Prof. Ivo Frenzel (†)
- Born 1924 in Bielefeld
- 1945 studies of Philosophy, Sociology and Art History in Göttingen - co-founder and freelancer of the Göttinger Universitätszeitung (newspaper of the University of Göttingen), later to become known as Deutsche Universitätszeitung (German University Newspaper)
- 1949 correspondent of Neue Zeitung (Munich)
- 1953-1955 assistant professor at the newly founded Department of Philosophy at the University of Karlsruhe. Working at the extracurricular studies for students in technical and natural sciences programs
- 1953-55 asssitant in planning the programs for the yearly International University Weeks in Alpach/Tyrol of the Austrian College (Vienna). First major journalistic works for the evening studios of the radio stations Hessischer Rundfunk, Südwestfunk, Bremen. Publications in Frankfurter Hefte, Merkur and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
- In the Autumn of 1955 editor of Deutsche Universitätszeitung in Göttingen
- 1956-63 editor and officer with procuration at the Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag in Frankfurt/M., editor in chief for the 40 volume encyclopedia Fischer Lexikon and the 20 volume encyclopedia Fischer Weltgeschichte (Fischer World History). Since 1960 also editor in chief for the Taschenbuch-Verlag as a whole
- 1963 publishing director and chief executive of the Bertelsmann publishing company Rütten & Löning, Munich. Since then regularl articles in the features section of Süddeutsche Zeitung
- 1966 visiting Princeton and New York with Gruppe 47
- 1968-79 editor of a culture and science editorial office at Westdeutscher Rundfunk TV station (constitution of the 3rd channel in Cologne and Düsseldorf), host and author in culture and science programs on TV
- 1972 participating at a symposion of the New School für Social Research
- 1979 returning to the world of books: executive manager of the book program of Holtzbrinck publishing companies S. Fischer, Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag and Wolfgang-Krüger-Verlag, Frankfurt/M.
- 1982-84 publishing executive manager of ECON publishing houses. Working as their spokesman in Düsseldorf until the age of 60.
- 1986-94 Hanover: political correspondent in Lower Saxony for Süddeutsche Zeitung
- Since July 1988 honorary professor for the postgraduate journalism program at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research, Hanover University of Music and Drama
- 1988 and 1992 consultant for Stiftung Niedersachsen for the conferences Mind and Nature and Actuality of Aesthetics
- 1990 chairman of the press conference Lower Saxony
- 1993/94 consultant of the foundation Weimarer Klassik and director of the International Forum for Design (Ulm)
- 1994 freelancer for the cultural programs of Bayerischer Rundfunk, Hessischer Rundfunk, Westdeutscher Rundfunk
- 1999-2005 freelancer mainly for the cultural program of Norddeutscher Rundfunk.
Last modified: 2016-05-13
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