Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beate Schneider, retired


  • 1947 born in Fulda
  • Mass Communication, Political Sciences and History studies at the universities of Mainz, Frankfurt and Tuscon/Arizona
  • Worked both as trainee and free lancer at the radio stations "Radio Bremen" and "Bavarian Radio", as well as for the Second German television "ZDF"
  • 1973 Ph.D. with the dissertation "Conflict, crisis and communication. A quantitative analysis of the domestic policies in Germany"
  • 1973-77 research employee in the planning commission of the University of Hamburg
  • 1977-85 research and university assistant in the Department of International Policy at the University of the German Armed Forces, Hamburg. At the same time working as lecturer of rhetoric and communication in adult education. Reporting on program and organization of radio stations
  • 1985-93 Professor of journalism, teaching with the focus on Media Comparison at the department's journalism program
  • 1993-2015 Professor of Media Science at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research
  • 1995-2002 and from February, 2009 to June, 2010 Director of the Department
  • 2010-2015 Vice President of the Hanover University of Music and Drama

Major teaching and research interests

Due to political developments in recent years, the focus of scientific work has shifted toward the development of media and journalism in the former GDR. Thus, several studies were conducted on the change of the newspaper market, on the attitudes of journalists and on the audience's interests in the new federal states.
According to the "Chair of organizational, legal and economic foundations of the media" research and teaching interests concentrate on national and international media systems, and on the analysis of media offers and their production.


  • Vice President of the Hanover University of Music and Drama (1993-1997)
  • Member of the scientific council of the national policital education board (until February 2004)
  • Member of the TV council of the German television station Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (until 2008)
  • Vice chair woman on the committee of the University of Erfurt (until 2008)
  • Member of the board of administration of the radio station Deutsche Welle
  • Member of the supervisory board of nordmedia
  • Member of the supervisory board of the radio station Hitradio Antenne Niedersachsen
  • Member of the advisory board of the Initiative D21
  • Committee member for the "Theodor Wolff Award"
  • Member of the scientific council of the journal „Die Politische Meinung“ (Political Opinion)
  • Curator of the Heitland Foundation


in print

Schneider, B. & Buschow, C. (in press). Neue politische Partizipation durch Begleitkommunikation? Potenziale von Social TV am Beispiel politischer Talkshows [New political participation through accompanying communication? Potentials of social TV using the example of political talkshows]. In G. Melischek, J. Seethaler & T. Eberwein (Eds.), Changing media – Changing democracy? Exploring the democratic potential of social media (pp. 191-208). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.


Schneider, B. & Buschow, C. (2018). Wege zum Journalismus - Agilität von Journalismusforschung und -lehre am Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationsforschung in Hannover [Ways to journalism - Agility of journalism research and journalism education at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research]. In A. Kreutziger-Herr, N. Noeske, N. K. Strohmann, A. Tumat, M. Unseld & S. Weiss (Eds.), Wege. Festschrift für Susanne Rode-Breymann [Ways. Festschrift in honor of Susanne Rode-Breymann] (pp. 313-324). Hildesheim, Zürich, New York: Georg Olms.


Schlütz, D., Emde-Lachmund, K., Schneider, B. & Glanzner, B. (2017). Transnational media representations and cultural convergence – An empirical study of cultural deterritorialization. Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 42(1), 47-66. doi.org/10.1515/commun-2017-0005


Klimmt, C., Link, E., Emde, K. & Schneider, B. (2016). Communication as integral element of biomedical implant innovation. BioNanoMaterials (Special Issue „Biofabrication“), 17 (1-2), 93-102.


Buschow, C. & Schneider, B. (2015). Future potential of social TV. In K. Mitschka (Ed.), Wohin? Public Value Bericht 2014/15 [Whereto? Public value report 2014/2015] (pp. 18-21). Vienna: Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF).

Buschow, C. & Schneider, B. (Eds.). (2015). Social TV in Deutschland [Social TV in Germany] (Vol. 30 of the monograph series of the the State Media Authority of Lower Saxony). Leipzig: VISTAS. http://www.nlm.de/fileadmin/dateien/aktuell/Publikationen/NLM_Band_30_web.pdf


Buschow, C. & Schneider, B. (2015). Social TV in Deutschland - Eine Einführung in Begrifflichkeiten und Forschungsbereiche [Social TV in Germany - An introduction to terminology and fields of Research]. In C. Buschow & B. Schneider (Eds.), Social TV in Deutschland [Social TV in Germany] (Vol. 30 of the monograph series of the the State Media Authority of Lower Saxony, pp. 11-35). Leipzig: VISTAS.


Buschow, C., Schneider, B. & Ueberheide, S. (2015). Twittern beim Fernsehen: Kommunikationsaktivitäten während der TV-Rezeption. In C. Buschow & B. Schneider (Eds.), Social TV in Deutschland [Social TV in Germany] (Vol. 30 of the monograph series of the the State Media Authority of Lower Saxony, pp. 67-84). Leipzig: VISTAS.

Published in English: Buschow, C., Schneider, B. & Ueberheide, S. (2014). Tweeting television: Exploring communication activities on Twitter while watching TV. Communications - The European Journal of Communication Research (EJCR), 39 (2), 129-149. doi.org/10.1515/commun-2014-0009


Buschow, C., Ueberheide, S. & Schneider, B. (2015). Was treibt Social TV? Motive für die Nutzung von Social Media während des Fernsehens [What drives social TV? Motives of use of social media during television reception]. In C. Buschow & B. Schneider (Eds.), Social TV in Deutschland [Social TV in Germany] (Vol. 30 of the monograph series of the the State Media Authority of Lower Saxony, pp. 67-84). Leipzig: VISTAS.


Buschow, C., Schneider, B., Ueberheide, S. & Wiens, M. (2015). Social TV in Deutschland 2014: Eine Markteinschätzung [Social TV in Germany in 2014: A market assessment]. In C. Buschow & B. Schneider (Eds.), Social TV in Deutschland [Social TV in Germany] (Vol. 30 of the monograph series of the the State Media Authority of Lower Saxony, pp. 185-200). Leipzig: VISTAS.


Laugemann, R., Buschow, C. & Schneider, B. (2015). Wer gewinnt den ‚War for Talent’ in der Medienwirtschaft: Konzerne oder Start-ups? [Who wins the ‚War for Talent’ in media economy: Corporations or startup companies?]. MedienWirtschaft, 12 (4), 24-31.

Possler, D., Hautzer, L., Buschow, C., Scherer, H. & Schneider, B. (2015). Die Dynamik von Social TV – Themenverläufe und Aufmerksamkeitsfaktoren der Twitter-Diskussion zum Dschungelcamp [The dynamic of social TV - Course of subjects and factors of attentiveness of the Twitter discussion about "I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!"]. In S. Pagel (Ed.), Schnittstellen (in) der Medienökonomie [Interactions in/of media economy] (pp. 279-300). Baden-Baden: Nomos.


Wolf, A.-L., Buschow, C. & Schneider, B. (2015). Die strategische Bedeutung von Social TV. Eine Untersuchung der Social-TV-Aktivitäten zu Sendungen im deutschen Fernsehen [The strategic importance of social TV. A study on social TV activities regarding programs on German Television]. Medien Journal, 38 (3), 30-43.



Buschow, C., Noelle, I. & Schneider, B. (2014). German book publishers' barriers to disruptive innovations: The case of e-book adoption. Publishing Research Quarterly, 30 (1), 63-76. doi:10.1007/s12109-014-9342-y

Buschow, C., Schneider, B. & Ueberheide, S. (2014). Tweeting television: Exploring communication activities on Twitter while watching TV. Communications - The European Journal of Communication Research (EJCR), 39 (2), 129-149. www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/commun-2014-0009/html

Published in German: Buschow, C., Schneider, B. & Ueberheide, S. (2015). Twittern beim Fernsehen: Kommunikationsaktivitäten während der TV-Rezeption. In C. Buschow & B. Schneider (Eds.), Social TV in Deutschland [Social TV in Germany] (Vol. 30 of the monograph series of the the State Media Authority of Lower Saxony, pp. 67-84). Leipzig: VISTAS.

Knabe, F., Möhring, W. & Schneider, B. (2014). Konkurrenz, Korrektorat oder Ideenpool? Die Beziehung von Lokaljournalisten zu partizipativen lokalen Plattformen am Beispiel von myheimat.de [Competition, proofreading or pool of ideas? Local journalists' relationship with participatory plattforms using the example of myheimat.de]. In W. Loosen & M. Dohle (Eds.), Journalismus und (sein) Publikum. Schnittstellen zwischen Journalismusforschung und Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung [Journalism and (its) audience. Gateways between journalism research and reception and effects research] (pp. 153-170). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Mischok, K., Buschow, C. & Schneider, B. (2014). Gastbeitrag: Verschenktes Potenzial [Guest contribution: Wasted potential]. kressreport, no Vol. (2), 30-31.

Schlütz, D. & Schneider, B. (2014). Does cultural capital compensate for cultural discount? Why German students prefer US-American TV series. In V. Marinescu, S. Branea & B. Mitu (Eds.), Critical reflections on audience and narrativity: New connections, new perspectives (pp. 7-26). Stuttgart: ibidem.

Schlütz, D., Schneider, B. & Zehrfeld, M. (2014). 'America's favorite serial killer': Enjoyment of the TV serial 'Dexter'. In V. Marinescu, S. Branea & B. Mitu (Eds.), Contemporary television series: Narrative structures and audience perception (pp. 115-132). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Wunn, I. & Schneider, B. (Eds.). (2014). Das Gewaltpotenzial der Religionen [The violence potential of religions]. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Wunn, I. & Schneider, B. (2014). Vorwort [Introduction]. In I. Wunn & B. Schneider (Hrsg.), Das Gewaltpotenzial der Religionen [The violence potential of religions] (pp. 7-14). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.


Buschow, C., Schneider, B., Bauer, A., Carstensen, L. & Drabner, K. (2013). Wer nutzt Social TV? Die Nutzer als Treiber sozialer Interaktion mit Fernsehinhalten[Who is using social TV? Users as promoters of social interaction with television content]. MedienWirtschaft, 10 (4), 48-57.

Buschow, C., Schneider, B., Carstensen, L., Heuer, M. & Schoft, A. (2013). Social TV in Deutschland – Rettet soziale Interaktion das lineare Fernsehen? [Social TV in Germany - Is linear television saved by social interaction?]. MedienWirtschaft, 10 (1), 24-32.

Schneider, B. & Buschow, C. (2013). Fernsehen trifft Social Media. Was Social TV für Produktionsunternehmen bedeutet [Television meets social media. The significance of social TV for production companies]. Medienproduktion - Online Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Praxis, no Vol. (4), 7-9. http://www2.tu-ilmenau.de/zsmp/fernsehen_trifft_social_media_schneider_buschow


Brandt, S., Möhring, W. & Schneider, B. (2012). Lokaler Bürgerjournalismus: Ergänzung oder Konkurrenz zur Tageszeitung? [Local participatory journalism: Complement or compete with the newspaper?]. SC|M – Studies in Communication|Media – Online, (3-4).


Scherer, H. & Schneider, B. (2011). Music on radio and television. In S. Schulmeistrat & M. Wallscheid (Eds.), Musical life in Germany. Structure, facts and figures (pp. 219-239). Bonn: Deutscher Musikrat gemeinnützige mbH, Deutsches Musikinformationszentrum.


Schneider, B. (2010). Die Wende auf dem Medienmarkt [The transition on the media market]. In G. Buchstab, H.-O. Kleinmann & H. J. Küsters (Eds.), Die Ära Kohl im Gespräch. Eine Zwischenbilanz [The era of Chancellor Kohl in discussion. An interim balance] (pp. 101-109). Cologne: Böhlau.

Schneider, B. (2010). German press in the Third Reich. In S. Dosenrode (Ed.), Freedom of the press. On Censorship, self-censorship, and press ethics (pp. 43-58). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Schneider, B. (2010). Internationale und supranationale Kommunikationsbeziehungen [International and supranational communication relationships]. In  P. Schiwy, W. J. Schütz & D. Dörr (Eds.), Medienrecht – Lexikon für Praxis und Wissenschaft [Media law - Encyclopedia for practice and science] (pp. 230-237). Cologne: Carl Heymanns Verlag.

Schneider, B., Scherer, H., Gonser, N. & Tiele, A. (2010). Medienpädagogische Kompetenz in Kinderschuhen. Eine empirische Studie zur Medienkompetenz von Erzieherinnen und Erziehern in Kindergärten [Competence in media education is still in the early days of development. An empirical study on media competence of female and male pre-school teachers]. Berlin: Vistas.


Blumberg, K., Möhring, W. & Schneider, B. (2009). Risiko und Nutzen der Informationspreisgabe in sozialen Netzwerken [Risk and use of information exposure in social networks]. Zeitschrift für Kommunikationsökologie und Medienethik, 11(1), 16-22.

Schneider, B. & Schütz, W. J. (2009). Zur Entwicklung und Struktur parteinaher Zeitungen seit 1945 (I). Grundrichtung: christlich-demokratisch [On the development and structure of political party-oriented newspapers since 1945 (I). Basic tendency: christian-democrats]. In Jahrbuch für Kommunikationsgeschichte [Yearbook for Communication History] (Vol. 11, pp. 82-94). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.


Arnold, A.-K. & Schneider, B. (2008). Interdisziplinärer Theorietransfer in der Kommunikationswissenschaft am Beispiel des sozialen Kapitals [Interdisciplinary theory transfer in mass communication using the example of the social capital] (pp. 193-209). In C. Winter, A. Hepp & F. Krotz (Eds.), Theorien der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. Grundlegende Diskussionen, Forschungsfelder und Theorienentwicklungen [Theories of mass communication and media science. Basic discussions, fields of research and development of theories]. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Möhring, W. & Schneider, B. (2008). Keyword: Exposure to print media. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of communication (Vol. IV, pp. 1680-1686). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Schneider, B. (2008). Pressesysteme im Vergleich: Ein Erfahrungsbericht [Comparing press systems: A report]. In G. Melischek, J. Seethaler & J. Wilke (Eds.), Medien & Kommunikationsforschung im Vergleich. Grundlagen, Gegenstandsbereiche, Verfahrensweisen [Comparing media and communication research. Basics, subject areas, methods] (pp. 75-82). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


Arnold, A.-K. & Schneider, B. (2007). Communicating separation? Ethnic media and ethnic journalists as institutions of integration in Germany. Journalism. Theory, Practice and Criticism, 8 (2), 115-136.

Arnold, A.-K. & Schneider, B. (2007). Zwischen Integration und Bewahrung. Studie zum Selbstverständnis türkischer Journalisten [Between integration and keeping tradition. A study on the self-conception of Turkish journalists]. Journalistik Journal, 10 (2), 22-23.

Kistner, A., Möhring, W. & Schneider, B. (2007). Etablierung von Gratiszeitungen in Deutschland: Strategien und Marktreaktionen aus Sicht von Experten [The establishment of complimentary newspapers in Germany: Strategies and market reactions from experts' perspective]. MedienWirtschaft, 4 (1), 32-41.

Schneider, B. (2007). El sistema de medios de comunicación en Alemania [The communication media in Germany]. Derecho comparado de la información, 9, 201-212.

Schneider, B. & Schütz, W. J. (2007). Grundrichtung: christlich-demokratisch. Zur Entwicklung und Struktur parteinaher Zeitungen seit 1945 [Basic tendency: christican democratic. On the development and the structure of party-related newspapers since 1945]. In B. Vogel, D. Herz & M. Kneuer (Eds.), Politik - Kommunikation - Kultur. Festschrift für Wolfgang Bergsdorf [Politics - communication - culture. Festschrift in honor of Wolfgang Bergsdorf] (pp. 455-485). Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.

Schneider, B. & Weinacht, S. (Eds.). (2007). Musikwirtschaft und Medien. Märkte – Unternehmen – Strategien. Reihe: Praxisforum Medienmanagement, Bd. 7 [Music economy and the media. Markets - companies - strategies. Series: Practice panel media management, Vol. 7]. Munich: Verlag Reinhard Fischer.

Weinacht, S. & Schneider, B. (2007). Kooperation und Konkurrenz. Zum Verhältnis von Musik und Medien [Cooperation and competition. On the relationship of music and the media]. In B. Schneider & S. Weinacht (Eds.), Musikwirtschaft und Medien. Märkte – Unternehmen – Strategien. Reihe: Praxisforum Medienmanagement, Bd. 7 [Music economy and the media. Markets - companies - strategies. Series: Practice panel media management, Vol. 7] (pp. 5-14). Munich: Verlag Reinhard Fischer.


Klimmt, C., Frank, S. & Schneider, B. (2006). ‚Die Botschaft hör’ ich wohl, allein mir fehlt der Glaube’: Die Argumente der Musikindustrie gegen Filesharing aus der Sicht der (Viel-) Nutzer von Internet-Tauschbörsen. ['I listen to the message but do not believe': The arguments of the music industry against file sharing from the perspective of (heavy) users of Internet exchanges] In M. Friedrichsen, W. Mühl-Benninghaus & W. Schweiger (Eds.), Neue Technik, neue Medien, neue Gesellschaft? Ökonomische Herausforderungen der Onlinekommunikation [New technique, new media, new society? Economic challenges of online communication] (pp. 49-66). Munich: R. Fischer.

Scherer, H., Schneider, B. & Gonser, N. (2006). „Am Tage schaue ich nicht fern!" Determinanten der Mediennutzung älterer Menschen ["I don't watch television during day-time!" Determinants of media use of eldery people]. Publizistik, 51(3), 333-348.

Schneider, B. & Arnold, A.-K. (2006). Die Kontroverse um die Mediennutzung von Migranten: Massenmediale Ghettoisierung oder Einheit durch Mainstream? [The controversy about media use of migrants. Ghettoization by Mass media or unity by mainstream?]. In R. Geißler & H. Pöttker (Eds.), Integration durch Massenmedien. Medien und Migration im internationalen Vergleich [Integration by mass media. An international comparison of media and migration] (pp. 93-120). Bielefeld: transcript.

Schneider, B. & Möhring, W. (Eds.). (2006). Praxis des Zeitungsmanagements. Ein Kompendium [Newspaper management in practice. A compendium]. Munich: Verlag Reinhard Fischer.

Tavra, M., Möhring, W. & Schneider. B. (2006). Jugendmedienschutz in Kroatien - trotz Notwendigkeit und Einsicht kaum praktiziert [Legal protection for adolescents regarding the media in Croatia - inspite of its necessity it is hardly practised]. tv-diskurs, 10 (2), 8-10.


Möhring, W., Tiele, A., Scherer, H. & Schneider, B. (2005). Repräsentative Stichprobe des Zeitungsmarktes - die Methode der Publizistischen Stichprobe als computerbasiertes Auswahlverfahren [A representative sample of the newspaper market - the method of the mass communication sample as a computer-based selective operation]. In Gehrau, V., Fretwurst, B., Krause, B. & Daschmann, G. (Eds.), Auswahlverfahren in der Kommunikationswissenschaft] Selective operations in mass communication] (pp. 158-172). Cologne: Halem.

Scherer, H., Schneider, B., Gonser N. & Roßa, P. (2005). Familienbilder und Familienthemen in fiktionalen und non-fiktionalen Fernsehsendungen [Family images and family topics in fictional and non-fictional TV programs]. Sub-Study "Program Analysis" (Final Report) for the Adolf-Grimme-Institut. Hannover.

Schneider, B. (2005). Vom Osten lernen - Umbrüche am Markt. Ehemalige SED-Zeitungen behielten ihre Privilegien [Learning from East Germany - changes on the market. Former SED newspapers kept their privileges]. Journalistik Journal, 8 (1), 26-27.

Schneider, B. & Arnold, A.-K. (2005). A bridge between host and home: The role of the Internet for cultural identity and integration processes. In A. Usluata & J. Rosenbaum (Eds.), Shaping the future of communication research in Europe (pp. 53-72). Istanbul: Yeditepe University Publications.


Arnold, A.-K. & Schneider, B. (2004). TV kills Social Capital? Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Sozialkapitalforschung von Robert Putnam [TV kills social capital? A critical discussion on Robert Putnam's research of social capital]. Publizistik, 49 (4), 423-438.

Aschentrup, A., Schneider, B. & Klimmt, C. (2004). Chancen und Probleme von Video on Demand in Deutschland [Chances and problems of video on demand in Germany]. Medienwirtschaft, 1 (4), 182-192.

Krause, M., Klimmt, C. & Schneider, B. (2004). Das Kommunikationswerkzeug als Lifestyle-Accesoire: Eine kultursoziologische Studie zur Alltagsästhetik des Mobiltelefons bei Jugendlichen [The instrument of communication as lifestyle accessories: A socio-cultural study on the every-day aesthetics of the mobile phone with adolescents]. Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 52 (3), 432-454.

Schneider, B. (2004). Nach der Medienwende in der DDR [The media in the process of reunification]. Die Politische Meinung, no Vol. (2), 17-22.

Schneider, B. & Arnold, A.-K. (2004). Mediennutzung und Integration türkischer Migranten in Deutschland [Media use and integration of Turkish migrants in Germany]. In H. Pöttker & T. Meyer (Eds.), Kritische Empirie. Lebenschancen in den Sozialwissenschaften [Critical empiry. The chances to live in social sciences] (pp. 489-503). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Schneider, B. & Arnold, A.-K. (2004). Türkische Journalisten in Deutschland. Zwischen Integration und Bewahrung [Turkish journalists in Germany. Between integration and preservation]. In K. Neubert & H. Scherer (Hrsg.), Die Zukunft der Kommunikationsberufe. Ausbildung, Berufsfelder, Arbeitsweisen [The future of the communication professions. Education, fields of profession, working methods] (pp. 245-263). Konstanz: UVK.

Schneider, B. & Schütz, W. J. (Eds.). (2004). Europäische Pressemärkte. Annäherungen an eine länderübergreifende Zeitungsstatistik (Jahrbuch der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften) [European print markets. An approach towards cross-country newspaper statistics (Yearbook of the Austrian Academy of Sciences]. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Editorial Office in Hanover: Anne-Katrin Arnold.

Schütz, W. J. & Schneider, B. (2004). Ziele und Instrumente des Forschungsvorhabens "Europäische Pressemärkte" [Goals and instruments of the research project "European Press Markets"]. In B. Schneider & Schütz, W. J. (Eds.), Europäische Pressemärkte/European Press Markets. Annäherungen an eine länderübergreifende Zeitungsstatistik [European press markets. An approach towards cross-country newspaper statistics (Yearbook of the Austrian Academy of Sciences] (pp. 13-15, 19-31). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.


Arnold, A.-K. & Schneider, B. (2003). Das soziale Kapital unserer Gesellschaft. Eine bevölkerungsrepräsentative Erhebung in Niedersachsen. Forschungsbericht im Auftrag des niedersächsischen Justizministeriums [The social capital of your society. A representative survey of the population in Lower Saxony. Research report for the Lower Saxony Ministry of Justice].


Schneider, B. (2002). Die Wende auf dem Medienmarkt [The transition on the media market]. Historisch Politische Mitteilungen, 9.

Schneider, B. (2002). Die Zeitungen müssen billiger werden [Newspapers have to get cheaper]. Promedia, 8, 20-21.

Schneider, B. (2002). Inszenierte Aufgeregtheiten: Real Life Formate - Fernsehen der Zukunft oder eine Eintagsfliege? [Directed excitments: Real life formats - television of the future or nine day's wonder?] - Dokumentation der Tagung der Niedersächsischen Landesmedienanstalt für privaten Rundfunk im Juni 2001, Band 13 der Schriftenreihe der NLM [Documentation of the conference of the Lower Saxony Media Institute for Commercial Broadcasting] (pp. 49-58). Berlin: Vistas-Verlag.


Schneider, B. & Harden, L. (2001). Biotechnologie als interdisziplinäres Studienfach - Volkswirte, Chemiker und Medienwissenschaftler entdecken Gemeinsamkeiten [Biotechnology as an interdisciplinary field of study – economists, chemists and media scientists discover common ground]. In Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (Eds.). Biotechnologie als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung? [The interdisciplinary challenge posed by biotechnology] Osnabrück: DBU.


Schneider, B. & Harden, L. (2000). Das Bild der NORD/LB in der Presse - eine Inhaltsanalyse. Gutachten für die Unternehmenskommunikation der Norddeutschen Landesbank [The image of the NORD/LB in the press – a content analysis. Report for the Norddeutschen Landesbank].

Schneider, B. & Peters, L. (2000). Zielgruppen-Konzept von DW-tv bestätigt [Target group concept confirmed by Deutsche Welle TV]. DW-report (3), P. 7-9.

Schneider, B., Möhring, W. & Stürzebecher, D. (2000). Ortsbestimmung. Lokaljournalismus in den neuen Ländern [Local determination. Local journalism in the new federal states]. Konstanz: UVK.


Schneider, B. (1999). Angebotsvielfalt im deutschen Medienmarkt [Variety of offers on the German media market]. In Medientage München ´98. Dokumentation. Informationsreihe der Münchner Gesellschaft für Kabelkommunikation (P. 78-83). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Schneider, B. (1999). Die Rolle der Medien für die Wiedervereinigung [The role of the media for reunification]. In Jürgen Wilke (Ed.), Mediengeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau, P. 602-632.

Schneider, B. (1999). Liberalisierung oder Monopolisierung? Die Entwicklung der Eigentumsverhältnisse in den Printmedien seit 1989 in Deutschland [Liberalization or monopolization? The development of the distribution of property in the print media since 1989 in Germany]. Transodra, Deutsch-Polnisches Informationsmagazin, Nr. 19, 83-91.

Schneider, B. (1999). Massenmedien im Prozeß der deutschen Vereinigung [Mass media in the process of the German reunification]. In Jürgen Wilke (Ed.), Mediengeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 1999, P. 602-632.

Schneider, B. (1999). Musik im privaten Rundfunk [Music in commercial broadcasting]. In Deutscher Musikrat (Ed.), Musikalmanach 1999/2000. Daten und Fakten zum Musikleben in Deutschland (P. 67-74). Kassel: Gustav Bosse Verlag und Bärenreiter Verlag.

Knobloch, S. & Schneider, B. (1999). Fein und folgenreich: Besonderheiten von Medien als Wirtschaftsunternehmen [Fine and effective: Peculiarities of media as economic businesses]. In B. Schneider & S. Knobloch (Eds.). Controlling-Praxis in Medienunternahmen [controlling practice in media companies] (pp. 3-17). Neuwied, Kriftel: Luchterhand.

Schneider, B., Breitkopf, K. Schiwy, P. & Stürzebecher, D. (1999). Medien und Telekommunikation. Die Sammlung des gesamten Rechts und der wichtigsten Rechtsprechung für Presse, Rundfunk, Multimedia [Media and telecommunications. Compilation of the most important jurisdictions together with every law relating to print, broadcasting and multimedia]. [Loose-leaf edition and CD-ROM]. Percha: Verlag R.S. Schulz.

Schneider, B. & Knobloch, S. (Ed.). (1999). Controlling-Praxis in Medienunternehmen [controlling practice in media companies] (pp. 3-17). Neuwied, Kriftel: Luchterhand.

Schneider, B. & Stürzebecher, D. (1999). Bilanz der Einheit [Evaluation of reunification]. journalist, Nr. 12, 1999, P.42-44

Schneider, B. & Stürzebecher, D. (1999). Wenn das Blatt sich wendet. Die Tagespresse in den neuen Bundesländern [When the tables have turned. Daily newspapers in the new federal states]. Baden-Baden: Nomos.


Schneider, B. (1998). Das Mediensystem als politischer Akteur [The media system as political protagonist]. In O. Jarren, U. Sarcinelli & U. Saxer (Ed.), Politische Kommunkation in der demokratischen Gesellschaft [Political communication in the democratic society]. [Handbook  with Lexicon]  (P. 422-430). Opladen/Wiesbaden.

Schneider, B. (1998). Die Rolle der Medien für die Wiedervereinigung [The role of the media in reunification]. In J. Wilke (Ed.), 50 Jahre Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Die Medien [50 years Federal Republic of Germany: The media]. Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, Bonn.

Schneider, B. (1998). Informationsgesellschaft und Auslandsrundfunk [The Information society and broadcasting in foreign countries]. In W. A. Mahle (Ed.), Kultur in der Informationsgesellschaft [Culture in the information society] (P. 141-148). Konstanz.

Schneider, B. & Breitkopf, K. & Schiwy, P. (1989). Multimedia ante portas - Medien und Medienrecht vor neuen Herausforderungen [Multimedia ante portas – new challenges for media and media law]. In Festschrift - 40 Jahre Verlag R. S. Schulz (P. 141-170). Starnberg.

Schneider, B., Schönbach, K. & Stürzebecher, D. (1998). German journalists in the 1990s. In D. H. Weaver (Ed.), The global journalist: Studies of news people around the world (P. 213-228). Cresskill, NJ.: Hampton Press.


Schneider, B. (1997). Die Entwicklung des privaten Rundfunks in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [The development of private broadcasters in the Federal Republic of Germany]. In Deutscher Musikrat (Ed.), Musik-Almanach [Music Almanac] 1996/97 (P. 82-87). Bonn.

Schneider, B. (1997). "Mediensystem" [Media system]. In O. Jarren, Sarcinelli, U. & Saxer, U. (Ed.), Politische Kommunikation in der demokratischen Gesellschaft [Political communication in the democratic society]. [Handbook  with Lexicon].
Schneider, B., Möhring, W. & Stürzebecher, D. (1997). Lokalzeitungen in Ostdeutschland - Strukturen, publizistische Leistungen und Leserschaft [Local newspapers in Eastern Germany – structures, journalistic achievements and readership]. Media Perspektiven, 378-390.

Schneider, B. & Stürzebecher, D. (1997). Les Médias en Allemagne Unifiée [The media in reunited Germany]. In D. Gutzen (éd.): Les Répercussions de l'Unification en Allgemagne [Repercussions of a united Germany]. Paris: PU

Schneider, B., Stürzebecher, D., Möhring, W., Urban, D., Hoffmeister, H. & Lengen, H. v. (1997, Oktober). Medienentwicklung in Deutschland. Anbieter, Angebote, Nutzung, Wirtschaftsdaten und Technik. Eine Dokumentation. Gutachten für den VPRT.


Schneider, B. (1996). Die ostdeutsche Tagespresse [East German daily newspapers]. In H. Süssmuth (Ed.), Theorien und Forschungsfelder der Medienwissenschaft [Theories and research fields of media science]. Bonn.

Schneider, B. (1996). Musik in Radio und Fernsehen [Music in Radio and Television]. In R. Jakoby (Ed.), Musikleben in Deutschland. Struktur - Entwicklung – Zahlen [Music life in Germany. Structure – facts and figures]. Inter Nationes. Bonn.

Schneider, B., Möhring, W. & Stürzebecher, D. (1996). Lokalberichterstattung in den neuen Bundesländern in Städten und Gemeinden unter 100.000 Einwohnern [Local coverage in the new States, Cities and localities under a population of 100,000]. Hanover, Research report for the Presse- und Informationsamtes der Bundesregierung.
Book I: Anbieter und Angebotsstrukturen [Offerer and offer structures] (in co-operation with Lars Harden)
Book II: Publizistische Leistung lokaler Tageszeitungen [Journalistic merit of local newspapers] (in co-operation with Corinna Klimisch)
Book III: Nutzung und Bewertung lokaler Informationsangebote [Usage and evaluation of local information offer] (in co-operation with Axel Kempen)
Book IV: Anhang zu Band I: Anbieter und Angebotsstrukturen [Appendix to Book I] (in co-operation with Lars Harden)

Schneider, B. & Stürzebecher, D. (1996). Im Osten nichts Neues? Die Entwicklung der ostdeutschen Tageszeitungen nach der Wende in der DDR [Nothing new in the east? The development of east German daily newspapers since reunification]. Bonn, ZV-Verlag.

Schneider, B. & Stürzebecher, D. (1996). Medienlandschaft Niedersachsen [The media arena in Lower Saxony]. In H. H. Sehdorf & H.-H. Meyer (Ed.), Niedersachsen als Wirtschafts- und Kulturraum [The economic and culture sphere of Lower Saxony] (P. 229-237). Hanover.

Schneider, B. & Stürzebecher, D. (1996). Ostdeutsche Lesart. Publizistische Merkmale von Tageszeitungen in den neuen Ländern [East German reading habits. Journalistic characteristics of daily newspapers in the new states]. Zeitschrift für Medienkritik, 2, 27-29.


Schneider, B. (1995). Nach allen Regeln der Zunft: Zeitungswettbewerb in Deutschland [Following the rules: Newspaper competition in Germany]. In M. Haller, K. Puder & J. Schlevoigt (Ed.), Presse Ost - Presse West. Journalismus im vereinten Deutschland (P. 53-64). Berlin: Vistas.

Schneider, B., Becker, P. & Edler, A. (Ed.). (1995): Zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst [Between Science and Art]. Tribute to Richard Jakoby. Mainz: Schott.

Schneider, B., Reumann, K. & Schiwy, P. (Ed.). (1995). Publizistik. Beiträge zur Medienentwicklung [Journalistic. Contributions to Media development]. Tribute to Walter J. Schütz. Konstanz: Universitätsverlag.

Schneider, B. & Stürzebecher, D. (1995). Zwischen Profilierung und Anpassung. Zur publizistischen Entwicklung ostdeutscher Tageszeitungen 1991 – 1994 [Between profiling and conforming. On journalistic development of east German daily newspapers]. In B. Schneider, K. Reumann & P. Schiwy (Ed.), Publizistik. Beiträge zur Medienentwicklung . Tribute to Walter J. Schütz. Konstanz: Universitätsverlag.



Buschow, C. & Schneider, B. (2017, September). Bewegtbild online. Neue Strategien für Video im Digitalen [Moving image online. New strategies for video in the digital media]. Invited paper, Institute for Communication, AutoUni of the Volkswagen AG, September 21, 2017, Wolfsburg.

Klimmt, C., Wahl, S., Bruns, S., Scheper, T. & Schneider, B. (2017, May). Consumer responses to biotechnology declarations on food boxes: Discrepancies between general attitudes and specific product evaluations. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2017, San Diego, USA.


Buschow, C., Laugemann, R., Schneider, B. (2016, May). Who will win the war for talent in media industries: Corporates or startups? Paper presented at the 12th World Media Economics and Management Conference, May 2-6, 2016, New York, USA.


Laugemann, R., Buschow, C. & Schneider, B. (2015, November). Startup or corporate? Future career path of media students in Germany. Paper presente at the Creativity Meets Business Conference 2015, November 26, 2015, Cologne.

Emde, K., Link, E., Klimmt, C. & Schneider, B. (2015, January). Revolution oder Mogelpackung? Die mediale Berichterstattung zu personalisierter Medizin. Eine Frame-Analyse des Chancen-Risiken-Diskurses und seiner Akteure [Revolution or fraud? Media news coverage on personalized medicin. A frame analysis of the chances and risks discourse and its actors]. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Ad-Hoc Group Science Communication (German Society of Mass Communication), January 30-31, 2015, Jena.


Possler, D., Hautzer, L., Scherer, H., Schneider, B. & Buschow, C. (2014, November). Die Dynamik von Social TV - Themenverläufe und inhaltliche Aufmerksamkeitsfaktoren [The dynamic of social TV - Courses of subjects and content-based factors of attentiveness]. Paper presented at the Conference "Interfaces (in) of Media Economy", Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, Expert Group "Media Economy", November 14, 2014, Mainz.

Schneider, B. & Buschow, C. (2014, November). (Neue) politische Partizipation durch Begleitkommunikation? Potenziale und Herausforderungen von Social TV für die politische Kommunikation [(New) political participation by accompanying communication? Potentials and challenges of social TV for political communication]. Paper presented at the conference in celebration of the 20-year existence of the Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, November 6, 2014, Vienna.

Buschow, C., Ueberheide, S. & Schneider, B. (2014, May). What drives Social TV? An examination of the motives for using Social Media while watching TV. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 22-26, 2014, Seattle, WA, USA.

Wahl, S., Klimmt, C., Schneider, B., Scheper, T., Berger, R. & Beutel, S. (2014, May). Predicting the lines of communication conflict: Dimensions of concern about flavor and aroma biotechnology among citizens and experts. Poster presentation at the 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, May 5-8, 2014, Salvador, Brasil.

Buschow, C. & Schneider, B. (2014, April). Encouraging entrepreneurship in disruptive environments - The case of "media entrepreneurs" (with M. Schild). Poster presentation at the University-Industry Interaction Conference of University Industry Innovation Networks, April 23-25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain.


Buschow, C. & Schneider, B. (2013, November). Das neue Fernsehen – Interaktivität als Leitmotiv [The new television – Interactivity as leitmotif]. Paper presented at "media ahead", Future Conference for Digital Media, November 23, 2013, Hannover.

Buschow, C., Schneider, B. & Ueberheide, S. (2013, June). Tweeting television: Exploring communication activities on Twitter while watching TV. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, June 17-21, 2013, London, UK.


Schneider, B. & Buschow, C. (2012, November). Die neue Lust am Fernsehen durch soziale Interaktion [The new passion for television caused by social interaction]. Paper presented at the Television Forum of the Working Group TELETEST, November 7, 2012, Vienna.

Dyszy, A., Schlütz, D. & Schneider, B. (2012, October). Being German in the virtual World War II. Paper presented at the Games-Pre-Conference of the 4th Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), October 24-27, 2012, Istanbul.

Schlütz, D., Schneider, B. & Zehrfeld, M. (2012, October). Moral judgment and entertainment: Enjoyment of the TV series 'Dexter'. Paper presented at the Games-Pre-Conference of the 4th Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), October 24-27, 2012, Istanbul.

Glanzner, B., Schlütz, D. & Schneider, B. (2012, May). The self-reinforcing process of cultural deterritorialization: Intercultural capital, transnational media representations and cultural vicinity: An empirical study. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 24-28, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Nölle, I., Buschow, C. & Schneider, B. (2012, May). Organizations’ barriers to disruptive innovations: Examining e-book adoption by German book publishers. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 24-28, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Schneider, B. & Buschow, C. (2012, January). Social TV - Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen "multi-billion dollar business"? [Social TV - On the way to a new "multi-billion dollar business"?]. Paper presented at the Lecture Series "Media Future - Trends, Prognoses, Visions", January 12, Hannover.


Scherer, H. & Schneider B. (2011, July). Media literacy in kindergartens/pre-schools: The case of Germany. Paper presented at the Conference of the  International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), July 13-17, 2011, Istanbul.

Schlütz, D., Schneider, B. & Stipp, H. (2011, Mai). Cultural proximity from an audience point of view. Why German students prefer US-American TV-series. Paper presented at the 61st Conference of the International Communication Association, May 26-30, 2011, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.


Schneider, B., Scherer, H. & Gonser, N. (2006, October). „Alles läuft wie geschmiert!?" – Genderspezifische Darstellungen des Familienalltags in Serien des deutschen Fernsehens ["Isn't everything just dandy!?" - Gender specific descriptions of family every-day life in TV series in Germany]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group "Media, Public and Gender" of the German Society of Mass Communication, October 5-7, 2006, Lüneburg.

Schneider, B. (2006, August). Kommunikation in der Krise [Communication in crisis]. Paper presented at the Product Conference for AOK Media, August 25-26, 2006, Fulda.

Schneider, B. (2006, June). The press in transition: Changes and continuities in East Germany. Paper presented at the 56th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Mass Communication Division, June 19-23, 2006, Dresden.


Frank, S., Klimmt, C. & Schneider, B. (2005, November). ‚Die Botschaft hör' ich wohl, allein mir fehlt der Glaube': Die Argumente der Musikindustrie gegen Filesharing aus der Sicht der (Viel-) Nutzer von Internet-Tauschbörsen ['I listen to the message but do not believe': The arguments of the music industry against file sharing from the perspective of (heavy) users of Internet exchanges]. Paper presented at the joint conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Experts Groups "Computer-mediated communication" and "Media Economy", November 10-12, 2005, Berlin.

Schneider, B. (2005, August). Wechselbeziehungen: Medien und Politik [Correlations: Media and politics]. Paper presented at the Summer School for Political Consulting of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Barnaul (Sibiria).

Schneider, B. (2005, August). Medien als vierte Gewalt in der Demokratie [The media as the Fourth Power in democracy]. Seminar of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Wladiwostok.

Schneider, B. & Arnold, A.-K. (2005, May). Bridging host and home: The role of Internet communication for cultural identity and integration processes of ethnic minorities. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 29, 2005, New York.

Scherer, H., Schneider, B. & Gonser, N. (2005, May). Determinanten der Mediennutzung älterer Menschen [Determinants of media use of elderly people]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 4-6, 2005, Hamburg.

Schneider, B., Arnold, A.-K. & Greve, W. (2005, May). Paradigmenwechsel in der Kriminalitätsberichterstattung. Qualitative und quantitative Veränderungen von 1971 bis 2001 [Paradigm change in news coverage on crimes. Qualitative and quantitative changes, 1971-2001]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 4-6, 2005, Hamburg.

Arnold, A.-K. & Schneider, B. (2005, February). Die Vernetzung interdisziplinärer Theorien am Beispiel des sozialen Kapitals [The cross-linking of interdisciplinary theories using the example of the social capital]. Paper presented at the conference "Theories of Mass Communication: Review and discussion", February 4, 2005, Bremen.


Möhring, W., Tiele, A., Scherer, H. & Schneider, B. (2004, October). Repräsentative Stichprobe des Zeitungsmarktes – die Methode der Publizistischen Stichprobe als computerbasiertes Auswahlverfahren [A representative sample of the newspaper market - the method of the newspaper sample as a computer-based selection procedure]. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Expert Group "Methods of Mass Communication in the German Society of Mass Communication", October 2, 2004, Berlin.

Gonser, N., Scherer, H. & Schneider, B. (2004, October). "Sonst würden wir ja abseits stehen von der Welt" - Die Bedeutung der Massenmedien für ältere Menschen ["Otherwise, we'd stood outside of the world" - The significance of mass media for elderly people]. Poster presentation at the 7th Conference of the German Society of Gerontology and Geriatry: "Getting older has a future", October 7-9, 2004, Hamburg.

Schneider, B. (2004, August). Medienwende in der DDR [The turn of the media in the German Democratic Republic]. Paper presented at Radio Berlin-Brandenburg, August 22, 2004.

Schneider, B. & Arnold, A.-K. (2004, June). Die Kontroverse um die Mediennutzung von Migranten. Mediennutzung und Integration türkischer Migranten in Deutschland [The controversy on the media use of migrants. Media use and integration of Turkish migrants in Germany]. Paper presented at the international Conference "Media and Migration Internationally Compared", June 24, 2004, Siegen.

Arnold, A.-K. & Schneider, B. (2004, May). TV Kills Social Capital? Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der Sozialkapitalforschung von Robert Putnam [TV kills social capital? A critical discussion with Robert Putnam's research of social capital]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 21, 2004, Erfurt.

Schneider, B. & Arnold, A.-K. (2004, April). A bridge between host and home: The role of the Internet for cultural identity and integration processes. A comparison of online and offline turks in Germany. Paper presented at the European Communication Association convention "Shaping the Future of Communication Research in Europe", April 18, 2004, Istanbul.


Schneider, B. & Arnold, A.-K. (2003, May). Türkische Journalisten in Deutschland - Zwischen Integration und Bewahrung [Turkish journalists in Germany - Between integration and preservation of customs]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, April 30-May 2, 2003, Hannover.


Schneider, B. (2002, June). Kundenbindung durch Kundenzeitschriften [Customer loyalty by customer journals]. Paper presented at the Council of the AOK Brandenburg, June 2002, Wandlitz.

Schneider, B. (2002, May). Chairwoman of the panel "TV Democracy" at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 2002, Dresden.

Schneider, B. (2002, April). Die Mediengesellschaft und ihre Wissenschaft [Media society and its sciences]. Informational event of the German Society of Mass Communication for the ministerial bureaucracy of the the State of Northrhine-Westfalia, April 2002, Düsseldorf.

Schneider, B. (2002, March). Medienentwicklung in Deutschland [The development of the media in Germany]. Paper presented at the Publishing Company Academic Consortium, March 2002, Mannheim.


Schneider, B. (2001, December). DW-tv - Nutzung und Bewertung. Ergebnisse einer internationalen Befragung [Deutsche Welle TV - Use and evaluation. Results of an international survey]. Paper presented at the Broadcasting Council of the Broadcasting Station Deutsche Welle, December 2001, Berlin.

Schneider, B. (2001, November). Kinder und ihre Medien [Children and their media]. Paper presented at the Association of Country Women, November 2001, Helstorf.

Schneider, B. (2001, November). Die Wende auf dem Medienmarkt [The change on the media market]. Paper presented at the Expert Discussion "Media Policy During the Era of Chancelor Kohl" of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, November 2001, Berlin.

Schneider, B. & Peters, L. (2001, September). Complementary or substitution. International radio stations in the new media environment with international TV and the Internet. Case Study: Deutsche Welle. Paper presented at the  Radiocracy Conference, September 2001, Durban, South Africa.

Schneider, B. (2001, June). Medienwissenschaft für Juristen? [Mass Communication for lawyers?] Panel discussion of the Bucerius-Law-School, June 2001, Hamburg.

Schneider, B. (2001, June). Inszenierte Aufgeregtheiten: Real-Life-Formate und ihre Kritik [Excitment carefully orchestrated: Real life formats and their critique]. Paper presented at the Media Discussions in Lower Saxony: Tailor-made Reality - A Beautiful, New World for Adolescents? Real Life Formats - The Future of TV or a Flash in the Pan? Media Council of the State of Lower Saxony, June 2001, Hannover.

Schneider, B. (2001, May). Genosse Journalist? [Comrade journalist?] Panel discussion at the Gauck Administration, May 2001, Berlin.


Schneider, B. (2000, October). Organisation und Finanzierung des weltweiten Auslandsrundfunks - Eine Bestandsaufnahme [Organization and financing of world-wide foreign broadcasting - An evaluation]. Paper presented at the Scientific Circle "Media" of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, October 2000, St. Augustin.

Schneider, B. (2000, September). Berichte vom Nabel der Welt: Von der Bedeutung lokaler Information [Reports from the hub of the world: On the significance of local information]. Paper presented at the 10th Langenhagen City Forum, September 2000, Langenhagen.

Schneider, B. & Peters, L. (2000, August). The (non-)relevancy of the German international TV station Deutsche Welle in the European information process. Paper presented on the 7th Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, August 2000, Bergen, Norwegen

Schneider, B. (2000, July). Die EXPO als Mega-Event [The World Exhibition as mega event]. Paper presented at the Management Conference of the publishing company Wolters-Kluwer, July 2000, Hannover.

Schneider, B. (2000, March). Eine gefährliche Kiste? Kinder und Fernsehen [A dangerous thing? Children and television]. Paper presented at the Cultural Forum Burgwedel, March 2000, Großburgwedel.

Schneider, B. (2000, February). Professionalität in der Business-to-Business-Kommunikation [Professionalism in business-to-business communication]. Paper presented at the Strategy Conference of the AOK, February 2000, Cologne.


Schneider, B. (1999, December). Universitäre Journalistenausbildung - ein Auslaufmodell? [Journalism education at universities - A discontinued model?] Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Media Sharing (AVE Gesellschaft für Medienbeteiligungen), December 1999, Hannover.


Last modified: 2023-07-24

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