Sophie Bruns, M.A.


  • 1992 born in Hilden
  • 2011-2016 studies of Media Management at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research, Hanover
  • 2012-2016 Student Assistant at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research, Hanover
  • 2013 studies abroad at the José State University, California
  • Since November 2016 Research Assistant at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research, Hanover

Major teaching and research interests

  • Media effects research

  • Reception and entertainment research

  • Political communication

  • Methods of empirical social research


  • Member of the Alumni organization KommunikationsKultur e.V. (KKeV)

  • Member of International Communication Association (ICA), European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) and German Society of Mass Communication (DGPuK)



Link, E., Emde-Lachmund, K., Bruns, S., Dittrich, A., Stiesch, M., Haverich, A., Treue, S. & Klimmt, C. (2024). Public controversy and citizens’ attitude formation about animal research: A case for scholarship and recommendations on conflicts at the science-society interface. PLoS ONE, 19(1), e0295503.


Bruns, S., & Knop-Huelss, K. (2023). That’s so immoral! Investigating the effects of moral violations reported in the form of (in) complete moral dyads in news articles on emotions and memory. Human Communication Research, 49, 61-74,


Niemann-Lenz, J., Bruns, S., Hefner, D., Knop-Hülß, K., Possler, D., Reich, S., Reinecke, L., Scheper, J. & Klimmt, C. (2019). Crafting a strategic roadmap for computational methods in communication science: Learnings from the CCS 2018 Conference in Hanover. International Journal of Communication, 13 [Special section on Computational Communication Science, edited by E. Domahidi, J. Yang, J. Niemann-Lenz & L. Reinecke]. Retrieved from

Possler, D., Bruns, S. & Niemann-Lenz, J. (2019). Data is the new oil – but how do we drill it? Pathways to access and acquire large data sets in communication science. International Journal Of Communication, 13 [Special section on Computational Communication Science, edited by E. Domahidi, J. Yang, J. Niemann-Lenz & L. Reinecke]. Available



Leuppert, R., Rahe, V., Scherer, H. & Bruns, S. (2023, May). Brand or quality? Investigating the relevance of media brands and journalistic quality for the quality assessment of German news articles. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2023, Toronto, Canada.


Bruns, S., Scheper, J. & Meltzer, T. (2022, June). Schmeichelhafte Komplimente und wüste Beleidigungen – Der Einfluss medienvermittelter Intergruppenkontakte auf die Unterstützung von Minderheiten (Outgroup) unter Berücksichtigung affektiver und kognitiver Mediatoren [Flattering compliments and savage insults - The influence of mediated intergroup contact on minority (outgroup) support considering affective and cognitive mediators]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communciation's Expert Group Reception and Effects Research, June 7-9, 2022, Düsseldorf.

Scheper, J., Bruns, S. & Geber, S. (2022, June). Vermuteter Einfluss und wahrgenommene Normen: Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Mediennutzung, Presumed Influence und Social Distancing-Normen im Kontext der COVID-19-Pandemie [Presumed influence and perceived norms: On the relationship between media use, presumed influence, and social distancing norms in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communciation's Expert Group Reception and Effects Research, June 7-9, 2022, Düsseldorf.

Scheper, J., Bruns, S. & Meltzer, T. (2022, May). Flattering compliments and savage insults - The influence of mediated intergroup contact on minority (outgroup) support considering affective and cognitive mediators. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 26-30 May, 2022, Paris, France.


Bruns, S. & Scheper, J. (2021, April). Social-Distancing in Zeiten von Corona: Eine Längsschnittstudie zur Rolle von (Medien-) Kommunikation für soziale Normen zum Social-Distancing-Verhalten. [Social-Distancing in times of Corona. A longitudinal study on the role of (media) communication for social distancing norms]. Paper presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science - DACH21, April 7-9, 2021, Zurich, Switzerland [digitally].

Scheper, J., Bruns, S. (January, 2021). Davon will ich nichts mehr hören und sehen! Eine Längsschnittstudie zur Themenverdrossenheit in Zeiten von Corona und ihrem Zusammenhang mit Informationsvermeidung und Mediennutzung. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK Division "Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung", January, 29, 2021, Munich [digitally].


Knop-Hülß, K., & Bruns, S. (2019, May). The moral dyad in the news: Effects of immorality on emotional reaction, attention, and memory. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 24-28, 2019, Washington, D.C., USA.

Possler, D., Bruns, S. & Niemann-Lenz, J. (2019, May). Data is the new oil – but how do we drill it? Pathways to access and acquire large data sets in communication science. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA.

Bruns, S., Dittrich, A. & Klimmt, C. (2019, February). Wenn Wissenschaftskommunikation die soziale Identität bedroht: Voreinstellungen, Social Identity Threat und Ärgeremotionen gegenüber einem Informationsportal zu Tierversuchen [When science threatens social identity: Dispositions, social identity threat and emotions of anger regarding an information portal on animal experimentations]. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Expert Group Science Communication of the German Society of Mass Communication (DGPuK), February 6-8, 2019, Braunschweig.


Niemann-Lenz, J., Possler, D. & Bruns, S. (2018, September). Daten sind das neue Öl! Ok, aber wie fördern wir es? Möglichkeiten des Zugangs zu großen Kommunikationsdatensätzen [Data are the new oil! Okay, but how do we flow it? Possible access to big communication data sets]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Methods of the German Association of Mass Communication, September 12-14, 2018, Ilmenau.

Bruns, S. & Knop-Hülß (2018, May). Does morality make you remember? Effects of moral violations in news articles on emotional reaction and memory. Paper presentation at the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic. [Best student paper award of the information systems division]

Bruns, S., Scherer, H. & Niemann-Lenz, J. (2018, May). Bad news? The role of emotions in information processing of news stories. Paper presentation at the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.

Bruns, S., Scherer, H., Niemann-Lenz, J. (2018, January). Bad news? Wenn Nachrichten Emotionen wecken [Bad news? When news arouse emotions]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception ad Effects Research of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 26-28, 2018, Hohenheim.

Bruns, S., Knop-Hülß, K. (2018, January). Lernen durch moralische Emotionen – Effekte von moralischen Verletzungen in Nachrichtenartikeln auf Emotionen und Erinnerung [Learning by moral emotions - Effects of moral injuries in news articles on emotions and memory]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception ad Effects Research of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 26-28, 2018, Hohenheim.




Sophie Bruns, M.A.
Telephone: 0511-3100-488
Room: 2E.4.42

Last modified: 2024-07-19

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