Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Winter


  • 1966 born in Berlin (West), married, 2 children
  • 1989-1994 studies of Applied Cultural Sciences with a focus on Communication, Media and the Public and studies of Business Economics at the University of Lüneburg. During this time several semesters at the Colorado Springs College, at the Humboldt University Berlin, at the University of Bremen and at the University of Siegen
  • 1993-1994 during studies full-time Student Assistant at the internationally comparative sub-project A 7 "TV News" in the Special Research Division 240 "Aesthetics, Pragmatics and History of the Telescreen Media" of the University of Siegen
  • 1995-1998 Research Assistant at the Institute of Applied Media Research at the University of Lüneburg (with a focus on Historical Media Research and Media Consulting)
  • 1998-2000 Research Assistant at the Institute of Media and Mass Communication at the Technical University of Ilmenau (establishment of the Chair of Media Management)
  • 2004 PhD with a thesis on "The history of media culture of the Christian preacher from the beginnings until today. Development and change of a medium in communicative-cultural mediating processes"
  • 2000-2007 University Assistant at the the Institute of Media and Mass Communication at the University of Klagenfurt (with a focus on Convergence Management and Media Development)
  • 2007 Venia Docendi for the discipline "Media and Mass Communication" with the habilitation treatise (cumulative): "Media development and the change of public communication and the society" at the Alps Adria University of Klagenfurt
  • Since September 2007 Professor (W3) of Media and Music Management at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research, Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
  • January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2013 speaker of the expert commission of the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media's Section IV including the fields of "Musicology", "Drama" und "Media"
  • Since May 2017 speaker of the Master Program "Media and Music"

Major teaching and research interests

Historical and systematic research on the development of media at the interface between culture, social affairs, economy and politics. I am interested in how ways of living, media business models and - particularly of late - different networks in music economy and music culture change and can be changed within society.

I research on these changes and on the potentials for change in a transdisciplinary way with theories and methods of media, communication, management, cultural and social sciences to be able to take into account contradictions and the complexity of both tendencies of inertia and of the development dynamics on the level of different ways of living as well as on the level of business models, social institutions and values.

According to the description of the Chair of Media and Music Management, a focus is set on the research and teaching of strategic management of media and music and professional music making - in its full range - in the 21st century.


  • Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Music Business Research (since its foundation in 2012)
  • Member of the Executive Board of the International Music Business Research Association
  • Member, founding member and chair of foundation (2014-16) of the Gesellschaft für Musikwirtschafts- und Musikkulturforschung (GMM e.V.) (Society for Music Economy and Music Culture Research), speaker of the GMM working group "Music Networks"
  • Member of the German Society of Mass Communication (DGPuK - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft e.V.), speaker of the expert group "Sociology of Media Communication" (2000-2005)
  • Member of EMMA European Media Management Association
  • Member of Fachverband Kulturmanagement e.V. (Association of Cultural Management)
  • Member of Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft e.V. (Society for Media Research)



Buschow, C. & Winter, C. (2017). Innovating networked journalism. What editors and publishers can learn from digital musicpreneurs. In A. Kaltenbrunner, M. Karmasin & D. Kraus (Eds.), Journalism report V. Innovation and transition. Wien: facultas.wuv.

Winter, C. (2017). Kommunikationsmedien als Produktionsmittel - Williams‘ wichtigster Beitrag zur Analyse und Entwicklung von Kultur und Gesellschaft? [Communication media as means of production - Williams‘ most important contribution to the analysis and development of culture and society?]. In R. Horak, I. Pohn-Lauggas & M. Seidl (Eds.), Über Raymond Williams. Annäherungen. Positionen. Ausblicke [About Raymond Williams. Approaches. Positions. Perspectives] (pp. 178-210). Hamburg: Argument Verlag.

Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2017). Die neue Komplexität vernetzten Medienmanagements. Theorieinnovationen für die Medienmanagementforschung [The new complexity of networked media management. Theory innovations for media management research]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 65 (3), 591-612. (Themenheft "Komplexitätssteigerung und Komplexitätsreduzierung in der kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Theoriebildung"/Special Issue "Increase and decrease of complexity in theorizing in mass communication")

Winter, C. & Paulus, A. (2017). „Institutionalisiert co-organisiert offen vernetzte Unterstützung“ -  Management im Kontext digital-disruptiver Transformation innovieren [Institutionalized co-organzied open networked support - Innovating management in the context of digital-disruptive transformation]. In W. Seufert (Eds.), Media Economics revisited: (Wie) Verändert das Internet die Ökonomie der Medien? [Media economics revisited: (How) Does the internet change the media's economy?] (pp. 147-182). Baden-Baden: Nomos.


Winter, C. (2016). Das Kulturpublikum - theoretische Verortungen [The cultural audience - theoretical context]. In P. Glogner-Pilz & P. S. Föhl (Eds.), Handbuch Kulturpublikum. Forschungsfragen und Befunde [Handbook cultural audience. Research questions and results] (pp. 35-74). Frankfurt am Main: Springer VS.

Winter, C., Hermes K. & Knoflach L., with the cooperation of Bug, J. & Balzer, A.-S. (2016). beyond! before! bright! In Berlin - Analyse mit Handlungsempfehlungen zur Gestaltung der Berliner Musikwirtschaft [beyond! before! bright! In Berlin - Analysis with guidance for the design of the Berlin music economy]. Edited by the Senate Administration for Economy, Technology and Research. Berlin Initiative Future,  Martin-Luther-Straße 105, 10825 Berlin, 32 pages.



Lücke, M. & Winter, C. (2015). Editorial - Special issue on the German music economy. International Journal of Music Business Research, 4 (1), 4-8.

Scherer, H. & Winter, C. (2015). Success factors for music-based crowdfunding as a new means of financing music projects. International Journal of Music Business Research, 4 (1), 9-25.

Winter, C. (2015). Kommerzialisierung [Commercialization]. In A. Hepp, F. Krotz, S. Lingenberg & J. Wimmer (Eds.), Handbuch Cultural Studies und Medienanalyse [Handbook Cultural Studies and Media Analysis] (pp. 427-438). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.



Kaufmann, K. & Winter, C. (2014). Ordinary People. Gewöhnliche Leute als Unternehmer ihrer Popkultur [Ordinary People as entrepreneurs of their own pop culture]. In U. Breitenborn, T. Düllo & S. Birke (Eds.), Gravitationsfeld POP. Was kann Pop? Was will Popkulturwirtschaft? Konstellationen in Berlin und anderswo[Gravitational field POP. The capacity of pop. What is the aim of pop culture industry? Constellations in Berlin and elsewhere] (pp. 339-351). Bielefeld: Transcript.

Paulus, A. & Winter, C. (2014). Musiker als Media-Artepreneure? Digitale Netzwerkmedien als Produktionsmittel und neue Wertschöpfungsprozesse [Musicians as media-artrepreneurs? Digital network media as means of production and new processes of value creation]. In U. Breitenborn, T. Düllo & S. Birke (Eds.), Gravitationsfeld POP. Was kann Pop? Was will Popkulturwirtschaft? Konstellationen in Berlin und anderswo [Gravitational field POP. The capacity of pop. What is the aim of pop culture industry? Constellations in Berlin and elsewhere] (pp. 133-142). Bielefeld: Transcript.

Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2014). Medienmanagement und Journalismus - Befragungsergebnisse im Kontext aktueller Herausforderungen [Media management and journalism - Survey results in the context of current challenges]. In F. Lobigs & G. von Nordheim (Eds.), Journalismus ist kein Geschäftsmodell. Aktuelle Studien zur Ökonomie und Nicht-Ökonomie des Journalismus [Journalism is no business model. Recent studies on economy and non-economy of journalism (Series Media Economy, Vol. 5, pp. 31-56). Nomos: Baden-Baden.


Buschow, C. & Winter, C. (2013). Auf dem Weg zu einer transnationalen Medienmanagement-Forschung [Towards transnational research of media management]. In A. Kaltenbrunner, M. Karmasin & D. Kraus (Eds.), Der Journalisten-Report IV. Medienmanagement in Österreich [Journalism report IV. Media management in Austria] (pp. 43-52). Vienna: facultas.wuv.


Buschow, C. & Winter, C. (2013). Normativität in der Medienkonvergenzforschung - Eine kommunikations-kommunikationswissenschaftliche Betrachtung [Normativity in media convergence research - From a perspective of communication on communications research]. In M. Karmasin, M. Rath & B. Thomaß (Eds.), Normativität in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Normativity in communications research] (pp. 421-441). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-531-19015-0_20

Winter, C. (2013). Das Projekt (British) Cultural Studies: Entstehungsgeschichte und Entwicklung [(British) Cultural Studies as a project: History and developments]. In S. Höhne (Ed.), Kulturwissenschaft(en) im europäischen Kontext. Fachhistorische Entwicklungen zwischen Theoriebildung und Anwendungsorientierung [Cultural studies in the European context. Subject-specific historical developments between theories and practical orientation] (pp. 49-74). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition.

Winter, C. (2013). Media development and convergence in the music industry. In S. Diehl & M. Karmasin (Eds.), Media and convergence management (pp. 261-281). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer.

Winter, C. (2013). Sinn und Notwendigkeit normativer Medienkulturforschung [Meaning and necessity of normative research in media culture]. In M. Karmasin, M. Rath & B. Thomas (Eds.), Normativität in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Normativity in mass communication](pp. 303-328). Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.

Winter, C. (2013). Über die Entwicklung der Medien der Musikkultur und den Wandel von "Wesen" und "Ursachen" ihrer Wertschöpfung [On the development of the media of music culture and the transformation of "nature" and "causes" of their value creation]. In B. Lange, H.-J. Bürkner & E. Schüßler (Eds.), Akustisches Kapital. Wertschöpfung in der Musikwirtschaft [Acoustic capital. Value creation in the music industry]. Bielefeld: Transcript.

Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2013). Projektbericht: Medienmanagerinnen und Medienmanager in Deutschland [Project report: Media managers in Germany]. Retrieved from  http://www.ijk.hmtm-hannover.de/fileadmin/www.ijk/pdf/aktuelles/IJK-Medienmanager_in_Deutschland_Projektbericht.pdf


Buschow, C. & Winter, C. (2012). Strategische Institutionalisierung als Wertbeitrag für Medienunternehmungen [Strategic institutionalization as added value for media companies]. In C. Kolo, T. Döbler & L. Rademacher (Eds.), Wertschöpfung durch Medien im Wandel [Added value by media in transition] (Series Medienökonomy [Media Economy], Vol. 3, pp. 119-136). Nomos: Baden-Baden.

Karmasin, M. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2012). Analyse. Theorie und Geschichte der Medien. Festschrift für Werner Faulstich [Analysis, theory and history of the media. Festschrift in honor of Werner Faulstich]. Munich: Wilhelm Fink.

Winter, C. (2012). Funktionale (Medienkultur-)Gesellschaftsgeschichte und die Entwicklung von Medien [Functional (media culture) social history and the development of media]. In M. Karmasin & C. Winter (Eds.), Analyse, Theorie und Geschichte der Medien. Festschrift für Werner Faulstich [Analysis, theory and history of the media. Festschrift in honor of Werner Faulstich] (pp. 195-213). Munich: Wilhelm Fink.

Winter, C. (2012). How media prosumers contribute to social innovation in today’s new networked music culture and economy. International Journal of Music Business Research, 1(2), 46-73.

Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2012). Der Kulturmanager als Change Manager - Qualifikationsanforderungen in turbulenten Zeiten [The cultural manager as change manager - Qualification challenges in turbulent times]. In G. Birnkraut & K. Wolf (Eds.), Kulturmanagement konkret 2011. Interdisziplinäre Positionen und Perspektiven/An Anatomy of Arts Management. Interdisciplinary Positions and Perspectives (Vol. 5, pp. 11-33). Hamburg: Institut für Kulturkonzepte.

Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2012). Der Kulturmanager als "eierlegende Wollmilchsau"? Studienprogramme und Anforderungen der Berufspraxis im Vergleich [The cultural manager as "egglaying woolmilkcow"? A comparison of study programs and demands in professional practice]. In U. Blumenreich (Ed.), Studium - Arbeitsmarkt - Kultur. Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes [Studies - job market - culture. Results of the research Project] (Documentation of the Society of Cultural Policy, 70, pp. 226-235). Bonn, Essen: Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V., Klartext Verlag.

Winter, C. & Karmasin, M. (2012). Intro: Geschichte, Analyse und Theorie der Medien: zur Entfaltung einer Wissenschaft [Introduction: History, analysis and theory of the media: On the development of a science]. In M. Karmasin & C. Winter (Eds.), Analyse. Theorie und Geschichte der Medien. Festschrift für Werner Faulstich [Analysis, theory and history of the media. Festschrift in honor of Werner Faulstich] (pp. 7-11). Munich: Wilhelm Fink.


Buschow, C., Dürrenberg, C. & Winter, C. (2011). Change Management in Tageszeitungsredaktionen [Change management in editorial offices of daily newspapers]. In J. Wolling, A. Will & C. Schumann (Eds.), Medieninnovationen. Wie Medienentwicklungen die Kommunikation in der Gesellschaft verändern [Media innovations. How media developments change social communication] (Series of the German Society of Mass Communication, Vol. 38, pp. 195-210). Konstanz: UVK.

Winter. C. (2011). Die Berliner Musikwirtschaft in der Momentaufnahme. Vernetzte Entwicklungen, neue Chancen und gesamtwirtschaftliche Bedeutung [The Berlin music economy in a snapshot in time. Networked developments, new chances and macroeconomic impact]. In P. Tschmuck (Ed.), Focus Musik. Neue Töne der Musikwirtschaft. White Paper [Focus music: New sounds in music economy. White Paper] (pp. 74-77). Vienna: Departure.

Winter, C. (2011). Von der Push- zur Pull-Kultur(-innovation) [From push to pullculture( innovation)]. In K. Janner, C. Holst, & A. Kopp (Eds.), Social Media im Kulturmanagement. Grundlagen, Fallbeispiele, Geschäftsmodelle, Studien [Social media in the field of cultural management. Basics, examples, business models, studies] (pp. 149-189). Heidelberg: MITP.

Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2011). Kommentar: Kulturmanagement intelligenter, integrativer und nachhaltiger entwickeln. Die Erkenntnisse des Projektes "Studium - Arbeitsmarkt - Kultur" vor dem Hintergrund der Strategie "Europa 2020" [Commentary: Development of a more intelligent, a more integrative and a more sustainable cultural management. Results of the project "Studies - Employment Market - Culture" against the background of the strategy "Europe 2020"]. Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen (KuMi), 34 (135), 50-51.

Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2011). Veränderungen und Tendenzen im Personalmarkt für Kulturmanager. Ergebnisse einer Analyse des Stellenmarktes von Kulturmanagement Network [Changes and tendencies on the personnel market for cultural managers. Results of an analysis of the job market of Cultural Management Network]. Kulturpolitische Mitteilungen (KuMi), 34 (132), 67-69.

Winter, C. & Dürrenberg, C. (2011). Virtualisierung im Kontext von Mediatisierung. Für eine handlungstheoretische Unterscheidung von Medientechnologien und Medien [Virtualization in the context of mediatization. For an action-theoretical distinction of media technologies and media]. In M. Hartmann & Wimmer, J. (Eds.), Digitale Medientechnologien. Vergangenheit - Gegenwart - Zukunft [Digital media technologies. Past - Present - Future] (pp. 75-98). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Winter, C. & Trommershausen, A. (2011). Potentiale und Probleme der Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) von TIME-Unternehmen unter den Bedingungen der Medienkonvergenz [Potentials and problems of corporate social responsibility (CSR) of TIME businesses under the conditions of media convergence]. In H. Gundlach (Ed.), Public value in der Digital- und Internetökonomie [Public value in digital and internet economy] (pp. 335-354). Cologne: Harlem.


Winter, C. (2010). Cultural Studies als Perspektive für Kulturmanagement [Cultural Studies as a perspective for cultural management]. In S. Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, K. van den Berg, S. Höhne, R. Keller, B. Mandel, M. Tröndle & T. Zembylas (Eds.), Theorien für den Kultursektor. Jahrbuch für Kulturmanagement 2010 [Theories for the culture branch. Yearbook for cultural management] (pp. 155-170). Bielefeld: Transcript.

Winter, C. (2010). Mediatisierung und Medienentwicklungsforschung: Perspektiven für eine gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Medienkommunikationswissenschaft [Mediatization and media development research: Perspectives for socio-scientific media communication research]. In M. Hartmann & A. Hepp (Eds.), Die Mediatisierung der Alltagswelt [Mediatization of the every-day world] (pp. 281-296). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2010). Arbeitsmarkt für Kulturmanager in Deutschland. Analyse der Qualifikationsanforderungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Berufsfelder Musik und Medien [The job market for cultural managers in Germany. An analysis of qualification requirements, particularly considering the professional fields music and media]. Das Orchester - Magazin für Musiker und Management, 57 (11), 32-35.

Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2010). Der Arbeitsmarkt für Kulturmanager. Entwicklung der Qualifikationsanforderungen im Berufsfeld Kulturmanagement in Deutschland [The job market for cultural managers. The development of qualification requirements in the professional field cultural management in Germany]. KM Magazin, no Vol. (47), 4-12.


Winter, C. (2009). Die kulturelle Rationalität von Gesellschaft im Wandel als äußerer Rahmen für kulturelles Handeln von Frauen in Klöstern der Frühen Neuzeit [The change of cultural rationality of society as an exterior frame of cultural actions of women in convents during the early modern period]. In S. Rode-Breymann (Ed.), Musikort Kloster. Kulturelles Handeln von Frauen in der Frühen Neuzeit [Musical location: Convent. Cultural actions of women during the early modern period] (pp. 47-61). Cologne: Böhlau Verlag.

Winter, C. (2009), James Lull: Weltfamilien und Superkulturen [James Lull: World families and super cultures]. In A. Hepp, F. Krotz & T. Thomas (Eds.), Schlüsselwerke der Cultural Studies [Key works in cultural studies] (pp. 257-266). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


Winter C. (2008). Die Medialität von Musik im Wandel von Raum und Zeit [Mediality of music through the ages]. Musikforum, 6 (3), 24-28.

Winter, C. (2008). Medien- und Musikmanagement für künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Talente [Media and music management for artistic and scientific talents]. pressto. Newspaper of the Hanover University of Music and Drama, Winter semester 2007/08, 35, 16.

Winter, C., Hepp, A. & Krotz, F. (Eds.). (2008). Theorien der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. Grundlegende Diskussionen, Forschungsfelder und Theorienentwicklungen [Theories of mass communication and media studies. Essential discussions, fields of research and theory developments]. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Winter, C., Hepp, A., Krotz, F. & Moores, S. (Eds.). (2008). Connectivity, networks and flows. Key concepts for contemporary media and cultural studies. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.


Krotz, F., Hepp, A. & Winter, C. (2007). Einleitung: Theorien der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft [Preface: Theories of mass communication]. In C. Winter, A. Hepp & F. Krotz (Eds.), Theorien der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. Grundlegende Diskussionen, Forschungsfelder und Theorienentwicklungen [Theories of mass communication and media. Basic discussions, areas of research and developments of theories] (pp. 9-25). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Winter, C. (2007). Medienentwicklung als Bezugspunkt für die Erforschung von öffentlicher Kommunikation und Gesellschaft im Wandel [Media development as a reference point for the research of public communication and change in society]. In C. Winter, A. Hepp & F. Krotz (Eds.), Theorien der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. Grundlegende Diskussionen, Forschungsfelder und Theorienentwicklungen [Theories of mass communication and media. Basic discussions, areas of research and developments of theories] (pp. 417-445). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Winter, C. (2007). Raymond Williams (1921-1988): Medien- und Kommunikationsforschung für die Demokratisierung von Kultur und Gesellschaft [Raymond Williams (1921-1988): Media and communication rsearch for the democratization of culture and society]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 55 (2), 247-264.

Winter, C., Hepp, A. & Krotz, F. (Eds.). (2007). Theorien der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft. Grundlegende Diskussionen, Forschungsfelder und Theorienentwicklungen [Theories of mass communication and media. Basic discussions, areas of research and developments of theories]. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


Hepp, A., Krotz, F., Moores, S. & Winter C. (Eds.). (2006). Konnektivität, Netzwerke und Flows. Schlüsselkonzepte der Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften [Connectivity, networks and flows. Key concepts of media and cultural sciences]. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Karmasin, M. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2006). Konvergenzmanagement und Medienwirtschaft - ein Lehrbuch [Convergence management and media economics - A text book]. Munich: Wilhelm Fink-Verlag (UTB).

Winter, C. (2006). Die Medienkulturgeschichte des christlichen Predigers von den Anfängen bis Heute. Entstehung und Wandel eines Mediums in kommunikativ-kulturellen Vermittlungsprozessen [The history of media culture of the Christian preacher from the beginnings until today. Development and change of a medium in communicative-cultural mediating processes]. Vienna: Nausner & Nausner Verlag.

Winter, C. (2006). Die TIME-Konvergenz medialer Kommunikation [The TIME convergence of media communication]. In A. Hepp, F. Krotz, S. Moores & C. Winter (Eds.), Konnektivität, Netzwerke und Flows. Schlüsselkonzepte der Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften [Connectivity, networks and flows. Key concepts of media and cultural sciences] (pp. 79-100). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Winter, C. (2006). Einleitung: TIME-Konvergenz als Herausforderung für Management und Medienentwicklung [Preface: TIME convergence as a challenge for management and media development]. In M. Karmasin & C. Winter (Eds.), Konvergenzmanagement und Medienwirtschaft – ein Lehrbuch [Convergence management and media economics - A text book] (pp. 13-53). Munich: Wilhelm Fink-Verlag (UTB).

Winter, C. (2006). Medienentwicklung und der Aufstieg einer neuen konvergenten Beziehungskunst [Media development and the rise of a new convergent art of relationships]. In M. Karmasin, C. Winter (Eds.), Konvergenzmanagement und Medienwirtschaft - ein Lehrbuch [Convergence management and media economics - A text book] (pp. 183-216). Munich: Wilhelm Fink-Verlag (UTB).

Winter, C. (2006). [Review of] Grisold A.: Kulturindustrie Fernsehen. Zum Wechselverhältnis von Ökonomie und Massenmedien [Culture industry television. On the correlation of economy and mass media]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 54, 324-326.


Hepp, A., Krotz, F. & Winter, C. (2005). Einleitung [Preface]. In A. Hepp, F. Krotz & C. Winter (Eds.), Globalisierung der Medienkommunikation. Eine Einführung in Medien im globalen Kontext [Globalization of media communication. An introduction into the media in the global context] (pp. 7-17). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Lang, G. & Winter, C. (2005). Medienökonomie [Media economy]. In A. Hepp, F. Krotz & C. Winter (Eds.), Globalisierung der Medienkommunikation. Eine Einführung in Medien im globalen Kontext [Globalization of media communication. An introduction into the media in the global context] (pp. 117-136). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Winter, C. (2005). Von der Globalisierungstheorie zur Medienkulturforschung [From globalization theory to the research of media culture]. In A. Hepp, F. Krotz & C. Winter (Eds.), Globalisierung der Medienkommunikation. Eine Einführung in Medien im globalen Kontext [Globalization of media communication. An introduction into the media in the global context] (pp. 69-92). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


Winter, C. (2004). Digitalisierung des Fernsehens? Zur Notwendigkeit einer antireduktionistischen Erforschung von Medienentwicklung im Kontext von globaler technischer Kommerzialisierung und Konvergenz [Digitalization of television? On the necessity of anti-reductionist research of media development in the context of global technical commercialization and convergence]. In H. Segeberg (Ed.), Die Medien und ihre Technik. Theorien - Modelle - Geschichte [The media and their technique. Theories - models - history] (pp. 416-435). Marburg: Schüren Verlag.


Behmer, M., Krotz, F., Stöber, R. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2003). Medienentwicklung und Gesellschaftswandel. Beiträge zu einer theoretischen und empirischen Herausforderung [Media development and change of society. Articles on a theoretical and empirical challenge]. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Hepp, A., Thomas, T. & Winter, C. (2003). Medienidentitäten: Eine Hinführung zu den Diskussionen [Media identities: Leading towards the discussions]. In C. Winter, T. Thomas & A. Hepp (Eds.), Medienidentitäten – Identität im Kontext von Globalisierung und Medienkultur [Media identities - Identity in the context of globalization and media culture] (pp. 49-70). Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag.


Hepp, A. & Winter, C. (2003). Cultural Studies als Projekt: Kontroversen und Diskussionsfelder [Cultural studies as a project: Controversies and fields of discussion]. In A. Hepp & C. Winter (Eds.), Die Cultural Studies Kontroverse [The cultural studies controversy] (pp. 9-32). Lüneburg: zu Klampen-Verlag.

Hepp, A. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2003). Die Cultural Studies Kontroverse [The cultural studies controversy]. Lüneburg: zu Klampen-Verlag.


Karmasin, M. & Winter, C. (2003). Kommunikationswissenschaft im Kontext von Cultural Turns in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften. Probleme, Projekte und neue Möglichkeiten [Mass communication in the context of cultural turns in social and moral sciences. Problems, projects and news possibilities]. In M. Karmasin & C. Winter (Eds.), Kulturwissenschaft als Kommunikationswissenschaft. Probleme, Projekte und Perspektiven [Cultural sciences as mass communication. Problems, projects and perspectives] (pp. 9-20). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Karmasin, M. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2003). Kulturwissenschaft als Kommunikationswissenschaft. Probleme, Projekte und Perspektiven [Cultural sciences as mass communication. Problems, projects and perspectives]. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Winter, C. (2003). Der Zusammenhang von Medienentwicklung und Wandel als theoretische Herausforderung. Perspektiven für eine artikulationstheoretische Ergänzung systemfunktionaler Analysen [The connection of media development and change as a theoretical challenge. Perspectives for an articulation-theoretical supplement of system-functional analyses]. In M. Behmer, F. Krotz, R. Stöber & C. Winter (Eds.), Medienentwicklung und Gesellschaftswandel. Beiträge zu einer theoretischen und empirischen Herausforderung [Media development and change of society. Articles on a theoretical and empirical challenge] (pp. 65-101). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Winter, C. (2003). Die Komplexität medialer Kommunikation und ihre kulturtheoretische Konzeptualisierung - das Medien-Kulturen-Konnektivitäts-Modell [The complexity of media communication and its culture-theoretical conceptualization - the Media-Cultures-Connectivity Model]. In M. Karmasin & C. Winter (Eds.), Kulturwissenschaft als Kommunikationswissenschaft. Probleme, Projekte und Perspektiven [Cultural sciences as communication sciences. Problems, projects and perspectives] (pp. 315-343). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Winter, C. (2003). Die konfliktäre kommunikative Artikulation von Identität im Kontext der Globalisierung von Medienkulturen [The conflicting communicative articulation of identity in the context of globalization of media cultures]. In C. Winter, T. Thomas & A. Hepp (Eds.), Medienidentitäten - Identität im Kontext von Globalisierung und Medienkultur [Media identities - Identity in the context of globalization and media culture] (pp. 49-70). Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Winter, C. (2003). Die konvergente Re-Artikulation von Jugendkulturen im Spannungsfeld zwischen spielerischen Taktiken und kommerziellen Strategien [The convergent re-articulation of youth cultures between the poles of playful tactics and commercial strategies]. In J. Bug & M. Karmasin (Eds.), Telekommunikation und Jugendkultur. Eine Einführung [Telecommunication and youth culture. An introduction] (pp. 47-75). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Winter, C. (2003). Komplexe Verbundenheiten, Konflikte und Ungewissheiten - zur Entstehung kulturwissenschaftlicher Kulturtheorie [Complex affinities, conflicts and uncertainties - On the development of culture-scientific cultural theory]. In M. Karmasin & C. Winter (Eds.), Kulturwissenschaft als Kommunikationswissenschaft. Probleme, Projekte und Perspektiven [Cultural sciences as communication sciences. Problems, projects and perspectives] (pp. 170-203). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Winter, C. (2003). Narrowcasting? Technologische Konvergenz von Kommunikation aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Perspektive [Narrowcasting? Technological convergence of communication from the perspective of mass communication]. Medien Journal, 27 (1), 31-40.

Winter, C., Thomas, T. & Hepp, A. (Eds.). (2003). Medienidentitäten - Identität im Kontext von Globalisierung und Medienkultur [Media identities - Identity in the context of globalization and media culture]. Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Behmer, M., Krotz, F., Stöber, R. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2003). Medienentwicklung und Gesellschaftswandel. Beiträge zu einer theoretischen und empirischen Herausforderung [Media development and change of society. Articles on a theoretical and empirical challenge]. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.


Karmasin, M. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2000). Grundlagen des Medienmanagements [Basics of media management]. Munich: Wilhelm Fink-Verlag (UTB - 2nd edition 2002).

Karmasin, M. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2002). Mediale Mehrwertdienste und die Zukunft der Kommunikation. Eine fächerübergreifende Einführung [Additional value services in the media and the future of communication. An interdisciplinary introduction]. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Karmasin, M. & Winter, C. (2002). Medienethik vor der Herausforderung der globalen Kommerzialisierung von Medienkultur: Probleme und Perspektiven [Media ethics on the verge of the challenge of global commercialization of media culture: Problems and perspectives]. In M. Karmasin (Ed.), Medien und Ethik [Media and ethics] (pp. 9-36). Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam jun.

Winter, C. (2002). Die Zukunft medialer Mehrwertdienste: Eine kommunikationswissenschaftliche fächerübergreifende Einführung [The future of additional value services in the media: An interdisciplinary introduction in the field of mass communication]. In M. Karmasin & C. Winter (Eds.), Mediale Mehrwertdienste und die Zukunft der Kommunikation. Eine fächerübergreifende Einführung [Additional value services in the media and the future of communication. An interdisciplinary introduction] (pp. 9-32). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Winter, C. (2002). Erlösung, Zukunft und irritierende Eschatologie. Zeit und Predigermedienkultur im Christentum [Salvation, future and irritating eschatology. Time and media culture of preachers in Christianity]. In W. Faulstich & Ch. Steininger (Eds.), Zeit in den Medien - Medien in der Zeit [Time in the media - media in time] (pp. 45-66). Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.

Winter, C. (2002). Transkulturelle Kommunikation - Vorschläge für eine Kritik der kommerziellen Bedingungen transkultureller Kommunikation [Transcultural communication - Propositions for a critique of commercial conditions of transcultural communication]. In A. Hepp & M. Löffelholz (Eds.), Transkulturelle Kommunikation [Transcultural communication] (pp. 272-298). Konstanz: UVK (UTB).

Winter, C. (2002). Von Broadcasting zu Narrowcasting? Fakten und Fiktionen von Konvergenz als Herausforderung für eine Theorie der Medienentwicklung [From broadcasting to narrowcasting? Facts and fictions of convergence as a challenge for a new theorie of media development]. In A. Baum & S. J. Schmidt (Eds.), Fakten und Fiktionen. Über den Umgang mit Medienwirklichkeiten [Facts and fictions. How to deal with media realities] (pp. 514-526). Konstanz: UVK (Series of the German Society of Mass Communication, Vol. 29).

Winter, C. (2002). [Review of] Sander, E.: Common Culture und neues Generationenverhältnis. Die Medienerfahrung jüngerer Jugendlicher und ihrer Eltern im empirischen Vergleich [Common culture and the new relationship between generations. An empirical comparison of the media experiences of younger adolescents and their parents]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 50 (4), 597-598.


Karmasin, M., Knoche, M. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2001). Medienwirtschaft und Gesellschaft 1 - Medienunternehmen und die Kommerzialisierung von Öffentlichkeit [Media economy and society 1 - Media companies and the commercialization of the public]. Münster: Lit-Verlag.


Karmasin, M. & Winter, C. (2001). Ökonomisierung aus unternehmensstrategischer Perspektive. Ursachen, Formen und Folgen der globalen Kommerzialisierung medialer Wertschöpfungsprozesse [Economizing from the perspective of business strategy. Causes, forms and consequences of the global commercialization of value added processes in the media]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 49 (2), 206-217.

Winter, C. (2001). Das Management interkultureller Kommunikation. Neue Perspektiven für die Erforschung von Kommunikationskulturen und -netzwerken im Wandel [Management of intercultural communication. New perspectives for the research of changing communication cultures and networks]. In U. Maier-Rabler & M. Latzer (Eds.), Kommunikationskulturen zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel. Universelle Netzwerke für die Zivilgesellschaft [Communication cultures between continuity and change. Universal networks for the civil society] (pp. 373-391). Konstanz: UVK (Series of the German Society of Mass Communication, Vol. 28).

Winter, C. (2001). Globale Kommerzialisierung von Öffentlichkeit? Perspektiven für eine mediensoziologische Erforschung der Rolle von Medienunternehmen und Medienproduktion im Kontext von Gesellschafts- und Kulturwandel [Global commercialization of the public? Perspectives for a media sociological research of the role of media companies and media production in the context of social and cultural change]. In M. Karmasin, M. Knoche & C. Winter (Eds.), Medienwirtschaft und Gesellschaft 1 - Medienunternehmen und die Kommerzialisierung von Öffentlichkeit [Media economy and society 1 - Media companies and the commercialization of the public] (pp. 41-68). Münster: Lit-Verlag.

Winter, C. (2001). Kulturimperialismus und Kulturindustrie ade? Zur Notwendigkeit einer Neuorientierung der Erforschung und Kritik von Medienkultur in den Cultural Studies [Good-bye to cultural imperialism and cultural industry? On the necessity of a new orientation of the research and critique of media culture in cultural studies]. In U. Göttlich, L. Mikos & R. Winter (Eds.), Die Werkzeugkiste der Cultural Studies. Perspektiven, Anschlüsse und Interventionen im deutschsprachigen Raum [The toolbox of cultural studies. Perspectives, affiliations and interventions in the German speaking countries] (pp. 283-322). Bielefeld: Transcript.


Düllo, Th., Meteling, A., Suhr, A. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2000). Kursbuch Kulturwissenschaft [Course book of cultural sciences]. Münster: Lit-Verlag.


Düllo, Th. & Winter, C. (2000). Die Kunst der Navigation: Kulturwissenschaft für das 21. Jahrhundert [The art of navigation: Cultural sciences for the 21st century]. In Th. Düllo, A. Meteling, A. Suhr & C. Winter (Eds.), Kursbuch Kulturwissenschaften [Course book of cultural sciences] (pp. 1-13). Münster.

Karmasin, M. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2000). Grundlagen des Medienmanagements [Basics of media management]. Munich: Wilhelm Fink-Verlag.

Karmasin, M. & Winter, C. (2000). Kontexte und Aufgabenfelder von Medienmanagement [Contexts and task fields of media management]. In M. Karmasin & C. Winter (Eds.), Grundlagen des Medienmanagements [Basics of media management] (pp. 15-39). Munich: Fink (UTB).

Karmasin, M. & Winter, C. (2000). Medienmanagement als Selbstmanagement [Media management as self-management]. In M. Karmasin & C. Winter (Eds.), Grundlagen des Medienmanagements [Bascis of media management (pp. 303-339). München: Fink (UTB).

Robertson, C. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (2000). Kulturwandel und Globalisierung [Cultural change and globalization]. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag.

Winter, C. (2000). Einstieg in die Medienbranche. Von Schlüsselqualifikationen und Einstiegsmythen: Gibt es eine gezielte Berufsvorbereitung für die Medienkarriere? [Access to the media industry. Of key qualifications and myths of access: Is there a specific vocational preparation for a career in the media business?]. M.Press. Journal of the Media Programs of the Technical University Ilmenau. No. 2/2000, 4-5.

Winter, C. (2000). Kulturwandel und Globalisierung. Eine Einführung in die Diskussion [Cultural change and globalization. An introduction into the discussion]. In D. Robertson & C. Winter (Eds.), Kulturwandel und Globalisierung [Cultural change and globalization] (pp. 13-73). Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag.

Winter, C. (2000). Medienmanagement als interkulturelles Management [Media management as intercultural management]. In M. Karmasin & C. Winter (Eds.), Grundlagen des Medienmanagements [Basics of media management] (pp. 245-278). Munich: Fink (UTB).

Winter, C. (2000). Synkretismus - Kulturwissenschaft? - Karriere. KULTUR-wissenschaftlich studieren für interessante berufliche Perspektiven in der Medien- und Kommunikationsbranche [Syncretism - cultural sciences? - career. Studying CULTURAL sciences for interesting vocational perspectives in the media and communication business]. In Th. Düllo, A. Meteling, A. Suhr & C. Winter (Eds.), Kursbuch Kulturwissenschaften [Course book of cultural sciences] (pp. 299-320). Münster.


Bromley, R., Göttlich, U. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (1999). Cultural Studies. Grundlagentexte zur Einführung [Cultural studies. An introduction with basic texts]. Lüneburg: zu Klampen-Verlag.


Göttlich, U. & Winter, C. (1999). Wessen Cultural Studies? Die Rezeption der Cultural Studies im deutschsprachigen Raum [Whose cultural studies? The reception of cultural studies in the German speaking countries]. In R. Bromley, U. Göttlich & C. Winter (Eds.), Cultural Studies. Grundlagentexte zur Einführung [Cultural studies. An introduction with basic texts] (pp. 25-39). Lüneburg: zu Klampen-Verlag.

Löffelholz, M. & Winter, C. (1999). Qualitätssicherung und -verbesserung im Studiengang Angewandte Medienwissenschaft. Bedingungen, Ziele und Instrumente einer Evaluation. Projektbericht [Quality management and improvement within the study program Applied Media Sciences. Conditions, goals and instruments of an evaluation. Project report]. Ilmenau: Technische Universität Ilmenau.


Winter, C. (1998). Die Rolle der Medien im Kontext von Kulturwandel. Ansätze und Probleme ihrer kulturwissenschaftlichen Bestimmung [The role of the media in the context of cultural change. Approaches and problems of their determination in cultural sciences]. In Th. Düllo, J. Greis, Ch. Berthold & P. Wiechens (Eds.), Einführung in die Kulturwissenschaft [An introduction into cultural sciences] (pp. 295-327). Münster: LIT-Verlag.

Winter, C. (1998). Internet/Online-Medien [The Internet/online media]. In W. Faulstich (Ed.), Grundwissen Medien [Basic knowlegde of the media] (3rd, completely revised and massively extended ed., pp. 274-295). Munich: Fink.

Winter, C. (1998). Zeitschrift [The journal]. In W. Faulstich (Ed.), Grundwissen Medien [Basic knowlegde of the media] (3rd, completely revised and massively extended ed., pp. 413-432). Munich: Fink.


Deters, J. & Winter, C. (1997). Einleitung: Der Berufseinstieg in die Medienbranche [Preface: The access into the media business]. In J. Deters & C. Winter (Eds.), Karriere in der Medienbranche. Anforderungen, Schlüsselqualifikationen, Ausbildungssituation [A career in the media business. Requirements, key qualifications, education situation] (pp. 11-17). Frankfurt a. M.: Campus-Verlag.

Deters, J. & Winter, C. (Eds.). (1997). Karriere in der Medienbranche. Anforderungen, Schlüsselqualifikationen, Ausbildungssituation [A career in the media business. Requirements, key qualifications, education situation]. Frankfurt a. M.: Campus-Verlag.


Winter, C. (1997). Vermittlung und Aneignung medienberufsfeldspezifischer Schlüsselqualifikationen im Studium [Mediating and acquiring key qualifications in the field of media businessduring studies]. In J. Deters & C. Winter (Eds.), Karriere in der Medienbranche. Anforderungen, Schlüsselqualifikationen, Ausbildungssituation [A career in the media business. Requirements, key qualifications, education situation] (pp. 120-136). Frankfurt a. M.: Campus-Verlag.




Winter, C., Paulus, A., Beckmann, C., Rebellato, J., Kastrop, C., Meyer-Lamp., J., Teickner, V. & Weinert, L. (2017, November). Hanover: The new jazzpreneur. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Music Land Lower Saxony, November 8, 2017, Hanover.

Winter, C. & Schories, A. (2017, April). Professionalization strategies in music in discussion. Paper presented at the Conference "Entrepreneurship in Music - Between Artistic Autonomy and Economic Reality", Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo/Norway in cooperation with the Centre of Excellence in Music Performance and Education (CEMPE), the University of Oslo (Department of Musicology) and the Norwegian Business School, April 27-28, 2017, Oslo, Norway. 


Winter, C. (2017, February). Integration neuer Culturepreneure [Integration of new culturepreneurs]. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Conference of the Cultural Management Association "Changes in Culture", Cultural Management Association and Classic Foundation Weimar, February 4-6, 2017, Weimar.



Winter, C. & Paulus, A. (2016, October). Institutionalisiert co-organisiert offen vernetzte Unterstützung n der Musikwirtschaft – die Entdeckung einer Managementinnovation? [Institutionalized co-organized open networked support in the music economy – The discovery of management innovation?]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group Media Economy, October 27-29, 2016, Jena.

Winter, C. (2016, September). Smart music cities für alle! [Smart music cities for all!]. Paper presented at the 2nd GMM Summer Institute, September 14-20, 2016, Porto, Portugal.


Winter, C. (2016, February). Das Curriculum Pop im Kontext universitärer Professionalisierung und anti-disziplinärer Strategien der Cultural Studies [The pop curriculum in the context of university professionalization and antidisciplinary strategies of Cultural Studies]. Paper presented at the 8th Pop Congress of the University of Hildesheim, Cultural Campus "Domäne Marienburg", February 4-6, 2016, Hildesheim.


Winter, C. (2015, September). Networks for smart music cities. Paper presented at the Conference of the Reeperbahn Festival 2015, September 25, 2015, Hamburg.


Winter, C. (2015, June). Musik und zukunftsfähige Werte-Schöpfung in der Stadt [Music and sustainable value creation in cities]. Paper presented at the BMC Backstage "Music meets Berlin policy and decision makers", June 18, 2015, Berlin.


Winter, C. & Grünewald, L. (2015, June). New perspectives for "use-value" - For an empirical understanding of digital labour with media as means of production. Paper presented at the 5th ICTs and Society Conference: "The Internet and Social Media at a Crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism?", Technical University of Vienna, June 3-6, 2015, Vienna, Austria.


Winter, C. (2015, March). Musikwirtschaft in Mannheim & Region in Zahlen - Potenziale und Perspektiven für eine produktivere Musikwirtschaft [Music economy in Mannheim and its region in numbers - Potentials and perspectives for a more productive music economy]. Paper presented at the Symposium "jetztmusikfestival", March 21, 2015, Mannheim.


Winter, C. (2015, February). Kultur von allen für alle - Popkulturpolitik als historische Chance für Kulturpolitik [Culture from all for all - Pop cultural policy as an historical chance for cultural policy]. Paper presented at the 60th Cultural Policy Colloquium "Cultural Policy as Future Policy", February 21, 2015, Loccum.


Winter, C. (2015, January). Nachruf auf den Kapitalismus-Pop? Freude an produktiven gewöhnlichen Leuten in unserer Musikkultur [Orbituary for capitalism pop? The delight in productive ordinary people in our music culture]. Paper presented at the 7th Pop Congress, Academy of Fine Arts, January 29-31, 2015, Vienna, Austria.



Winter, C. (2014, November). Herausforderungen der Konzeptualisierung der neuen Produktivität von Musikkultur [Challenges of the conceptualization of the new productivity of music culture]. Paper presented at the Conference "The Productivity of Music Cultures", University of Kassel, November 14-15, 2014, Kassel.


Winter, C. & Scherer, H. (2014, October). Success factors for music-based crowdfunding projects. Paper presented at the 5th International Vienna Music Business Research Days 2014 (IVMBRD), University of Music and Dramatic Arts, October, 1-3, 2014, Vienna, Austria.


Winter, C. (2014, January). Die "Entstehung" populärer Kultur im Kontext von Strategien und Taktiken der Entwicklung von Medien [The "emergence" of popular culture in the context of strategies and tactics of the development of media]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference "Pop Congress 2014!", GfM AG "Popular Culture and Media", Karlshochschule International University, January 30, 2014, Karlsruhe.


Winter, C. (2014, January). Populäre Musikkultur als strategische Herausforderung - das Beispiel Berlin [Popular music culture as a strategic challenge - The example of Berlin]. Invited paper presented at the Music Economy Jour Fixe, University of Music and Dramatic Arts, January 7, 2014, Vienna, Austria.



Winter, C. (2013, December). Die c3s-Strategie für mehr und freie Musikkultur von allen für alle [The c3s strategy for more and free music culture from all for all]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Chaos Computer Club, the Chaos Communication Congress on the strategic options of the c3s (Cultural Commons Collecting Society) founded on September 26, 2013, December 27-30, 2013, Hamburg.

Winter, C. (2013, November). Occidental management strategies for a global economy. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Cross-Cultural Management and the 7th Cross-Strait Conference on Business Management, Shanghai International Studies University, November 30, 2013, Shanghai, China.


Winter, C. (2013, July). Cultural studies meets management studies: Perspectives, problems & projects. Paper presented at the "ACS Summer Institute The Sights/Sites of Cultural Studies July 22-27", Association of Cultural Studies, Alps Adria University of Klagenfurt, July 26, 2013, Klagenfurt, Austria.


Winter, C. (2013, July). Studying Berlin cultures and economies of music. Paper presented at the "ACS Summer Institute The Sights/Sites of Cultural Studies July 22-27", Association of Cultural Studies, Alps Adria University of Klagenfurt, July 25, 2013, Klagenfurt, Austria.


Winter, C. (2013, May). Neue Produktionsmittel für Wertaktivitäten in Musikkultur und Musikwirtschaft. Neue Perspektiven für intelligente, inkludierende und nachhaltige musikbezogene Wertschöpfung [New means of production for value activities in music culture and music economy. New perspectives for intelligent, including and sustainable value creation in music]. Paper within the series Medienterrasse, Bauhaus University of Weimar, May 21, 2013, Weimar.


Winter, C. (2013, April). Researching and comparing media cities in transition. Paper presented at the Research Colloquium on the planning of a research cooperation and an application to the German Academic Exchange Service, EU-Center, Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, April 22, 2013, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


Winter, C. (2013, April). From literature to media studies. Problems, projects & perspectives. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on English & American Literatur (Politics, Culture and Literary Imagination), Shanghai International Studies University, April 19, 2013, Shanghai, China.


Winter, C. (2013, February). MedienmanagerInnen in Deutschland - Einstellungen, Werte und Selbstverständnis [Media managers in Germany - Attitudes, values and self-concept]. Paper on the first survey among media managers in Germany presented at the IPMZ (Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research), February 28, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland.


Winter, C. (2013, February). Kultur neu Denken - Kulturpolitik neu Denken? [Thinking about culture in a new way - Thinking about cultural policy in a new way?]. Paper presented at the 58th Cultural Policy Colloquium "Cultural Policy as Future Policy", February 22, 2013, Loccum.


Winter, C. (2013, January). Die gegenw@rtige Kunst des Möglichen verstehen und managen [Understanding and managing the current art of all that is possible]. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Conference of the Association of Cultural Management "The Art of All that is Possible - Management with Art", University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, January 17-19, 2013, Potsdam.


Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2012, November). MedienmanagerInnen als Akteure und ihr Einfluss auf Journalismus [Media mangers as actors and their influence on journalism]. Paper presented at the Panel 1 "Journalistic Media Between Economic and Journalistic Requirements" of the Conference "Economy and Business Models of Journalism", Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Media Economy", November 9, 2012, Dortmund.

Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2012, February). Researching changes in media management through studying media development. Paper presented at the European Media Management Education Annual Conference 2012, February 10-11, 2012, Budapest, Hungary.

Winter, C. (2012, January). Die On-Demand-Kultur und ihre Prosumenten [The on-demand culture and their prosumers]. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Professional Association for Cultural Management "Future Audience. New Forms of Participation and Interactive Perception of Culture", Leuphana University Lüneburg, January 12-14, 2012, Lüneburg.


Winter, C. (2011, December). New freedom and new order: Challenges for new networks of the culture and creative industries. Paper presented at the PhD Workshop, "Cultural Creative Industries Studies Center" of the Renmin University of China, December 21, 2011, Beijing, China.

Winter, C. (2011, December). Networking as the leadership competence in a borderless world: New challenges for global talents. Paper presented at the Conference "Cultivating Borderless Management Talents", College of International Business der Shanghai International Studies University, December 16-18, 2011, Shanghai, China.


Winter, C. & Buschow, C. (2010, November). Entwicklung der Qualifikationsanforderungen im Arbeitsmarkt für Kulturmanager in Deutschland [The development of qualification requirements on the job market for cultural managers in Germany]. Paper presented at the Conference „Personal Management in Culture - Time for enlightenment“ of the Cultural Management Network, November 25, 2010, Weimar.

Dürrenberg, C. & Winter, C. (2010, May). Innovation strategies of TIME-companies in the context of a changing civil society. Paper presented at the Sixth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, May 26-29, 2010, Urbana Champaign, USA.


Winter, C. (2009, November). Die technische Entwicklung der Medien und der Wandel sozialer Beziehungen im Kontext von Kultur-, Management- und Gesellschaftstheorie [The technical development of the media and the change of social relationships in the context of cultural, management, and social theory]. Paper presented at the Workshop "Interaction of Culture, Technology and Economy" of the University and Research Center Karlsruhe, November 13, 2009, Karlsruhe.

Winter, C. (2009, November). Technologie und Kultur im Kontext von Medienentwicklung und gesellschaftlichem Wandel [Technology and culture in the context of media development and social change]. Paper presented at the Research Seminar "Technology Research in Cultural Studies" of the University of Hamburg at the Museum of Hamburg History, November 6, 2009, Hamburg.

Winter, C. & Dürrenberg, C. (2009, November). The viability of the concept virtuality for researching network media development. Paper presented at the Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association/German Society of Mass Communication "Digital Media Technologies Revisited", University of Arts, Berlin, November 21, 2009, Berlin.

Winter, C. (2009, June). Medienethik vor Herausforderungen durch Konvergenz: Probleme und Perspektiven [Challenges for media ethics by convergence: Problems and perspectives]. Final paper presented at the Adolescents' Media Days 2009 under the motto "Ethics", June 14, 2009, Hanover.

Winter, C. (2009, May). Geld als Kommunikationsmedium: Geschichte und performative Herausforderungen [Money as communication medium: History and performative challenges]. Paper presented at the Acting Program, Hanover University of Music and Drama, May 26, 2009, Hanover.

Winter, C. & Dürrenberg, C. (2009, May). On the ethnography of subjectively networked digital media development. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference for Qualitative Social Research, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, May 22, 2009, Urbana-Champaign, USA.

Winter, C. (2009, March). Beziehungen und Werte der Anspruchsgruppen von TIME-Unternehmen im Kontext von Medienentwicklung und gesellschaftlichem Wandel [Relationships and values of stake holders of TIME enterprises in the context of media development and social change]. Paper presented at the Technical University of Berlin, German Telekom-Laboratories, March 25, 2009, Berlin.


Winter, C. (2008, November). Medien- und Musikmanagement für künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Talente [Media and music management for the artistically and scientifically talented]. Paper presented at the city of Hanover's event "November of Science" at the Hanover University of Music and Drama, November 5, 2008, Hanover.

Winter, C. (2008, June). Gesellschaft im Wandel als äußerer Rahmen des kulturellen Handelns von Frauen in Klöstern der Frühen Neuzeit [Changing society as an exterior frame of women's cultural actions in convents of early modern times]. Paper presented at the conference "The convent. A Place of Women's Cultural Actions in Early Modern Times." Interdisciplinary Symposion for Music and Cultural Science of the Hanover University of Music and Drama, June 5, 2008, Hanover.

Winter, C. (2008, April). Die Entwicklungsplanung der HMTH im Kontext der aktuellen Strategiediskussion in den Managementwissenschaften [The development plan of the Hanover University of Music and Drama in the context of the recent strategy discussion in management sciences]. Paper presented at the Strategy Lecture Series of the Presidium of the Hanover University of Music and Drama, April 23, 2008, Hanover.

Winter, C. (2008, February). Medialität von Musik im Wandel – in Raum und Zeit [The changing of mediality of music - in space and time]. Paper presented at the Society of German Music Teachers, Chamber Music Hall of the Hanover University of Music and Drama, February 8, 2008, Hanover.

Winter, C. (2008, January). TIME-Konvergenz für Marketing. Warum Marketing TK- und IT-Technologien integrieren muss [TIME convergence for marketing. Why marketing must integrate TK and IT technologies]. Paper presented at the Marketing Club Austria, Januar 14, 2008, Vienna, Austria.


Winter, C. (2007, December). Gesellschaftsgeschichte als Mediengeschichte: Wie Leute in den letzten 2000 Jahren mit Medien Gesellschaften gemacht haben [History of society as history of the media: How people formed societies with media during the last 2000 years]. Paper presented at the Lecture Series: The World's Historicality. Leuphana University Lüneburg, December 18, 2007, Lüneburg.

Winter, C. (2007, December). Medienentwicklung: Beziehungen und Kultur im Wandel [Media development: The change of relationships and culture]. Paper presented at the conference "The Future of the Information society" at the Alps Adria University of Klagenfurt, December 10, 2007, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Winter, C. (2007, July). Medienentwicklung als Herausforderung für die Gestaltung von Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftskommunikation [Media development as a challenge for the design of society and economy communication]. Paper presented at the Institute for Design at the University of Arts, Berlin, July 16, 2007, Berlin.

Winter, C. (2007, June). Die Beatles im Kontext der Entwicklung von populärer Medienkultur und Musikmanagement [The Beatles in the context of the development of popular media culture and music management]. Paper presented at the Symposion "The Summer of Love - It was 40 Years ago Today: The Beatles and the Popular Culture of 1967" at the Alps Adria University of Klagenfurt, June 20, 2007, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Winter, C. (2007, June). Medienentwicklung als Herausforderung für Medien- und Kommunikationstheorie [Media development as a challenge for media and communication theory]. Habilitation presentation at the Alps Adria University of Klagenfurt, June 11, 2007, Klagenfurt, Austria.


Winter, C. (2006, November). Leute und ihre veränderten medialen Lebensbedingungen – über Hintergründe und Perspektiven in der aktuellen Marketingdiskussion [People's diversified conditions of life with the media - On backgrounds and perspectives in the recent marketing discussion]. Paper presented at the Workshop of the Department of Marketing Solutions of the Telekom Austria AG, November 9, 2006, Wolfsberg, Austria.

Winter, C. (2006, May). Medienwandel als Medienentwicklung. Historische Einsichten und einige Fragen an die Zukunft von Medien und Gesellschaft [Media change as media development. Historical insights and some questions to the future of the media and society]. Paper presented at the IMKI Research Colloquium of the University of Bremen, SFG 2080, May 18, 2006, Bremen.


Winter, C. (2005, December). Kommerzialisierung und Konvergenz medialer Kommunikation: Neue Berufsrollen, Werte und Lebensweisen [Commercialization and convergence of media communication: New professional roles, values and ways of life]. Paper presented at the conferences of the German Society of Mass Media's Expert Groups "Media Economy" and "Computer-Mediated Communication", December 11, 2005, Berlin.

Winter, C. (2005, October). Media management within media and cultural studies. Paper presented within the programm "Globalization, Identity & Technology" of the Nottingham Trent University, October 18, 2005, Nottingham, England.

Winter, C. (2005, October). Medienentwicklung und Cultural Studies [Media development and cultural studies]. Paper presented at the International Conference "The Landscapes of Cultural Studies" at the Alps Adria University of Klagenfurt, October 2005, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Winter, C. (2005, September). Mediaengineering - die Entwicklung von Medien für die Kulturwissenschaft [Media engineering - The development of the media for cultural sciences]. Paper presented at the Congress of the Future of the University of Magdeburg during the 1200-Year Festivities of Magdeburg, September 26, 2005, Magdeburg.

Winter, C. (2005 July). Die Cultural Studies Perspektive auf die Politische Ökonomie der Medien [The cultural studies perspective on the political economy of the media]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Media Economy" at the University of Salzburg, July 1, 2005, Salzburg, Austria.

Winter, C. (2005, April). Konvergenz als Herausforderung für Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement [Convergence as a challenge for media and communication management]. Invited paper presented at the Seminar of Mass Communication at the University of Freiburg in Switzerland, April 15, 2005, Freiburg, Switzerland.

Winter, C. (2005, April). Öffentlichkeiten im Kontext von Medienentwicklung und Medienkulturwandel [The public in the context of media development and cultural change of the media]. Paper presented at the Research Division "The Public and the Society (fög)" of the University of Zurich, April 13, 2005, Zurich, Switzerland.


Winter, C. (2004, December). The change of connectivity and culture within the rise of mobile phones and mobile communication. Paper presented at the Conference "Networks and Connectivity - New Concepts for Media and Mass Communication" of the German Society of Mass Communications's Expert Group "Sociology of Media Communication", December 2, 2004, Erfurt.

Winter, C. (2004, October). Complex connectivity: Developing the theoretical logic of media communication. Paper presented at the PhD program "Globalization, Identity, Technology" of the Nottingham Trent University, October 14, 2004, Nottingham, England.

Winter, C. (2004, May). Kritische Theorie heute – geht es um Kritik oder Politisierung? [Critical theory today - Is it critique or politicization?]. Paper presented at the Symposion "Critical Theory Today" at the Alps Adria University of Klagenfurt, May 28, 2004, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Winter, C. (2004, May). Medientechnologieentwicklung und ihre Bedeutung für die Globalisierung des Umgangs von Menschen mit Medien [The development of media techology and its significance for the globalization of the people's media use]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 20, 2004, Erfurt.


Winter, C. (2003, October). Von "Great good places" zu "Electronic Networks" - Perspektiven der Transformation von Gemeinschaften [From "great good places" to "electronic networks" - Transformation perspectives of communities]. Paper presented at the Conference "Media Change - Community Change" of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Groups "Media, Public, and Gender" and "Sociology of Media Communication", October 11, 2003, Münster.

Winter, C. (2003, February). Developing the theoretical logic of media communication. Paper presented at the Conference "Connectivity of the Media". Network Society and Media Communication of the German Society of Mass Communication Expert Group "Sociology of Media Communication", February 1, 2003, Erfurt.


Winter, C. (2002, November). Prediger im Kontext von Kultur- und Gesellschaftswandel - Performing Media? [Preachers in the context of change of culture and society - Performing media?]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Science Foundation's Special Research Area 447: "Performing Media - Media in Performance", November 29, 2002, Berlin.

Winter, C. (2002, September). Wie machen Kinder mit Medien ihre Kultur? The articulation of common youth culture [How do children make their culture with the media? The articulation of common youth culture]. Paper presented at the Workshop "The Making of Culture", Universität of Graz, October 29, 2002, Graz, Austria.

Winter, C. (2002, July). Transkulturelle Kommunikationstheorie? Zur theoretischen Logik von Kommunikationstheorie im Kontext der Konzeptualisierung der Globalisierung von Medien und transkultureller Kommunikation [Transcultural communication theory? On the theoretical logic of communication theory in the context of conceptualization of the media's globalization and transcultural communication]. Paper presented at the Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Sociology of Media Communication" on "Globalization of the Media", July 6, 2002, Münster.



Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carsten Winter
Telephone: 0511-3100-494
Room: 2E.4.48

Last modified: 2023-01-23

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