Miriam Jaspersen, Dipl.-Medienwiss.
- 1974 born in Rotenburg a. d. Fulda
- 1994-1999 studies of Media Management with the minor Music Science at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research
- 1998 semester abroad at San José State University, California
- 2000-2003 strategy, consulting and budget direction at Dievision, Agency for Communication
- 2001/2002 Lecturer at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research
- 2003-2015 Employee at Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG; working in the fields product communication consumer, strategic marketing and global brand management
- 2010/11 distance studies of Cultural Management at the Hamburg University of Music and Drama
- 2015-2018 Research Assistant at the Hanover University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Faculty III - Media, Information and Design) in a research project on bioplastics funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
- Since April 2018 Research Assistant at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research, Hanover Center for Health Communication [HC]²
Rosset, M., Baumann, E. & Jaspersen, M. (2022). Framing: Strategic. In E. Ho, C. Bylund & J. van Weert (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of health communication. Wiley. doi.org/10.1002/9781119678816.iehc0642
Rosset, M., Jaspersen, M. & Baumann, E. (2022). Framing: Media. In E. Ho, C. Bylund & J. van Weert (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of cealth communication. Wiley. doi.org/10.1002/9781119678816.iehc0641
Rosset, M., Freytag, A., Dittrich, A., Jaspersen, M. & Baumann, E. (2020). Psychische Erkrankungen in Medienberichten. Befunde zur Darstellung und Wahrnehmung [Mental diseases in the media coverage. Results on presentation and perception]. ComSoc Communicatio Socialis, 53(3), 324-336. doi.org/10.5771/0010-3497-2020-3-324
Rosset, M., Jaspersen, M., Dittrich, A., Baumann, E. & Bomke, P. (2020). Mental health and illness in the public mirror. What pictures do the media draw and how do the people perceive them? Open Access Government. Retrieved from https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/mental-health-and-illness/80562/
Blesin, J.-M., Jaspersen, M. & Möhring, W. (2017). Boosting plastics’ image? Communicative challenges of innovative bioplastics. e-plastory - Journal of Plastics History, no Vol. (3). http://e-plastory.com/index.php/e-plastory
Jaspersen, M. (2017). Product communication for bioplastics. Uncharted territory and an adventure for the companies involved. Results of a study. Bioplastics Magazine, (7), 46-47.
Rosset, M., Jaspersen, M., Freytag, A. & Baumann, E. (2024, November). Shifting perspectives through communication: A multilevel reframing strategy for health promotion initiatives. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK Health Communication Division, November 20-22, 2024, Zurich, Switzerland.
Jaspersen, M., Link, E., Schlütz, D. & Baumann, E. (2022, May). Coping with COVID-19: How family communication influences crisis management. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 26-30, 2022, Paris, France.
Jaspersen, M., Link, E. & Baumann, E. (2021, November). The influence of family communication on coping during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Paper presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), November 4-5, 2021, Amsterdam, The Netherlands [digitally].
Rosset, M., Dittrich, A., Jaspersen, M. & Baumann, E. (2020, April). Framing mental illness: Which pictures do the media draw and what do recipients perceive? Poster presentation at the Kentucky Conference on Health Communication (KCHC), April 2-4, 2020, Lexington, Kentucky, USA.
Jaspersen, M. & Baumann, E. (2019, November). The role of communication as a resource for coping and resilience in families: A qualitative analysis. Poster presented at the European Conference on Health Communication, November 13-15, 2019, Zurich, Switzerland.
Baumann, E., Rosset, M., Bomke, P., Kendall-Taylor, N. & Jaspersen, M. (2019, May). Changing communication to change perspectives: Theoretical foundation and multilevel research approach of a culture-bound reframing strategy for mental health promotion. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2019, Washington, D.C., USA.
Rosset, M., Jaspersen, M., Baumann, E. & Bomke, P. (2019, April). Challenges of a frameshift from mental illness to health: The role of media coverage, health professionals’ and public perception. Paper presented at the 5th Biennial D.C. Health Communication Conference, April 25-27, 2019, Fairfax, Virginia, USA.
Möhring, W., Blesin, J.-M., Jaspersen, M. (2018, June). „We still know too little“ - The challenge of uncertainty in communications about new materials and its products. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Symposion "Mediatized Science Communication Under Close Scrutiny: Recent Challenges", University of Rostock, June 9, 2018, Rostock.
Blesin, J.-M., Jaspersen, M. & Möhring, W. (2017, June). Uncertainty as an influencing factor on communications about innovative materials - identification and handling of a possible restraint in sustainability transition. Paper presented at the International Sustainability Conference (IST), June 19, 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Jaspersen, M. & Blesin, J.-M. (2017, March). Biokunststoff-Produkte: Wahrnehmung und Kommunikation [Bioplastic products: Perception and communication]. Paper presented at the Expert Panel C.A.R.M.E.N. (Central Agricultural Natural Resource Marketing and Energy Network): Bioplastics - Components of a Sustainable Management, March 22, 2017, Würzburg.
Jaspersen, M. (2017, February). Kommunikationsmittelanalyse - Eine Untersuchung der Produktkommunikation zu Biokunststoffen [Communication tool analysis - A study on product communication on bioplastics]. Paper presented at the Communication Workshop "Challenges and Chances of the Population and Consumer Communication on Bioplastics" within the Project "Bioplastics and Sustainable Economy" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, February 16, 2017, Hanover.
Last modified: 2024-12-02
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