosts in culture and creative industry. Creative folks between economic compulsion and artistic drive]. In L. Grünewald-Schukalla, M. Lücke, M. Rauch & C. Winter (Eds.), Musik und Stadt. Jahrbuch für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung [Music and city. Yearbook for research on music industry and music culture] (pp. 245-248). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Paulus, A. (2018). The Dark Side of the Musicpreneur. Über Probleme einer neoliberalen Perspektivierung musikalischer Arbeit und die Frage nach kollektiven Widerstandspotenzialen [The dark side of the musicpreneur. On problems of a neoliberal perspectivation of musical work and the question of collective resistive potentials]. Zeitschrift für Kulturmanagement, 4(2), 129-158. http://dx.doi.org/10.14361/zkmm-2018-0206
Winter, C. & Paulus, A. (2017). „Institutionalisiert co-organisiert offen vernetzte Unterstützung“ - Management im Kontext digital-disruptiver Transformation innovieren [Institutionalized co-organzied open networked support - Innovating management in the context of digital-disruptive transformation]. In W. Seufert (Eds.), Media Economics revisited: (Wie) Verändert das Internet die Ökonomie der Medien? [Media economics revisited: (How) Does the internet change the media's economy?] (pp. 147-182). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Lücke, M. & Paulus, A. (2015). Branchenverbände der Musikkultur/-wirtschaft als Austausch- und Kooperationspartner: Chancen für die Entwicklung und Vermittlung popkultureller Lehrinhalte an (Fach-)Hochschulen [Branch associations of music culture and music industry as exchange and cooperation partners: Chances for the development and conveyance of pop-cultural teaching content at universities and universities of applied sciences]. In M. Ahlers (Ed.), Popmusik-Vermittlung: Zwischen Schule, Universität und Beruf [Conveyance of pop music: Between school, university and job] (pp. 307-320). Münster: LIT.
Paulus, A. & Winter, C. (2014). Musiker als Media-Artepreneure? Digitale Netzwerkmedien als Produktionsmittel und neue Wertschöpfungsprozesse [Musicians as media artepreneurs? Digital network media as means of production and new processes of value creation]. In U. Breitenborn, T. Düllo & S. Birke (Eds.), Gravitationsfeld Pop [Gravitation field pop] (pp. 133-142). Bielefeld: transcript.
Paulus, A. & Meltzer, C. (2024, September). Beyond hashtag#MeToo: Navigating solutions for safer work environments in cultural and media industries. Paper presented at the 10th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), September 24-27, 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Paul, A. (2022, November). Invited participation in the panel "More for Music! Open panel on alliances and partnerships in stakeholder advocacy" at the Annual Conference of Musikland Niedersachsen 2022, November 11, 2022, Wolfenbüttel.
Paulus, A. (2022, July). Invited participation in the panel "Art, Classism, Neoliberalism" at Jazzwoche Berlin #4, July 03, 2022, Berlin.
Paulus, A. (2022, June). Musicpreneurship und die Gefahr der Selbstausbeutung [Musicpreneurship and the danger of self-exploitation]. Paper presented at the Digital Academy "Insight Out" of the German Jazz Union, June 16, 2022, Online.
Paulus, A. (2019, November). Aktuelle Herausforderungen für betriebliche und überbetriebliche Mitbestimmung in der (Sozio-)Kulturarbeit [Recent challenges for operational and intercorporate participative management in (socio)cultural work]. Paper presented at the Conference „How do we Want to Work?“ of the Lower Saxony Association Socioculture, the Foundation Living and Environment and the Heinrich Böll Foundation, November 5, 2019, Hannover.
Paulus, A. (2019, September). Entrepreneurial Journalists als Transformationsjournalist*innen? [Entrepreneurial jounalists as transformation journalists?]. Paper presented at the Closing Conference of the German Science Foundation's College Researcher Group „Post Growth Societies“ and the 2nd Regional Conference of the German Society of Sociology, September 23-27, 2019, Jena.
Paulus, A. (2019, January). The Dark Side of (Cultural-)Entrepreneurship. Zu theoretischen und praktischen Problemen einer wirtschaftsliberalen Perspektivierung von Medien- und Kulturarbeit [The dark side of (cultural) entrepreneurship. On the theoretical and practical problems of an economic-liberal perspectivation of media and cultural work]. Paper presented at the Seminar „Start-ups and New Foundations in Journalism“, January 23, 2019, Bauhaus University Weimar.
Paulus, A. (2017, Dezember). Organisiert Euch?! Zu aktuellen und alternativen Ansätzen kollektiver Interessenorganisation in Medienwirtschaften (und -wissenschaften) [Organize yourself?! On current and alternative approaches of collective special interest organizations in media economics (and media sciences)]. Paper presented at the Foundation Conference of the Network Critical Mass Communication, November 30 - December 1, 2017, Munich.
Winter, C., Paulus, A., Beckmann, C., Rebellato, J., Kastrop, C., Meyer-Lamp., J., Teickner, V. & Weinert, L. (2017, November). Hanover: The new jazzpreneur. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Music Land Lower Saxony, November 8, 2017, Hanover.
Paulus, A. (2017, January). Invited participation of the Panel Discussion „Successful with Music 2017? Chances and Obstacles of (Self-)Marketing for Artists in the Digital World“, January 31, 2017, Hanover.
Paulus, A. (2016, November). Invited participation of the Roundtable Discussion „Musicpreneurs – Chances and Challenges“ at the Annual Conference of Music Land Lower Saxony, November 8, 2016, Hanover.
Winter, C. & Paulus, A. (2016, October). Institutionalisiert co-organisiert offen vernetzte Unterstützung n der Musikwirtschaft – die Entdeckung einer Managementinnovation? [Institutionalized co-organized open networked support in the music economy – The discovery of management innovation?]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group Media Economy, October 27-29, 2016, Jena.
Paulus, A. (2016, September). Organisiert Euch?! Neue Ansätze interessenpolitischer (Selbst-)Organisation in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft [Organize yourself?! New approaches of self-interested (self-)organization in culture and creative economy]. Paper presented at the „2nd GMM Summer Institute“ of the Society of Music Economy and Music Culture Research, September 14-20, Porto, Portugal.
Paulus, A. (2014, December). Ihr habt doch jetzt ein Musicboard – was wollt Ihr denn noch? [You've got a music board now - And you still want something else?]. Paper presented at the Workshop „Music 2020 Berlin – A comparison of results“ at the Conference „Most Wanted: Music #convention“, December 4, 2014, Berlin.
Lücke, M. & Paulus, A. (2014, February). Branchenverbände als Austausch- und Kooperationspartner:
Chancen für die Entwicklung und Vermittlung popkultureller Lehrinhalte an (Fach-)Hochschulen [Branch associations as exchange and cooperation partners: Chances for the development and conveyance of pop-cultural teaching content at universities and universities of applied sciences]. Paper presented at the Symposion „Conveyance of Pop Music Between School, University and Job“, February 14, 2014, Lüneburg.
Dürrenberg, C., Freienstein, J., Grünewald, L., Paulus, A., Unruh, C., Wahl, S., Winter C., Wittek, C. (2011, June). Neue Konnektivitäten, Netzwerke und Räume für intelligente, nachhaltige und inkludierende Wertschöpfung in der Berliner Musikwirtschaft [New connectivities, networks and space for intelligent, sustainable and including value creation in the Berlin music industry]. Paper presented at the Workshop of the Berlin Music Commission for the Berlin Music Networks on the discussion of possibilities of orientation, organization and operation of the Berlin Music Networks, June 30, 2011, Berlin.
Last modified: 2024-10-14
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