Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Klimmt (Head of Department)


  • 1976 born in Northeim
  • 1996-2000 studies of Media Management at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research
  • 2000-2006 Research Assistant at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research
  • 2004 PhD with a thesis on „Computergames as an activity: Dimensions and determinants of experiencing interactive entertainment" (published in 2006 at Halem publishing house, Cologne)
  • 2006-2007 Stand-In Professor for „Media Sciences“ at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research
  • 2006-2009 Team Leader of the EU project „Fun of Gaming: FUGA“ (Coordination: Niklas Ravaja, Helsinki School of Economics)
  • 2007-2010 Junior Professor at the Department of Mass Communication, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
  • Since September 2010 Professor of Communication Science at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research
  • Since October 2021 Head of Department

Major teaching and research interests

  • Entertaining media use
  • Media reception and media effects
  • New media and communication technologies


  • Member of the editorial board of "Media Psychology" (since 2005)
  • Member of the editorial board of "Journal of Communication" (since 2007-2014)
  • Editor in Chief of "Journal of Media Psychology" (2018-2020)
  • Associate Editor of "Journal of Media Psychology" (2011-2017; 2021)
  • Member of the International Communication Association (ICA)


in press

Klimmt, C., Dittrich, A. & Leuppert, R. (in press). Disclosure of perpetrator origin in crime news: Changing practices in journalism after populist accusations? Journalism. doi.org/10.1177/14648849241243191


Beseler, A., Schwind, M., Schmid-Petri, H. & Klimmt, C. (2025). Beyond the freebie mentality: A news user typology of reasonings about paying for online content. Journalism Practice, 19(1), 39-57. doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2023.2178025

Schrimpff, C., Link, E., Fisse, T., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2025). Mental models of smart implant technology: A topic modeling approach to the role of initial information and labeling. Health Communication, 1-13. doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2024.2447548


Freytag, A., Possler, D., Spreen, N., Raney, A. & Klimmt, C. (2024). Explaining the rich entertainment appeal of nature documentaries and its conflicting motivational consequences. Mass Communication and Society. doi.org/10.1080/15205436.2024.2415987

Klimmt, C. & Spreen, N. (2024). Bettering biotech foods’ foul flavor: An experiment on correcting citizens’ misconceptions about genetic modification. Science Communication. doi.org/10.1177/10755470241308532

Klimmt, C., Sperzel, M., Straßburger, J., Winkler, V., Schneeweiß, Y. & Léveillé Gauvin, H. (2024). Catering to the impatient digital listener: Accelerated composition patterns in popular music, 1986-2020. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 30 (3), 1219-1235. doi.org/10.1177/13548565231208918

Leuppert, R., Allagui, I. & Klimmt, C. (2024). Social inequality and news media repertoires in seven MENA countries. Global Media & Communication, 20(3), 273-294. doi.org/10.1177/17427665241289262

Link, E., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2024). Understanding the importance of trust in patients’ coping with uncertainty via health information-seeking behaviors. Communications, 49(1), 74-98. doi.org/10.1515/commun-2021-0117

Link, E., Baumann, E., Schrimpff, C., Fisse, T. & Klimmt, C. (2024). What drives or inhibits individuals’ intention to seek information about medical innovations? Findings from an online survey among German residents. Science Communication, Article 10755470241253815. Advance online publication. doi.org/10.1177/10755470241253815

Link, E., Emde-Lachmund, K., Bruns, S., Dittrich, A., Stiesch, M., Haverich, A., Treue, S. & Klimmt, C. (2024). Public controversy and citizens’ attitude formation about animal research: A case for scholarship and recommendations on conflicts at the science-society interface. PLoS ONE, 19(1), e0295503. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0295503

Spreen, N. & Klimmt, C. (2024). Misconceptions still drive citizens’ scepticism towards biotechnologically produced food. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 44 (1-2), 33-43. doi.org/10.1177/02704676241258060


Fisse, T., Link, E., Schrimpff, C., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2023). Health information repertoires of implant patients: Toward a deeper understanding of multiple source use and the role of health-related motives. Health Communication. Advance online publication, 1–15. doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2023.2258597

Klimmt, C. (2023). Die Rezeption der Tagesschau. Medienpsychologie der deutschen Hauptnachrichtensendung im Wandel der Zeit [The reception of the Tagesschau. Media psychology of the main German news program in the course of time]. In W. Köpke & U. Brenning (Eds.), Und täglich grüßt die Tagesschau. Vom linearen zum digitalen Nachrichtenformat [Daily greetings from the Tagesschau. From the linear to the digital news format] (pp. 41-68). Cologne: von Halem.

Klimmt, C. (2023). Strategiebausteine effektiver Verkehrssicherheitskampagnen [Strategy components of effective road safety campaigns]. In Verkehrsunfall-Opferhilfe Deutschland (VOD) e.V. (Ed.), Vision Zero konkret [Vision zero concrete] (VOD Series No. 2), pp. 85-86. VOD Eigenverlag. (Online: vod-ev.org/vod-schriftenreihe-nr-2-vision-zero-konkret/)

Klimmt, C., Dittrich, A., Brosius, H. B., Schmid-Petri, H., Schultz, T. & Vowe, G. (2023). Herkunftsnennung von Täter*innen und Verdächtigen in der Verbrechensberichterstattung. Eine Handreichung zur Reflexion für Journalist*innen und Kommunikationsverantwortliche der Sicherheitsbehörden und der Justiz [Naming the origin of perpetrators and suspects in crime reporting. A handout for reflection for journalists and communication officers of the security authorities and the judiciary]. Publizistik – Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung, 68, 69-88. doi.org/10.1007/s11616-022-00765-5

Possler, D. & Klimmt, C. (2023). Towards a model of the entertaining appeal of video game aesthetics. In R. Biermann, J. Fromme & F. Kiefer (Eds.), Computerspielforschung: Interdisziplinäre Einblicke in das digitale Spiel und seine kulturelle Bedeutung [Computer game research: interdisciplinary insights into the digital game and its cultural significance] (pp. 141-157). Verlag Barbara Budrich. doi.org/10.3224/84742669

Schrimpff, C., Link., E., Fisse, T., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2023). Communication matters when it comes to adverse events: Associations of adverse events during implant treatment with patients’ communication quality and trust assessments. Patient education and counseling, 107675. doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2023.107675


Klimmt, C. & Possler, D. (2022). Parasoziale Beziehungen in Videospielen: Vielfältige Verhältnisse zwischen Spieler*innen und Avataren [Parasocial relationships in video games: Multiple relationships between players* and avatars]. mediendiskurs No. 101 (3/2022), pp. 38-43.

Possler, D., Carnol, N., Klimmt, C., Weber-Hoffmann, I. & Raney, A. A. (2022). A matter of closeness: Player-avatar relationships as degree of including avatars in the self. In B. Göbl, E. van der Spek, J. B. Hauge & R. McCall (Eds.), Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2022. Proceedings of the 21th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, Bremen (pp. 171-182). Berlin: Springer.


Cohen, J. & Klimmt, C. (2021). Stepping in and out of media characters: Identification and dynamic shifts in users‘ positioning toward entertainment messages. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory (pp. 267-284). New York: Oxford University Press.

Dittrich, A. & Klimmt, C. (2021). Mention of offender origin in crime reporting: what is the effect of populist media scolding? NK Neue Kriminalpolitik, 33(1), 28–45. doi.org/10.5771/0934-9200-2021-1-28

Freytag, A., Knop-Huelss, K., Meier, A., Reinecke, L., Hefner, D., Klimmt, C., & Vorderer, P. (2021). Permanently online—always stressed out? The effects of permanent connectedness on stress experiences. Human Communication Research, 47(2), 132-165. doi.org/10.1093/hcr/hqaa014

Geber, S., Baumann, E., Czerwinski, F. & Klimmt, C. (2021). The effects of social norms among peer groups on risk behavior: A multilevel approach to differentiate perceived and collective norms. Communication Research, 48 (3), 319-345. doi.org/10.1177/0093650218824213

Klimmt, C. (2021). Manipulation betreiben immer nur die anderen. Zu Rudolf Stöbers Beitrag „Genderstern und Binnen-I. Zu falscher Symbolpolitik in Zeiten eines zunehmenden Illiberalismus“ (Publizistik, Heft 1, 2021) und dem Offenen Brief gegen dessen Veröffentlichung [Manipulation is always done by others. On Rudolf Stöber's article "Gender star and internal i. On false tokenism in times of increasing illiberalism" (Publizistik, issue 1, 2021) and the open letter against its publication]. Publizistik, 66, 187-194. doi.org/10.1007/s11616-021-00646-3

Klimmt, C. & Possler, D. (2021). A Synergistic Multiprocess Model of Video Game Entertainment. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Entertainment Theory (pp. 623-646). New York: Oxford University Press. doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190072216.013.33

Klimmt, C. & Rieger, D. (2021). Biographic resonance theory of eudaimonic media entertainment. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory (pp. 383-402). New York: Oxford University Press.

Kreissl, J., Possler, D. & Klimmt, C. (2021). Engagement with the gurus of gaming culture: Parasocial relationships to Let’s Players. Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media, 16 (8), 1021-1043. doi.org/10.1177/15554120211005241

Link, E., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2021). Explaining online information seeking behaviors in people with different health statuses: German representative cross-sectional survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(12), e25963. doi.org/10.2196/25963

Oschatz, C., Emde-Lachmund, K. & Klimmt, C. (2021). The persuasive effect of journalistic storytelling: Experiments on the portrayal of exemplars in the news. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 98 (2), 407-427. doi.org/10.1177/1077699019850096

Possler, D., Klimmt, C. & Bowman, N. D. (2021). How awe affects players’ entertainment experiences over six weeks of playing. In J. B. Hauge, J. C. S. Cardoso, L. Roque & P. A. Gonzalez-Calero (Eds.), Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2021. Proceedings of the  20th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, ICEC 2021, Coimbra, Portugal (pp. 223-235). Berlin: Springer.

Vorderer, P. & Klimmt, C. (Eds.). (2021). The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory. New York: Oxford University Press.

Vorderer, P., Klimmt, C. & Bryant, J. (2021). A brief analysis of the state of entertainment theory: Historical achievements, contemporary challenges, and future possibilities. In P. Vorderer & C. Klimmt (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of entertainment theory (pp. 3-22). New York: Oxford University Press.


Klimmt, C. (2020). Aufwachsen mit der digitalen Sphäre - zur Medienpsychologie der Berufswahl 2020+ [Growing up with the digital sphere - on the media psychology of career choice 2020+]. In S. Hiestand, R. Meyer & S. Rühling (Eds.), berufsbildung - Zeitschrift für Theorie-Praxis-Dialog [Occupational Training - Journal for the Theory-Practice Dialogue] (No. 182, pp. 24-28). Detmold: EUSL Verlag.

Klimmt, C. (2020). Wider den Widerstand: Gamification. Spielspaß und seine Bedeutung für das digitale Lehren und Lernen [Opposing the opposition: Gamification. The fun of gaming and its significance for digital education and learning]. In G. Kysela-Schirmer & G. Ortner (Eds.), Comenius Reloaded 2020. Fünfundzwanzig Jahre multimediale Bildungsvermittlung [Comenius reloaded 2020. Twenty-five years of multimedia education] (pp. 64-72). Paderborn: Gesellschaft für Pädagogik, Information und Medien e.V.

Klimmt, C. & Rosset, M. (2020). Das Elaboration-Likelihood-Modell (2., aktualisierte Auflage) (Reihe Konzepte) [The elaboration likelihood model] (2nd, updated edition) [Series Concepts]. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Link, E., Reifegerste, D., & Klimmt, C. (2020). Family involvement in the context of chronic diseases: The role of social support in treatment decision making for surgical procedures. Journal of Family Research, 32(1), 45-71. doi.org/10.20377/jfr-160

Vorderer, P. & Klimmt, C. (2020). The mobile user’s mindset in a permanently online, permanently connected society.  In R. Ling, L. Fortunati, G. Goggin, S. Sun Lim & Y. Li (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of mobile communication and society (pp. 54-67). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


Baumann, E., Geber, S., Klimmt, C. & Czerwinski, F. (2019). Einfluss gleichaltriger Bezugspersonen (Peers) auf das Mobilitäts- und Fahrverhalten junger Fahrerinnen und Fahrer [The influence of peers on the mobility and driving behavior of young female and male drivers]. Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Mensch und Sicherheit, M 292. Bremen: Carl Schünemann Verlag.

Geber, S., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2019). Where do norms come from? Peer communication as a factor in normative social influences on risk behavior. Communication Research, 46(5), 708-730. doi.org/10.1177/0093650217718656

Klimmt, C. & Possler, D. (2019). Video games. In M. B. Oliver, A. A. Raney & J. Bryant (Eds.), Media effects (4th ed.) (pp. 342-356). New York: Routledge.

Klimmt, C., Possler, D., May, N., Auge, H., Wanjek, L. & Wolf, A. (2019). Effects of soundtrack music on the video game experience. Media Psychology, 22(5), 689-713. https://doi.org/10.1080/15213269.2018.1507827

Link, E., Haverich, A., Klimmt, C. & Schilling, T. (2019). Zwischen Wollen und Müssen: Motivation und Engagement für die Kommunikation in lebenswissenschaftlichen Forschungsverbünden [Between wanting and being made to: Motivation for and commitment to communication in life science research associations]. M & K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 67(4), 375-395. doi.org/10.5771/1615-634X-2019-4-375

Link, E. & Klimmt, C. (2019). Kognitive Verarbeitung von Gesundheitsinformationen [Cognitive processing of health information]. In C. Rossmann & M. Hastall (Eds.), Handbook of health communication - perspectives of mass communication] (pp. 233-243). Berlin: Springer VS. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-10948-6_19-1

Niemann-Lenz, J., Bruns, S., Hefner, D., Knop-Hülß, K., Possler, D., Reich, S., Reinecke, L., Scheper, J. & Klimmt, C. (2019). Crafting a strategic roadmap for computational methods in communication science: Learnings from the CCS 2018 Conference in Hanover. International Journal of Communication, 13 [Special section on Computational Communication Science, edited by E. Domahidi, J. Yang, J. Niemann-Lenz & L. Reinecke]. Retrieved from ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/10534

Rieger, D. & Klimmt, C. (2019). The daily dose of digital inspiration: A multi-method exploration of meaningful communication in social media. New Media & Society, 21(1), 97-118. doi.org/10.1177/1461444818788323

Rieger, D. & Klimmt, C. (2019). The daily dose of digital inspiration 2: Themes and affective user responses to meaningful memes in social media. New Media & Society, 21(10), 2201-2221. doi.org/10.1177/1461444819842875


Emde-Lachmund, K. & Klimmt, C. (2018). News consumption around age 14: A typology of adolescents’ preferred media, topics, and outcome expectations. In R. Kühne, S. Baumgartner, T. Koch & M. Hofer (Eds.), Youth and media. Current perspectives on media use and effects (pp. 97-113). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Hefner, D., Knop, K. & Klimmt, C. (2018). Being mindfully connected – Responding to the challenges of adolescents living in a POPC world. In P. Vorderer, D. Hefner, L. Reinecke & C. Klimmt (Eds.), Permanently online, permanently connected. Living and communicating in a POPC world (pp. 176-187). New York: Routledge.

Klimmt, C. & Brand, M. (2018). Permanence of online access and internet addiction. In P. Vorderer, D. Hefner, L. Reinecke & C. Klimmt (Eds.), Permanently online, permanently connected. Living and communicating in a POPC world (pp. 61-71). New York: Routledge.

Klimmt, C., Hefner, D., Reinecke, L., Rieger, D. & Vorderer, P. (2018). The permanently online and permanently connected mind: Mapping the cognitive structures behind mobile internet use. In P. Vorderer, D. Hefner, L. Reinecke & C. Klimmt (Eds.), Permanently online, permanently connected. Living and communicating in a POPC world (pp. 18-28). New York: Routledge.

Possler, D., Klimmt, C. & Raney, A. A. (2018). Gaming is awesome! A theoretical model on cognitive demands and the elicitation of awe during video game play. In N. D. Bowman (Ed.), Video games: A medium that demands our attention (pp. 74-91). New York: Routledge.

Reinecke, L., Klimmt, C., Meier, A., Reich, S., Hefner, D., Knop-Hülß, K., Rieger, D. & Vorderer, P. (2018). Permanently online and permanently connected: Development and validation of the online vigilance scale. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0205384. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0205384.

Rothmund, T., Klimmt, C. & Gollwitzer, M. (2018). Low temporal stability of excessive video game play in German adolescents. Journal of Media Psychology, 30(2), 53-65.

Vorderer, P., Hefner, D., Reinecke, L. & Klimmt, C. (Eds.). (2018). Permanently online, permanently connected. Living and communicating in a POPC world. New York: Routledge.

Vorderer, P., Hefner, D., Reinecke, L. & Klimmt, C. (2018). Permanently online, permanently connected. A new paradigm in communication research? In P. Vorderer, D. Hefner, L. Reinecke & C. Klimmt (Eds.), Permanently online, permanently connected. Living and communicating in a POPC world (pp. 3-9). New York: Routledge.


Klimmt, C., Maurer, M., Geber, S., Oschatz, C. & Sülflow, M. (2017). Evaluation der Kampagnenfortsetzung 2013/14 „Runter vom Gas!“ [Evaluation of the campaign continuation 2013/14 "Down with Speed!"]. Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Mensch und Sicherheit, M 271. Bremen: Fachverlag NW.

Naab, T. & Klimmt, C. (2017). Wie geht Casting? Alltagstheorien der jungen Zielgruppe über die Funktionsweise von Musik-Castingshows [How does casting work? Everyday theories of the young target group regarding the functioning of music casting Shows]. In H. Schramm & N. Ruth (Eds.), Musikcastingshows - Wesen, Nutzung und Wirkung eines populären Fernsehformats [Music casting shows - Substance, use and effect of a popular television format] (pp. 153-177). Berlin: Springer.

Possler, D., Klimmt, C., Schlütz, D. & Walkenbach, J. (2017). A mature kind of fun? Exploring silver gamers‘ motivation to play casual games – Results from a large-scale online survey. In J. Zhou & G. Salvendy (Eds.), Human aspects of IT for the aged population. Applications, services and contexts: Third International Conference, ITAP 2017, Held as Part of HCI International 2017, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 9-14, 2017, Proceedings, Part II (pp. 280-296). Springer: Wiesbaden.


Emde, K., Klimmt, C. & Schlütz, D. M. (2016). Does storytelling help adolescents to process the news? A comparison of narrative news and the inverted pyramid. Journalism Studies, 17(5), 608-627.

Geber, S., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2016). Tailoring in risk communication by linking risk profiles and communication preferences: The case of speeding of young car drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, no Vol.(97), 315-325. doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2015.06.015

Hartmann, T., Wirth, W., Schramm, H., Klimmt, C., Vorderer, P., Gysbers, A., Böcking, S., Ravaja, N., Laarni, J., Saari, T., Gouveia, F. & Sacau, A. (2016). The Spatial Presence Experience Scale (SPES): A short self-report measure for diverse media settings. Journal of Media Psychology, 28 (1), 1-16.

Klimmt, C. (2016). Self-efficacy: Mediated experiences and expectations of making a difference. In L. Reinecke & M. B. Oliver (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of media use and well-being (pp. 157-169). New York, NY: Routledge.

Klimmt, C., Link, E., Emde, K. & Schneider, B. (2016). Communication as integral element of biomedical implant innovation. BioNanoMaterials (Special Issue „Biofabrication“), 17(1-2), 93-102.

Klimmt, C. & Ogbazion, S. (2016). Interesting, but not necessarily effective: Testing a Serious Game with socially disadvantaged children. In A. de Gloria & R. Veltkamp (Hrsg.), Games and Learning Alliance. 4th International Conference, GALA 2015, Rome, Italy, December 9-11, 2015. Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9599) (S. 238-244). Berlin: Springer.

Klimmt, C., Sowka, A., Sjöström, A., Ditrich, L., Gollwitzer, M. & Rothmund, T. (2016). Wie Journalisten mit sozialwissenschaftlicher Evidenz umgehen: Erkenntnisse aus einem Workshop [How journalists deal with social-scientific evidence: Results from a workshop]. In G. Ruhrmann, S. H. Kessler & L. Guenther (Eds.), Wissenschaftskommunikation zwischen Risiko und (Un-)Sicherheit [Science communication between risk and (in)security] (pp. 75-90). Cologne: Halem.

Oschatz, C. & Klimmt, C. (2016). The effectiveness of narrative communication in road safety education: A moderated mediation model. Communications – the European Journal of Communication Research, 41(2), 145-165.

Roth, F., Klimmt, C. & Mischke, C. (2016). Werbung in Videospielen: Geringe Reaktanz bei Spielerinnen und Spielern selbst bei hoher Dosis [Advertising in video games: Low reactance of female and male gamers even when playing on a high dose]. In G. Zurstiege & D. Schlütz (Eds.), Sozialität und Werbung [Sociality and advertisting] (pp. 202-218). Cologne: von Halem.

Scherer, H., Link, E., Baumann, E., Emde-Lachmund, K. & Klimmt, C. (2016). Kommunikation in Krisenzeiten: Neue Perspektiven auf die Interaktion von Risikowahrnehmung und Gesundheitsinformationsverhalten am Beispiel der Ebola-Epidemie [Communication in times of crises: New perspectives on the interaction of risk perception and health information behavior using the example of the Ebola epidemic]. In A.-L. Camerini, R. Ludolph & F. B. Rothenfluh (Eds.), Gesundheitskommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis [Health communication between the priorities of theory and practice] (pp. 196-210). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Stümpel, L. & Klimmt, C. (2016). Kindlicher Mediengebrauch vor und nach der Einschulung – ein kritischer Phasenübergang. Ergebnisse einer Elternstudie [Childish media use before and after school enrollment - a critical transition. Results of a study on parents]. merz – Medien + Erziehung, 60(4), 66-72.


Baumann, E., Geber, S., Klimmt, C., Maurer, M., Oschatz, C. & Sülflow, M. (2015). Grenzen der Wirksamkeit präventiver Botschaften am Beispiel von Verkehrssicherheitskampagnen [Limits of effectiveness of preventive messages using the example of traffic safety campaigns]. In M. Schäfer, O. Quiring, C. Rossmann, M. Hastall & E. Baumann (Eds.), Gesundheitskommunikation im gesellschaftlichen Wandel [Health communication in societal change] (pp. 213-222). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Golombek, L. & Klimmt, C. (2015). Wie Gamer über den Erwerb virtueller Güter entscheiden: Befunde einer explorativen Befragung [How gamers decide on the purchase of virtual goods: Results of an exploratory survey]. Medienwirtschaft, 12(2), 28-37.

Klimmt, C. (2015). Aggression und Medienunterhaltung – Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf (Musik in) Film, TV und Videospiel [Aggression and media entertainment – a mass communication perspective on (music in) movies, TV and video games]. In F. Heesch & B. Hornberger (Hrsg.), Rohe Beats, harte Sounds. Populäre Musik und Aggression (Jahrbuch Musik und Gender, Band 7) [Rough beats, hard sounds. Popular music and aggression (Yearbook of Music and Gender, Vol. 7)] (pp. 97-104). Hildesheim: Olms.

Klimmt, C. (2015). Du bist tot, nur noch zwei Leben übrig! Sterben im Computerspiel [You're dead, just two lives left! Dying in video games]. In T. Klie, M. Kumlehn, R. Kunz & T. Schlag (Eds.), Praktische Theologie der Bestattung [Practical theology of burials] (pp. 575-592). Berlin: deGruyter.

Roth, F., Klimmt, C., & Vorderer, P. (2015). Gaming. In G. Mazzoleni (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of political communication (pp. 423-427). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Rothmund, T., Gollwitzer, M., Bender, J. & Klimmt, C. (2015). Short- and long-term effects of video game violence on social trust. Media Psychology, 18(1), 106-133.

Sowka, A., Klimmt, C., Hefner, D., Mergel, F. & Possler, D. (2015). Die Messung von Medienkompetenz. Ein Testverfahren für die Dimension „Medienkritikfähigkeit“ und die Zielgruppe „Jugendliche“ [Measuring media literacy. An empirical test instrument for critical appraisal skills regarding media use and the target group of adolescents]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 63(1), 62-82.

Vorderer, P., Klimmt, C., Rieger, D., Baumann, E., Hefner, D., Knop, K., Krömer, N., Mata, J., von Pape, T., Quandt, T., Reich, S., Reinecke, L., Trepte, S., Sonnentag, S. & Wessler, H. (2015). Der mediatisierte Lebenswandel: Permanently Online, Permanently Connected (Essay) [The mediatized way of life: Permanently Online, Permanently Connected (Essay)]. Publizistik – Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung, 60(3), 259-276.


Endrass, B., Klimmt, C., Mehlmann, G., Andre, E. & Roth, C. (2014). Designing user-character dialogue in interactive narratives: An exploratory experiment. Transactions in Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (TCIAIG), 6(2), 166-173.

Gollwitzer, M., Rothmund, T., Klimmt, C., Nauroth, J. & Bender, J. (2014). Gründe und Konsequenzen einer verzerrten Darstellung und Wahrnehmung sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschungsbefunde: Das Beispiel der "Killerspiele-Debatte" [Reasons and consequences of a biased exposition and perception of social-scientific Research results: The example of the "violent video games debate"]. In R. Bromme & M. Prenzel (Eds.), Von der Forschung zur evidenzbasierten Entscheidung: Die Darstellung und das öffentliche Verständnis der empirischen Bildungsforschung (Sonderheft 27 der Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, pp. 101-117) [From research to evidence-based decision: The exposition and the public understanding of empirical educational research (Special Issue No. 27 of Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, pp. 101-117)]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Holte, H., Baumann, E., Maurer, M. & Klimmt, C. (2014). Innovationsperspektiven für die Wissenschaft und Praxis der Verkehrssicherheitskommunikation [Innovation perspectives for science and practice of traffic safety communication]. In C. Klimmt, M. Maurer, H. Holte & E. Baumann (Eds.), Verkehrssicherheitskommunikation. Beiträge der empirischen Forschung zur strategischen Unfallprävention [Traffic safety communication. Empirical research on strategic accident prevention] (pp. 331-340). Wiesbaden: VS.

Holte, H., Klimmt, C., Baumann, E. & Geber, S. (2014). Wirkungsvolle Risikokommunikation für junge Fahrer und Fahrerinnen [Effective risk communication for young male and female Drivers]. Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Mensch und Sicherheit, M 249. Bremen: Fachverlag NW.

Klimmt, C. (2014). Politik in Computerspielen [Politics in video games]. In M. Dohle & G. Vowe (Eds.), Politische Unterhaltung – Unterhaltende Politik. Forschung zu Medieninhalten, Medienrezeption und Medienwirkungen [Political entertainment – entertaining politics. Research on media contents, media reception and media effects] (pp. 192-213). Cologne: von Halem.

Klimmt, C. (2014). Video games and social life. In M. B. Oliver & A. A. Raney (Eds.), Media and social life (pp. 159-175). New York: Routledge.

Klimmt, C. & Maurer, M. (2014). Rezeption und Wirkung einer längerfristigen Kampagne: Runter vom Gas!, 2008 bis 2010 [Reception and effect of a Long-term campaign: Down with Speed!]. In C. Klimmt, M. Maurer, H. Holte & E. Baumann (Eds.), Verkehrssicherheitskommunikation. Beiträge der empirischen Forschung zur strategischen Unfallprävention [Traffic safety communication. Empirical research on strategic accident prevention] (pp. 117-133). Wiesbaden: VS.

Klimmt, C., Jäncke, L. & Vorderer, P. (2014). Die Wirkungen von Computerspielen auf das Fahrverhalten [The effects of video games on driving behavior]. In C. Klimmt, M. Maurer, H. Holte & E. Baumann (Eds.), Verkehrssicherheitskommunikation. Beiträge der empirischen Forschung zur strategischen Unfallprävention [Traffic safety communication. Empirical research on strategic accident prevention] (pp. 239-254). Wiesbaden: VS.

Klimmt, C., Maurer, M. & Baumann, E. (2014). Prozessevaluation der Kampagnenfortsetzung 2011-2012 „Runter vom Gas!“ [Process Evaluation of the 2011-2012 continuating campaign „Down with Speed!“ (Book series of the Federal Office of Traffic System, "Man and Safety")] (No. M246). Bremen: Carl Schünemann Verlag.

Klimmt, C., Maurer, M., Holte, H. & Baumann, E. (Eds.). (2014). Verkehrssicherheitskommunikation. Beiträge der empirischen Forschung zur strategischen Unfallprävention [Traffic safety communication. Empirical research on strategic accident prevention]. Wiesbaden: VS.

Klimmt, C., Maurer, M., Holte, H. & Baumann, E. (2014). Verkehrssicherheitskommunikation: Definition und Herangehensweisen [Traffic safety communication: Definition and approach]. In C. Klimmt, M. Maurer, H. Holte & E. Baumann (Eds.), Verkehrssicherheitskommunikation. Beiträge der empirischen Forschung zur strategischen Unfallprävention [Traffic safety communication. Empirical research on strategic accident prevention] (pp. 1-8). Wiesbaden: VS.

Wahl, S.,  Klimmt, C. & Sowka, A. (2014). Außerschulische Medienkompetenzarbeit: Akteure, Prioritäten, erlebte Herausforderungen [Extracurricular work in media literacy: Actors, priorities, experienced challenges]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 62(2), 236-256.


Klimmt, C. & Sowka, A. (2013). Viel Wissen - keine Stimme? Die Resonanz der Migrationsforschung in der Integrationsdebatte [Much knowledge - no voice? The response of migration research in the integration debate]. In K. Brinkmann & H.-H. Uslucan (Eds.), Dabeisein und Dazugehören: Integration in Deutschland [Taking part and belonging: Integration in Germany] (pp. 307-325). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Klimmt, C. & Weber, R. (2013). Das Experiment in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [The experiment in mass communication]. In W. Möhring & D. Schlütz (Eds.), Handbuch standardisierte Erhebungsmethoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Handbook of standardized Survey methods in mass communication] (pp. 125-144). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Sjöström, A., Sowka, A., Gollwitzer, M., Klimmt, C., & Rothmund, T. (2013). Exploring audience judgments of social science in media discourse: The case of the violent video games debate. Journal of Media Psychology, 25 (1), 27–38.

Sowka, A., Hefner, D., & Klimmt, C. (2013). Die standardisierte Messung komplexer Konzepte in der Kommunikationswissenschaft: Probleme der Normativität und Generalisierbarkeit am Beispiel von „Medienkompetenz“ [Standardized measurement of complex conceptions in communication sciences: Problems of normativitiy and generalizability using the example of „media literacy“]. In T. Naab, D. Schlütz, W. Möhring, & J. Matthes (Eds.), Standardisierung und Flexibilisierung als Herausforderungen der kommunikations- und publizistikwissenschaftlichen Forschung [Standardization and flexibilization as a challenge in communication and journalism research] (Methoden und Forschungslogik der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Methods and research logic of communication sciences], Vol. 9, pp. 55-79). Cologne: von Halem.

Sponer, J. & Klimmt, C. (2013). Markenwelten, Spiele, Advertainment. Neue Werbeformen als Herausforderung an die Medienkompetenz [Worlds of brands, games, advertainment. New forms of advertisement as a challenge for media literacy]. merz – Medien und Erziehung, 57 (2), 59-64.


Blake, C. & Klimmt, C. (2012). The challenge of measuring the use of computer games. In J. Fromme & A. Unger (Eds.), Computer games and new media cultures. A handbook of digital games studies (pp. 357-369). Berlin: Springer.

Blake, C., Hefner, D., Roth, C., Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2012). Cognitive processes involved in video game identification. In M. Herrlich, R. Malaka & M. Masuch (Hrsg.), Entertainment computing. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2012) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7522, S. 75–84). Berlin: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-33542-6_7.

Hefner, D. & Klimmt, C. (2012). Identifikation mit Computerspiel-Charakteren: Wesen und Funktion [Identification with computer game characters: Essence and function]. In L. Reinecke & S. Trepte (Eds.), Unterhaltung in neuen Medien: Perspektiven zur Rezeption und Wirkung von Online-Medien und interaktiven Unterhaltungsformaten [Entertainment in new media: Perspectives on reception and effects of online media and interactive entertainment formats] (pp. 48-64). Cologne: von Halem.

Klimmt, C. (2012). Von der gefühlten Verkürzung der Wege zu den Zielen. Medienwandel, „Instant Need Gratification“ und die Motivationslage der jungen Generation [On the perceived shortcut to the goals. Media change, "instant need gratification" and the young generation's status of motivation]. Musikforum, no Vol., 3, 8-11.

Klimmt, C. & Ahrens, M. (2012). Paying for a little extra fun: Exploring online gamers‘ willingness to purchase digital items. In J. Wimmer, K. Mitgutsch & H. Rosenstingl (Eds.), Applied playfulness. Proceedings of the Vienna Games Conference 2011: Future and reality of gaming (pp. 108-119). Vienna: New Academic Press.

Klimmt, C. & Blake, C. (2012). Selbstwirksamkeitsmaschinen: Motivationsprozesse interaktiver Unterhaltung [Self efficacy machines: Motivation processes of interactive entertainment]. In L. Reinecke & S. Trepte (Eds.), Unterhaltung in neuen Medien: Perspektiven zur Rezeption und Wirkung von Online-Medien und interaktiven Unterhaltungsformaten [Entertainment in new media: Perspectives on reception and effects of online media and interactive entertainment formats] (pp. 65-81). Cologne: von Halem.

Klimmt, C. & Maurer, M. (2012). Evaluation der bundesweiten Verkehrssicherheitskampagne „Runter vom Gas!“ (Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Reihe „Mensch und Sicherheit“) [Evaluation of the nationwide traffic safety campaign "Down with speed!" (Book series of the Federal Office of Traffic System, "Man and Safety")] (No. M223). Bremerhaven: Wirtschaftsverlag NW.

Klimmt, C. & Weil, Y. (2012). Neues Medium, neue Moral? Unrechtsempfinden von Jugendlichen beim MP3-Filesharing [New medium, new morality? Adolescents' perception of doing wrong while sharing MP3 files]. merz – Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik, 56 (3), 50-55.

Klimmt, C., Krämer, B. & Weinacht, S. (2012). Medienpersonen als Repräsentanten von Sendern im TV-Markt [Media personae as representatives of TV stations].  In J. Müller-Lietzkow (Ed.), Ökonomie, Qualität und Management von Unterhaltungsmedien [Economy, quality and management of entertainment media] (pp. 179-199). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Klimmt, C., Roth, C., Vermeulen, I., Vorderer, P. & Roth, F. S. (2012). Forecasting the experience of future entertainment technology: “Interactive Storytelling” and media enjoyment. Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media, 7 (3), 187-208.

Klimmt, C., Hirt, F., Keldenich, F., Mischok, K., Salzen, I. von, Sponer, J. & Engelmann, M. (2012). Netzfreiheit und Online-Werbung: Wie Unternehmen der Regulierung vorauseilen – eine Chance für die Kommunikationswissenschaft (Essay) [Freedom on the net and online advertising: How businesses run ahead of regulation - A chance for mass communication (essay)]. Publizistik, 57 (3), 259-269.

Reichmann, A. & Klimmt, C. (in press). Die Refinanzierung von Online-Nachrichten: Eine Conjoint-Studie zur Zahlungsbereitschaft des Publikums [The re-financing of online news: A conjoint study on the audience's willingness to pay] . Medienwirtschaft, 9 (3), 12-21.

Roth, F. S. & Klimmt, C. (2012). Einführung: Computerspiele als Massenmedium – von der Vielfalt der Spiele, Spieler und ihrer Emotionen [Introduction: Computer games as a mass medium - On the diversity of games, gamers and their emotions]. In J. v. Brincken (Eds.), Emotional Gaming: Gefühlsdimensionen des Computerspielens [Emotional gaming: Emotion dimensions of gaming] (pp. 29-43). Munich: epodium.

Roth, C., Vermeulen, I., Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2012). Exploring replay value: Shifts and continuities in user experiences between first and second exposure to an interactive story. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15 (7), 378-381.

Roth, C., Vermeulen, I., Vorderer, P., Klimmt, C., Pizzi, D., Lugrin, J. & Cavazza, M. (2012). Playing in or out of character: User role differences in the experience of interactive storytelling. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(11), 630-633.

Schlütz, D., Bartel, H. & Klimmt, C. (2012). Bezahlen per klick: Mit Micro-Payment-Modellen für Online-Beiträge sammelt die taz bei ihren Lesern Geld [Paying by klick: The newspaper taz collects money for online articles from its readers via micro-payment models]. Message – Internationale Zeitschrift für Journalismus, (3), 36-37.


Dörr, D., Klimmt, C. & Daschmann, G. (Eds.). (2011). Werbung in Computerspielen: Herausforderungen für das Medienrecht und die Förderung von Medienkompetenz (Schriftenreihe der Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Westfalen, Band 70) [Advertising in computer games: Challenges for media law and the support of media literacy (Series of the Northrhine-Westphalia Bureau of the Media, Vol. 70)]. Berlin: Vistas.

Dörr, D., Klimmt, C., Zorn, N. & Daschmann, G. (2011). Handlungsempfehlungen an Politik und Medienpädagogik zum Umgang mit In-Game-Werbung [Guidance for people in politics and media education: How do deal with in-game-advertising]. In D. Dörr, C. Klimmt & G. Daschmann (Hrsg.), Werbung in Computerspielen: Werbung in Computerspielen: Herausforderungen für das Medienrecht und die Förderung von Medienkompetenz [Advertising in computer games: Challenges for media law and the support of media literacy (pp. 177-194). Berlin: Vistas.

Endrass, B., Klimmt, C., Mehlmann, G., André, E. & Roth, C. (2011). Exploration of user reactions to different dialog-based interaction styles. In M. Si, D. Thue, E. André, J. Lester, J. Tannenbaum & V. Zammitto (Eds.), Interactive storytelling - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS 2011) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7069, pp. 243-248). Berlin: Springer.

Hefner, D., Rothmund, T., Klimmt, C. & Gollwitzer, M. (2011). Implicit measures and media effects research: Challenges and opportunities. Communication Methods and Measures, 5(3), 181-202.

Jäncke, L. & Klimmt, C. (2011). Expertise in video gaming and driving skills. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 22 (4), 279-284.

Klimmt, C. (2011). Das Elaboration-Likelihood-Modell (Lehrbuch-Reihe „Konzepte“). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Klimmt, C. (2011). Media Psychology and complex modes of entertainment experiences. Journal of Media Psychology, 11 (1), 34-38.

Klimmt, C. (2011). Virtual worlds as a regulatory challenge: A user perspective. In K. Cornelius & D. Herrmann (Hrsg.), Virtual worlds and criminality (S. 1-19). Berlin: Springer.

Klimmt, C. & Dörr, D. (2011). Problemaufriss: Die vielfältigen Relevanzen des Themas „In-Game-Werbung“ [Problem outline: The diverse relevances of the topic „In Game Advertising“]. In D. Dörr, C. Klimmt & G. Daschmann (Eds.), Werbung in Computerspielen: Herausforderungen für das Medienrecht und die Förderung von Medienkompetenz [Advertising in computer games: Challenges for media law and the support of media literacy] (pp. 15-22). Berlin: Vistas.

Klimmt, C. & Sowka, A. (2011). Resümee und Ausblick [Summary and outlook]. In D. Dörr, C. Klimmt & G. Daschmann (Eds.), Werbung in Computerspielen: Herausforderungen für das Medienrecht und die Förderung von Medienkompetenz [Advertising in computer games: Challenges for media law and the support of media literacy] (pp. 195-200). Berlin: Vistas.

Roth, C., Klimmt, C., Vermeulen, I. & Vorderer, P. (2011). The experience of Interactive Storytelling: Comparing „Fahrenheit“ with „Facade“. In J. Anacleto, S. Fels, N. Graham, B. Kapralos, M. Seif El-Nasr & K. Stanley (Eds.), Entertainment Computing – Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Entertainment Computing, ICEC 2011, Vancouver (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6972, pp. 13-21). Berlin: Springer.

Rothmund, T., Gollwitzer, M. & Klimmt, C. (2011). Of virtual victims and victimized virtues: Differential effects of experienced aggression in video games on social cooperation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37 (1), 107-119.

Schmid, H. & Klimmt, C. (2011). A magically nice guy: Parasocial relationships with Harry Potter across different cultures. International Communication Gazette, 73 (3), 253-270.

Sowka, A., Klimmt, C., Daschmann, G. & Zorn, N. (2011). Der Untersuchungsgegenstand: Erscheinungsformen, Strategien und Modelle der Werbung in Computerspielen [Object of study: Appearances, strategies and models of advertising in computer games]. In D. Dörr, C. Klimmt & G. Daschmann (Eds.), Werbung in Computerspielen: Werbung in Computerspielen: Herausforderungen für das Medienrecht und die Förderung von Medienkompetenz [Advertising in computer games: Challenges for media law and the support of media literacy] (pp. 23-41). Berlin: Vistas.

Sowka, A., Roth, F., Klimmt, C. & Daschmann, G. (2011). Rezeption und Wirkung von In-Game-Werbung: Ein experimenteller Vergleich von Kindern und Erwachsenen [Reception and effects of in-game-advertising: An experimental comparison of children and adults]. In D. Dörr, C. Klimmt & G. Daschmann (Eds.), Werbung in Computerspielen: Werbung in Computerspielen: Herausforderungen für das Medienrecht und die Förderung von Medienkompetenz [Advertising in computer games: Challenges for media law and the support of media literacy] (pp. 151-174). Berlin: Vistas.


Blake, C. & Klimmt, C. (2010). Geschlechtergerechte Formulierungen in Nachrichtentexten [Gender-equitable wording in news texts]. Publizistik, 55, 289-304.

Hartmann, T., Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2010). Presence and media entertainment. In C. C. Bracken & P. Skalski (Eds.), Immersed in media: Telepresence in everyday life (pp. 137-157). New York: Routledge/LEA.

Hefner, D. & Klimmt, C. (2010). Politische Kommunikation in Computerspielen: Beiläufige und intendierte Wirkungen [Political communication in computer games: Incidental and intended effects]. In C. Schemer , W. Wirth & C. Wünsch (Eds.), Politische Kommunikation: Wahrnehmung, Verarbeitung, Wirkung [Political communication: Perception, processing, effect] (pp. 97-115). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Klimmt, C. (2010). Computerspiele als Bildungswerkzeug: Spielspaß, Game-Based-Learning und „das medienfeindliche Bewusstsein der Pädagogen“ [Computer games as an educational instrument: Fun of gaming, game-based learning and "the hostile attitude of educators as to the media"]. In P. Bauer, H. Hoffmann & K. Mayrberger (Eds.), Medienpädagogik im Fokus – Aktuelle Forschungs- und Handlungsfelder (Festschrift für Stefan Aufenanger) [Media education at the focus - Recent areas of research and activity (Festschrift in honor of Stefan Aufenanger)] (pp. 248-261). Munich: KoPaed.

Klimmt, C. (2010). Helden-Maschinen für daheim: Das Recycling überkommener Heldenvorstellungen in Computerspielen zum Zweck der Unterhaltung [Hero machines at home: Recycling overcome perceptions of heroes in computer games for entertainment]. In E. Schinkel (Ed.), Die Helden-Maschine. Zur Aktualität und Tradition von Helden-Bildern [The hero machine. On the actuality and tradition of hero images] (pp. 76-83). Essen: Klartext-Verlag.

Klimmt, C. (2010). Key dimensions of contemporary video game literacy: Towards a normative model of the competent digital gamer. In K. Mitgutsch, C. Klimmt & H. Rosenstingl (Eds.), Exploring the edges of gaming (pp. 25-34). Vienna: Braumüller. [Reprint of an article published in 2009 in “Eludamos – International Journal of Computer Game Culture”].

Klimmt, C., Hefner, D., Vorderer, P., Roth, C. & Blake, C. (2010). Identification with video game characters as automatic shift of self-perceptions. Media Psychology, 13 (4), 323-338.

Mitgutsch, K., Klimmt, C. & Rosenstingl, H. (Eds.). (2010). Exploring the edges of gaming (Proceedings of the Vienna Games Conferences 2008-2009: Future and Reality of Gaming). Vienna: Braumüller.

Mitgutsch, K., Klimmt, C. & Rosenstingl, H. (2010). Exploring the edges of gaming. An introduction. In K. Mitgutsch, C. Klimmt & H. Rosenstingl (Eds.), Exploring the edges of gaming (pp. 3-10). Vienna: Braumüller.

Ritterfeld, U., Klimmt, C. & Netta, P. (2010). Media use of preschool children with and without Specific Language Impairment (SLI): A diary-based comparison. Medien und Erziehung, 54 (6) (merzWissenschaft No. 6), 80-93.

Rothmund, T. & Klimmt, C. (2010). Kämpfen und „Killen“ in Computerspielen: Ergebnisse der Medienwirkungsforschung und Folgerungen für die Gewaltprävention [Fighting and "killing" in computer games: Results of media effects research and implications for violence prevention]. In H. Lange & T. Leffler (Eds.), Kämpfen-Lernen als Gelegenheit zur Gewaltprävention?! Interdisziplinäre Analysen zu den Problemen der Gewaltthematik und den präventiven Möglichkeiten des „Kämpfen-lernens“ [Learning to fight as an opportunity to prevent violence?! Interdisciplinary analyses on the problems of the subject of violence and the preventive possibilities of "learning to fight"] (pp. 77-92). Hohengehren: Schneider.

Vermeulen, I., Roth, C., Vorderer, P. & Klimmt, C. (2010). Measuring user responses to interactive stories: Towards a standardized assessment tool. In R. Aylett, P. Petta & M. Riedl (Eds.), ICIDS 2010 – Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6432, pp. 38-42). Amsterdam: Springer.


Hartmann, T., Vorderer, P. & Klimmt, C. (2009). Medienpsychologische Erforschung von Computerspielen - ein Überblick und eine Vertiefung am Beispiel von Ego-Shootern [Research on computer games in media psychology - An overview and an immersion based on shooter games]. In M. Bopp, S. Wiemer & R. Nohr (Eds.), Shooter: Eine multidisziplinäre Einführung [Shooter: A multidisciplinary introduction] (pp. 155-183). Münster: Lit.

Klimmt, C. (2009). Das Medium der Spaßgesellschaft: Offene Fragen der Unterhaltungsforschung über Computerspiele [The medium of the fun society: Open questions on computer games in entertainment research]. In C. Thimm (Ed.), Das Spiel - Muster und Metapher der Mediengesellschaft [The game - Model and metaphor of the media society] (pp. 127-150). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Klimmt, C. (2009). Empirische Medienforschung [Empirical media research]. In T. Bevc, & H. Zapf (Eds.), Wie wir spielen, was wir werden. Computerspiele in unserer Gesellschaft [How we play, what we will be. Computer games in our society] (pp. 65-75). Konstanz: UVK.

Klimmt, C. (2009). Key dimensions of contemporary video game literacy: Towards a normative model of the competent digital gamer. Eludamos - The Journal of Computer Game Culture, 3 (1) (Special Issue: Selected Presentations from the "Future and Reality of Gaming" Conference 2008, edited by Martin Pichlmaier, pp. 23-31). Online: www.eludamos.org.

Klimmt, C. (2009). Serious games for social change: Why they (should) work. In U. Ritterfeld, P. Vorderer & M. Cody (Eds.), Serious Games: Effects and mechanisms (pp. 247-270). New York: Routledge.

Klimmt, C. (2009). Was ist die Funktion von Tod und Sterben in medialer Unterhaltung? [The function of death and dying in media entertainment]. Publizistik, 54 (3), 415-430.

Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2009). Media entertainment. In C. Berger, M. Roloff, & D. Roskos-Ewoldsen (Eds.), Handbook of communication science (2nd edition) (pp. 345-361). Los Angeles: Sage.

Klimmt, C., Hefner, D. & Vorderer, P. (2009). The video game experience as 'true' identification: A theory of enjoyable alterations of players' self-perception. Communication Theory, 19 (4), 351-373.

Klimmt, C., Schmid, H. & Orthmann, J. (2009). Exploring the enjoyment of playing browser games. Cyber Psychology and Behaviour, 12 (2), 231-234.

Klimmt, C., Weinacht, S. & Donner, B. (2009). Netzkompetenz gleich Werberesistenz? Ein Experiment zur Erinnerung von Online-Werbung in Abhängigkeit von der Interneterfahrung [Net competence equals resistance against advertising? An experiment on the memory of online advertising dependent on Internet experience]. Medienwirtschaft, 6 (1), 6-17.

Klimmt, C., Blake, C., Hefner, D., Vorderer, P. & Roth, C. (2009). Player performance, satisfaction, and video game enjoyment. In S. Natkin & J. Dupire (Eds.), Entertainment Computing: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2009) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5709, pp. 1-12). Berlin: Springer.

Klimmt, C., Rizzo, A., Vorderer, P., Koch, J. & Fischer, T. (2009). Experimental evidence for suspense as determinant of video game enjoyment. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 12 (1), 29-31.

Lenz, M., Tiele, A. & Klimmt, C. (2009). Programmies als Quotenmacher? Der Einfluss von Spielfilmankündigungen in der Programmpresse auf den Ausstrahlungserfolg der Filme im Fernsehen [Do TV guides influence movie ratings? The effect of movie announcements in TV guides on the success of the movies on television]. Medienwirtschaft, 6 (4), 10-21.

Naab, T., Beekmann, A. & Klimmt, C. (2009). Die Glaubwürdigkeit von Corporate Weblogs aus der Sicht der Blogger-Community [The credibility of corporate weblogs from the perspective of the blogger community]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 57 (3), 336-352.


Böcking, S., Wirth, W., Hartmann, T., Klimmt, C., Schramm, H. & Vorderer, P. (2008). Zur Messung von räumlichem Präsenzerleben: Ein Vergleich von vier alternativen Messmethoden. [On the measurement of spatial experience of presence: A comparison of four alternative methods of measurement]. In J. Matthes, W. Wirth, A. Fahr & G. Daschmann (Eds.), Die Brücke zwischen Theorie und Empirie: Operationalisierung, Messung und Validierung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [The bridge between theory and empiricism: Operationalization, measurement and validation in mass communication]. Cologne: Halem.

Behr, K.-M., Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2008). Der Zusammenhang zwischen Leistungshandeln und Unterhaltungserleben im Computerspiel [The relationship between achievement behavior and entertainment experience in computer games]. In T. Quandt, J. Wimmer & J. Wolling (Eds.), Die Computerspieler - Studien zur Nutzung von Computergames [Computer gamers - Studies on the use of computer games] (pp. 225-240). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Klimmt, C. (2008). Die Nutzung von Computerspielen: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven [The use of computer games: Interdisciplinary perspectives]. In T. Quandt, J. Wimmer & J. Wolling (Eds.), Die Computerspieler - Studien zur Nutzung von Computergames [Computer gamers - Studies on the use of computer games] (pp. 52-72). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Klimmt, C. (2008). Enjoyment/Entertainment Seeking. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication (Vol. IV, pp. 1539-1543). London: Blackwell.

Klimmt, C. (2008). Escapism. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication (Vol. IV, pp. 1564-1566. London: Blackwell.

Klimmt, C. (2008). Unterhaltungserleben beim Computerspielen - Theorie, Experimente, (pädagogische) Anwendungsperspektiven [Entertainment experience during computer games - Theory, experiments, (pedagogical) persepectives of use]. In K. Mitgutsch & H. Rosenstingl (Eds.), Faszination Computerspielen: Theorie - Kultur - Erleben [The fascination of playing computer games: Theory - culture - experience] (pp. 7-17). Vienna: Braumüller.

Klimmt, C. & Hartmann, T. (2008). Mediated interpersonal communication in multiplayer video games: Implications for entertainment and relationship management. In E. Konijn, M. Tanis, S. Utz, & S. Barnes (Eds.), Mediated interpersonal communication (pp. 309-330). New York: Routledge.

Klimmt, C., Pompetzki, V. & Blake, C. (2008). Geschlechterrepräsentation in Nachrichtentexten: Der Einfluss von geschlechterbezogenen Sprachformen und Fallbeispielen auf den gedanklichen Einbezug von Frauen und die Bewertung der Beitragsqualität [Gender representation in news texts: The influence of gender-related linguistic forms and case studies on the mental inclusion of women and the quality evaluation of articles]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 56 (1), 3-20.

Klimmt, C., Steinhof, C. & Daschmann, G. (2008). Werbung in
Computerspielen: Die Bedeutung von Interaktivität für die kognitive Werbewirkung [Advertising in computer games: The significance of interactivity for cognitive advertising effects]. Medienwirtschaft, 5 (1), 6-16.

Klimmt, C., Schmid, H., Nosper, A., Hartmann, T. & Vorderer, P. (2008). 'Moral management': Dealing with moral concerns to maintain enjoyment of violent video games. In A. Sudmann-Jahn & R. Stockmann (Eds.), Computer games as a sociocultural phenomenon: Games without frontiers – wars without tears (pp. 108-118). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave.

Wirth W., Schramm, H., Böcking, S., Gysbers, A., Hartmann, T., Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2008). Entwicklung und Validierung eines Fragebogens zur Entstehung von räumlichem Präsenzerleben [Development and validation of a questionnaire on the emergence of spatial experience of presence]. In J. Matthes, W. Wirth, A. Fahr & G. Daschmann (Eds.), Die Brücke zwischen Theorie und Empirie: Operationalisierung, Messung und Validierung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [The bridge between theory and empiricism: Operationalization, measurement and validation in mass communication]. Cologne: Halem.


Hartmann, T. & Klimmt, C. (2007). Virtuelle Medienfiguren: Stars auf Tastendruck? [Virtual media personae: Stars at the push of a button?]. In T. Schierl (Ed.), Prominenz in den Medien. Zur Genese und Verwertung von Prominenten in Sport, Wirtschaft und Kultur [VIPs in the media. On the emergence and exploitation of VIPs in sports, economy and culture] (pp. 235-255). Cologne: Halem.

Hefner, D., Klimmt, C. & Daschmann, G. (2007). Typisch Türke? Die Folgen der Nationalitätsnennung für die Bewertung von Akteuren in der Nachrichtenrezeption [Typical Turk? The consequences of mentioning nationality for the evaluation of an actor in news reception]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 55 (4), 575-594.

Hefner, D., Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2007). Identification with the player character as determinant of video game enjoyment. In L. Ma, R. Nakatsu & M. Rauterberg (Eds.), International Conference on Entertainment Computing 2007 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4740, pp. 39–48). Berlin: Springer.

Kistler, S., Klimmt, C. & Scherer, H. (2007). Der Kicker als Zentrum der Fußballkompetenz: Die Leitmedien im Sportjournalismus [The "Kicker" as major football authority: The leading media in sports journalism]. In T. Horky (Ed.), Die Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2006: Analysen zum Mediensport [The World Football Championship 2006: Analyses on media sports] (pp. 87-100). Norderstedt: Books on Demand Verlag.

Klimmt, C. (2007). Autorennspiele am Computer - Chancen und Risiken für die Verkehrssicherheit [Car racing computer games - Chances and risks for traffic safety]. Zeitschrift für Verkehrserziehung, 57 (4), 4-9.

Klimmt, C. (2007). Positive Wirkungen von Computerspielen [Positive effects of computer games]. In M. Frölich, M. Grunewald & U. Taplik (Eds.), Computerspiele: Faszination und Irritation [Computer games: Fascination and irritation] (pp. 55-68). Frankfurt/M.: Brandes & Apsel.

Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2007). Drei sozialpsychologische Säulen einer Theorie medialer Unterhaltung [The three socio-psychological pillars of a theory of media entertainment]. In S. Trepte & E. Witte (Eds.), Sozialpsychologie und Medien [Social psychology and the media] (pp. 81-102). Berlin: Pabst Science Publishers.

Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2007). Wenn der Spaß angeblich aufhört: Karikaturen und die Selbstbeschränkung publizistischer Meinungsäußerung [When the fun supposedly stops. Caricatures and self-restriction in expression of opinon in the media] (pp. 287-304). In W. J. Schütz, W. Möhring & D. Stürzebecher (Eds.), Journalistik und Kommunikationsforschung: Festschrift für Beate Schneider [Journalism and communication research: Festschrift in honor of Beate Schneider]. Berlin: Vistas.

Klimmt, C., Hartmann, T. & Frey, A. (2007). Effectance and control as determinants of video game enjoyment. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 10 (6), 845-847.

Klimmt, C., Netta, P. & Vorderer, P. (2007). Entertainisierung der Wahlkampfkommunikation: Der Einfluss von Humor auf die Wirkung negativer Wahlwerbung [The entertainization of communication during election campaigns: The influence of humor on the effects of negative election propaganda]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 55 (3), 390-411.

Klimmt, C., Vorderer, P. & Ritterfeld, U. (2007). Interactivity and generalizability: New media, new challenges. Communication Methods and Measures.

Wirth, W., Hartmann, T., Böcking, S., Vorderer, P., Klimmt, C., Schramm, H., Saari, T., Laarni, J., Ravaja, N., Ribeiro Gouveia, F., Biocca, F., Sacau, A., Jäncke, L., Baumgartner, T. & Jäncke, P. (2007). A process model of the formation of Spatial Presence experiences. Media Psychology, 9 (3), 493-525.

Klimmt, C. (2007). "Media celebrities". In J. J. Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media (pp. 493-494). London: Sage.

Klimmt, C. (2007). "Violence, meta-analyses". In J. J. Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media (pp. 862-863). London: Sage.

Klimmt, C. (2007). "Research methods, experimental studies". In J. J. Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media (pp. 722-723). London: Sage.

Klimmt, C. (2007). "Electronic games, types". In J. J. Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media (pp. 282-283). London: Sage.

Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2007). "Interactive media". In J. J. Arnett (Ed.), Encyclopedia of children, adolescents, and the media (pp. 417-419). London: Sage.


Dohle, M., Klimmt, C. & Schramm, H. (2006). König Fußball: Rezeptionsmotive und Medienmenüs an einem Bundesliga-Spieltag [King soccer: Reception motives and media menues on a day in the German soccer league]. Medien und Erziehung (merz), 50 (6), 51-62.

Hartmann, T. & Klimmt, C. (2006). Gender and computer games: Exploring females' dislikes. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11 (4), Artikel 2. http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol11/issue4/hartmann.html

Hartmann, T. & Klimmt, C. (2006). The influence of personality factors on computer game choice. In P. Vorderer & J. Bryant (Eds.), Playing video games: Motives, responses, and consequences (p. 115-131). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Klimmt, C. (2006). Computerspielen als Handlung: Dimensionen und Determinanten des Erlebens interaktiver Unterhaltungsangebote [Playing computer games as action: Dimensions and determinants of the experience of interactive entertainment]. Cologne: von Halem.

Klimmt, C. (2006). Zur Rekonstruktion des Unterhaltungserlebens beim Computerspielen [On the reconstruction of entertainment experience during computer games]. In W. Kaminski & M. Lorber (Eds.), Clash of Realities. Computerspiele und soziale Wirklichkeit [Clash of realities. Computer games and social reality] (pp. 65-79). Munich: KoPaed.

Klimmt, C. & Hartmann, T. (2006). Effectance, self-efficacy, and the motivation to play video games. In P. Vorderer & J. Bryant (Eds.), Playing video games: Motives, responses, and consequences (p. 132-145). Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2006). Unterhaltung [Entertainment]. Publizistik, 50 (5), Special Issue "50 Years of the Journal Publizistik", 236-249 (invited article).

Vorderer, P. & Klimmt, C. (2006). Rennspiele am Computer: Implikationen für die Verkehrssicherheitsarbeit. Zum Einfluss von Computerspielen mit Fahrzeugbezug auf das Fahrverhalten junger Fahrer (Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen, Reihe "Mensch und Sicherheit") [Racing games on the computer: Implications for the work in traffic safety. On the impact of computer games dealing with vehicles on the driving behavior of young drivers (Book series of the Federal Office of Traffic System, "Man and Safety")] (No. M181). Bremerhaven: Verlag für Neue Wissenschaft.

Klimmt, C., Bartels, K. & Scherer, H. (2006). Kommunikation für die Rundfunkgebühr: Die Furchtappelle der GEZ fruchten weniger als Überzeugungsarbeit [Communication for broadcasting fees: The fear provoking methods by the German Society of Broadcasting Fees areless useful than persuasion]. Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 54 (4), 579-598. (Erratum: Table 2 on page 590 contains an error. You may download a pdf document with the corrected table here).

Klimmt, C., Bepler, M. & Scherer, H. (2006). "Das war ein Schuss wie ein Mehlkloß ins Gebüsch!" Fußball-Live-Kommentatoren zwischen Journalistik und Entertainment ["That was a shot like a clod in the bush!" Live soccer commentaries between journalism and entertainment]. In H. Schramm, W. Wirth & H. Bilandzic (Eds), Empirische Unterhaltungsforschung: Studien zur Rezeption und Wirkung von medialer Unterhaltung [Empirical entertainment research: Studies on reception and effects of media entertainment] (pp. 169-189). Munich: R. Fischer.

Klimmt, C., Frank, S. & Schneider, B. (2006). ‚Die Botschaft hör’ ich wohl, allein mir fehlt der Glaube’: Die Argumente der Musikindustrie gegen Filesharing aus der Sicht der (Viel-) Nutzer von Internet-Tauschbörsen. ['I listen to the message but do not believe': The arguments of the music industry against file sharing from the perspective of (heavy) users of Internet exchanges] In M. Friedrichsen, W. Mühl-Benninghaus & W. Schweiger (Eds.), Neue Technik, neue Medien, neue Gesellschaft? Ökonomische Herausforderungen der Onlinekommunikation [New technique, new media, new society? Economic challenges of online communication] (pp. 49-66). Munich: R. Fischer.

Klimmt, C., Hartmann, T. & Schramm, H. (2006). Parasocial interactions and relationships. In J. Bryant & P. Vorderer (Eds.), Psychology of entertainment (pp. 291-313). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Klimmt, C., Schmid, H., Nosper, A., Hartmann, T. & Vorderer, P. (2006). How players manage moral concerns to make video game violence enjoyable. Communications - the European Journal of Communication Research, 31 (3), 309-328.

Ritterfeld, U., Niebuhr, S., Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2006). Unterhaltsamer Mediengebrauch und Spracherwerb: Evidenz für Sprachlernprozesse durch die Rezeption eines Hörspiels bei Vorschulkindern [Entertaining media use and language aquisition: Evidence for language learning processes through preschool children's exposure to audio tapes]. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 18 (2), 60-69.

Vorderer, P., Hartmann, T. & Klimmt, C. (2006). Explaining the enjoyment of playing video games: The role of competition. In D. Marinelli (Ed.), ICEC conference proceedings 2003: Essays on the future of interactive entertainment (p. 107-120). Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University Press.

Vorderer, P., Klimmt, C. & Hartmann, T. (2006). Interdisziplinarität [Interdisciplinarity]. Publizistik, 50 (5), Special Issue "50 Years of the Journal Publizistik", 301-314.

Vorderer, P., Böcking, S., Klimmt, C. & Ritterfeld, U. (2006). What makes preschoolers listen to narrative audio tapes? Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 18 (1), 9-18.


Behr, K.-M., Nosper, A., Klimmt, C. & Hartmann, T. (2005). Some practical considerations on ethical issues in VR research. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14 (6), 668-676.

Hartmann, T. & Klimmt, C. (2005). Ursachen und Effekte Parasozialer Interaktionen im Rezeptionsprozess: Eine Fragebogenstudie auf der Basis des PSI-Zwei-Ebenen-Modells [Causes and effects of parasocial interations wihin the reception process: A survey stuy on the basis of the PSI-Two-Level-Model]. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 17 (3), 88-98.

Hartmann, T., Böcking, S., Schramm, H., Wirth, W., Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2005). Räumliche Präsenz als Rezeptionsmodalität: Ein theoretisches Modell zur Entstehung von Präsenzerleben [Spatial presence as reception modality: A theoretical model on the emergence of presence experience]. In V. Gehrau, H. Bilandzic & J. Woelke (Eds.), Rezeptionsstrategien und Rezeptionsmodalitäten [Reception strategies and reception modalities] (pp. 21-37). Munich: R. Fischer.

Klimmt, C., Fischer, T. & Kuhrcke, T. (2005). Mittendrin statt nur dabei: Kriegsdarstellungen in Computerspielen [Right in the middle instead of just being there: The presentation of war in computer games]. In T. Knieper & M. Müller (Eds.), War Visions: Bildkommunikation und Krieg [War visions: Picture communication and war] (pp. 276-292). Cologne: von Halem.

Klimmt, C., Hartmann, T. & Vorderer, P. (2005). Macht der Neuen Medien? 'Überwältigung' und kritische Rezeptionshaltung in virtuellen Medienumgebungen [The power of new media? Being 'overwhelmed' and critical reception in virutal media environments]. Publizistik, 50 (4), 422-437.

Klimmt, C., Hartmann, T., Gysbers, A. & Vorderer, P. (2005). The value of reaction-time measures for Presence research: Empirical findings and future perspectives. In M. Slater (Ed.), Presence 2005 Conference Proceedings (pp. 293-298). London: University College London.

Ritterfeld, U., Klimmt, C., Vorderer, P. & Steinhilper, L. (2005). The effects of a narrative audio tape on preschoolers' entertainment experience and attention. Media Psychology, 7 (1), 47-72.

Wirth, W., Vorderer, P., Früh, Schramm, H. & Klimmt, C. (2005-). Unterhaltungsforschung [Entertainment Research]. Cologne: Halem.


Aschentrup, A., Schneider, B. & Klimmt, C. (2004). Chancen und Probleme von Video on Demand in Deutschland [Chances and problems of video on demand in Germany]. Medienwirtschaft, 1 (4), 182-192.

Böcking, S., Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2004). "Die drei Klassiker". Medienrepertoires von Vorschulkindern in konvergierenden Medienumgebungen ["The three classics". Media repertory of preschoolers in convergent media surroundings]. In U. Hasebrink, L. Mikos & E. Prommer (Eds.), Mediennutzung in konvergierenden Medienumgebungen [Media use in convergent media surroundings] (pp. 271-296). Munich: Fischer.

Böcking, S., Gysbers, A., Wirth, W., Klimmt, C., Hartmann, T., Schramm, H., Laarni, J., Sacau, A., & Vorderer, P. (2004). Theoretical and empirical support for distinctions between components and conditions of Spatial Presence (pp. 224-231). Proceedings VII. International Workshop on Presence – Presence 2004, Valencia, Spain.

Gysbers, A., Klimmt, C., Hartmann, T., Nosper, A. & Vorderer, P. (2004). Exploring the book problem: Text design, mental representations of space, and spatial presence in readers (pp. 13-19). Proceedings VII. International Workshop on Presence – Presence 2004, Valencia, Spain.

Hartmann, T., Schramm, H. & Klimmt, C. (2004). Personenorientierte Medienrezeption: Ein Zwei-Ebenen-Modell parasozialer Interaktionen [Persona-oriented media reception: A two-level model of parasocial interactions]. Publizistik, 49 (1), 25-47.

Hartmann, T., Schramm, H. & Klimmt, C. (2004). Vorbereitende Überlegungen zur theoretischen Modellierung parasozialer Interaktionen im Prozess der Medienrezeption [Preparatory considerations on the theoretical modeling of parasocial interactions during media reception] [Online]. Download.

Klimmt, C. (2004). Computer- und Videospiele [Computer and video games]. In R. Mangold, P. Vorderer & G. Bente (Eds.), Lehrbuch der Medienpsychologie [Media psychology textbook] (pp. 695-716). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Klimmt, C. (2004). Der Nutzen von Computerspielen - ein optimistischer Blick auf interaktive Unterhaltung [The usefulness of computer games - an optimistic view on interactive entertainment]. Medien und Erziehung, 48 (3), 7-11.

Klimmt, C. (2004). Die Nutzung von Computer- und Videospielen - aktives Spielen am Bildschirm [The use of computer and video games - active playing at the screen]. In P. Rössler, H. Scherer & D. Schlütz (Eds.), Nutzung von Medienspielen - Spiele der Mediennutzer [The use of media games - the games of media users] (pp. 135-165). München: R. Fischer.

Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2004). Unterhaltung als unmittelbare Funktion des Lesens [Enteratinment as a direct function of reading]. In N. Groeben & B. Hurrelmann (Eds.), Lesesozialisation in der Mediengesellschaft: Ein Forschungsüberblick [Reading socialization in the media society: A research overview] (pp. 36-60). Weinheim: Juventa.

Klimmt, C., Vorderer, P. & Ritterfeld, U. (2004). Experimentelle Medienforschung mit interaktiven Stimuli: Zum Umgang mit Wechselwirkungen zwischen "Reiz" und "Reaktion" [Experimental media research with interactive stimuli: Dealing with interaction between "stimulus" and "response"]. In W. Wirth, E. Lauf & A. Fahr (Eds.), Forschungslogik und design in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Reserach logic and design in communication research] (pp. 142-156). Cologne: Halem.

Schramm, H., Dohle, M. & Klimmt, C. (2004). Das Erleben von Fußball im Fernsehen [Experiencing soccer on TV]. In H. Schramm (Ed.), Sportkommunikation III: Die Rezeption des Sports in den Medien [Sports communication III: The reception of sports in the media] (pp. 121-142). Cologne: von Halem Verlag.

Schramm, H., Hartmann, T. & Klimmt, C. (2004). Parasoziale Interaktionen und Beziehungen mit Medienfiguren in interaktiven und konvergierenden Medienumgebungen. Empirische Befunde und theoretische Überlegungen [Parasocial interactions and relationships to media characters in interactive and convergent media surroundings. Empirical results and theoretical considerations]. In U. Hasebrink, L. Mikos & E. Prommer (Eds.), Mediennutzung in konvergierenden Medienumgebungen [Media use in convergent media surroundings] (pp. 299-320). Munich: Fischer.

Vorderer, P., Klimmt, C. & Ritterfeld, U. (2004). Enjoyment: At the heart of media entertainment. Communication Theory, 14 (4), 388-408.


Klimmt, C. (2003). Dimensions and determinants of the enjoyment of playing digital games: A three-level model. In M. Copier & J. Raessens (Eds.), Level Up: Digital Games Research Conference (pp. 246-257). Utrecht: Faculty of Arts, Utrecht University.

Klimmt, C. (2003). Spaß durch Konflikte? Zur Faszinationskraft von Offline- und Online-Computerspielen [Fun through conflicts? On the fascination of offline and online computer games]. In U. Beck & W. Sommer (Eds.), Conference volume Edut@in 2002 (pp. 175-182). Karlsruhe: Karlsruher Messe- und Kongress-Gesellschaft.

Klimmt, C. & Trepte, S. (2003). Theoretisch-methodische Desiderata der medienpsychologischen Forschung über die aggressionsfördernde Wirkung gewalthaltiger Computer- und Videospiele [Theoretical-methodical desiderata of research in media psychology concerning aggression-supporting effects of computer and video games]. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 15 (4), 114-121.

Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2003). Media Psychology "is not yet there": Introducing theories on media entertainment to the Presence debate. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 12 (4), 346-359.

Schramm, H. & Klimmt, C. (2003). "Nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel". Die Rezeption der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2002 im Fernsehen: Eine Panel-Studie zur Entwicklung von Rezeptionsmotiven im Turnierverlauf. ["After the game is before the game". The reception of the FIFA World Cup 2002 on television: A panel study on the development of reception motives during the World Cup]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 51 (1), 55-81.

Trepte, S. & Klimmt, C. (Eds.). (2003). Computerspiele und Aggression [Themenheft]. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie [Computer games and aggression. Special issue of the Journal for Media Psychology], 15 (4).


Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2002). "Lara ist mein Medium". Parasoziale Interaktionen mit Lara Croft im Vergleich zur Lieblingsfigur aus Film und Fernsehen [“Lara is my medium”. Parasocial interactions with Lara Croft in comparison to favorite characters from film and television]. In P. Rössler, V. Gehrau & S. Kubisch (Eds.), Empirische Perspektiven der Rezeptionsforschung [Empirical perspectives in reception research] (pp. 177-192). München: Fischer.

Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2002). Wann wird aus Spiel Ernst? Hochinteraktive Medien, "Perceived Reality" und das Unterhaltungserleben der Nutzer/innen [When does playing become serious? Highly interactive media, “perceived reality” and the entertainment experience of users]. In A. Baum & S. J. Schmidt (Eds.), Fakten und Fiktionen. Über den Umgang mit Medienwirklichkeiten [Facts and fictions. Dealing with media realities] (pp. 314-324). Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft.

Schramm, H., Hartmann, T. & Klimmt, C. (2002). Desiderata und Perspektiven der Forschung über parasoziale Interaktionen und Beziehungen zu Medienfiguren [Desiderata and research perspectives on parasocial interactions and relationships to media characters]. Publizistik, 47(4), 436-459.

Vorderer, P. & Klimmt, C. (2002). Lesekompetenz im medialen Spannungsfeld von Informations- und Unterhaltungsangeboten [Reading competence in the media area of conflict of information and entertainment offers]. In N. Groeben & B. Hurrelmann (Eds.), Lesekompetenz. Bedingungen, Dimensionen, Funktionen (S. 215-235) [Literacy. Conditions, dimensions, functions.]. Weinheim: Juventa.

Vorderer, P., Klimmt, C. & Liebetruth, D. (2002). Spaß, Spannung, Spiel. Eine Beobachtungsstudie zum Unterhaltungserleben drei- bis vierjähriger Kinder während der Rezeption formal unterschiedlich unterhaltsamer Varianten eines Hörspiels [Fun, suspense and play. An observational study on the entertainment experience of three to four year old children during the reception of formally different entertaining versions of an audio cassette]. In P. Rössler, V. Gehrau & S. Kubisch (Eds.), Empirische Perspektiven der Rezeptionsforschung [Empirical perspectives in reception research] (pp. 117-132). Munich: Fischer.


Hartmann, T., Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2001). Avatare: Parasoziale Beziehungen zu virtuellen Akteuren [Avatars: parasocial relationships with virtual characters]. Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft [Media and communication science], 49(3), 350-368.

Klimmt, C. (2001). Computer-Spiel: Interaktive Unterhaltungsangebote als Synthese aus Medium und Spielzeug [Computer games: Interactive entertainment offer as synthesis of medium and toys]. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 13(1), 22-32.

Klimmt, C. (2001). Ego-Shooter, Prügelspiel, Sportsimulation? Zur Typisierung und Klassifizierung von Computer- und Videospielen [Ego shooter, fighting game, sport simulation? Typing and classifying computer and video games]. Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft [Media and communication science], 49(4), 480-497.

Vorderer, P., Ritterfeld, U. & Klimmt, C. (2001). Spaß am Hören - Hörspielkassetten als sprachförderliche Unterhaltungsangebote für Vorschulkinder [Fun at listening – Advancing preschool kids’ language through entertaining audio cassettes]. Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft [Media and communication science], 49(4), 462-479.



Fisse, T., Schrimpff, C., Link, E., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2024, November). Situational health information seeking behaviors for uncertainty management: Results from a longitudinal weekly study of Implant patients. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK Health Communication Division, November 20-22, 2024, Zurich, Switzerland.

Schrimpff, C., Fisse, T., Link, E., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2024, November). Mental models of smart implant technology: A mixed-methods approach to the role of labeling. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK Health Communication Division, November 20-22, 2024, Zurich, Switzerland.

Fisse, T., Schrimpff, C., Link, E., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2024, September). Social support through shared experiences: An exploratory analysis of various manifestations, reasons, and outcomes of implant patients interacting with affected others. Paper presented at the 10th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), September 24-27, 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Schrimpff, C., Fisse, T., Link, E., Baumann, E., & Klimmt, C. (2024, September). Identifying situational health information seeking patterns for uncertainty management in orthopedic implant patient journeys. Paper presented at the 10th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), September 24-27, 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Spreen, N. & Klimmt, C. (2024, May). Consumers' misperception of genetically modified food is driven by current nutrition lifestyle. Paper presented at the Regional Conference “Food and Communication” of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 23-24, 2024, Dijon, France.

Schrimpff, C., Fisse, T., Link, E., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2024, January). Lay experts’ mental models of smart implant technology in medicine: A qualitative exploration of the role of initial information, labels, and information needs. Paper presented at the 2nd International SIIRI Symposiums, January 24-25, 2024, Hanover.


Fisse, T., Schrimpff, C., Link, E., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2023, November). Identifying situational HISB patterns for uncertainty management in Cochlear implant patient journeys. Paper presented at the European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC), November 15-17, 2023, Klagenfurt, Austria.

Fisse, T., Link, E., Schrimpff, C., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2023, May). Information repertoires of patients: Toward a deeper understanding of multiple source use and health-related motives. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2023, Toronto, Canada.

Spreen, N. & Klimmt, C. (2023, May). Myth-busting as a strategy in science communication: Correcting citizens’ misperceptions of biotechnologically produced food. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2023, Toronto, Canada.

Leuppert, R., Allagui, I. & Klimmt, C. (2023, May). Digital generation divides in the MENA region: Social inequalities in news consumption within and between rich and poor countries. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2023, Toronto, Canada.

Spreen, N. & Klimmt, C. (2023, April). Busting myths of biotech: An experiment on countering consumers misperceptions of genetically modified Food. Paper presented at the Conference “Public Communication of Science & Technology” (PCST 2023), April 11-14, 2023, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Freytag, A., Possler, D., Spreen, N., Raney, A. A. & Klimmt, C. (2022, May). Explaining the rich entertainment appeal of nature documentaries and its (partially) pro-environmental consequences. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 26-30, 2022, Paris, France.

Leuppert, R., Allagui, I. & Klimmt, C. (2022, May). Social inequalities and news media repertoires in seven MENA countries. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 26-30, 2022, Paris, France.


Freytag, A., Possler, D., Klimmt, C. & Raney, A. (2021). Naturetainment: Exploring the role of connectedness to nature for nature documentary entertainment. Poster presented at the 12th Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication’s Expert Group Media Psychology (MediaPsychology 2021), September 8-10, 2021, Aachen.

Possler, D., Reichelt, C., Klimmt, C. & Reich, S. (2021, January). Easy Fun und Hard Fun? Die Rolle des Schwierigkeitsgrades eines Videospiels für das Unterhaltungserleben [Easy fun and hard fun? The role of the difficulty level of a video game for the entertainment experience]. Paper presented at the German Society of Mass Communications’s Expert Group Reception and Effects Research, January 28-29, 2021, Munich.


Freytag, A., Klimmt, C., Possler, D., Spreen, N. & Goslar, J. (2020, January). Naturetainment: Hedonisches und eudaimonisches Unterhaltungserleben von Naturdokumentationen als medial-simulierte Naturerfahrung [Naturetainment: Hedonic and eudaimonic entertainment experience of nature documentaries as media-simulated nature experience]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group Reception and Effects Research, January 24, Würzburg.

von Hören, S., Knop-Hülß, K., Possler, D. & Klimmt, C. (2020, January). „Lies mir meine Nachrichten vor!“ Effekte der parallelen Nutzung von Infotainment während des Autofahrens ["Read me my news!" Effects of parallel use of infotainment while driving]. Paper presented at the German Society of Mass Communication’s Expert Group Reception and Effects Research, January 23-25, 2020, Würzburg.

Scheper, J., Possler, D. & Klimmt, C. (2020, January). Faszinierende Spiele – Auslöser und unterhaltsame Wirkungen der Emotion Ehrfurcht („Awe“) in Videospielen [Fascinating games - Triggers and entertaining effects of the emotion awe ("awe") in video games]. Paper presented at the German Society of Mass Communication’s Expert Group Reception and Effects Research, January 23-25, 2020, Würzburg.


Klimmt, C., Geber, S., Baumann, E. & Czerwinski, F. (2019, November). Explaining gender differences in risk behavior by gender-specific normative peer group influences. Paper presented at the European Conference on Health Communication, November 13-15, 2019, Zurich, Switzerland.

Freytag, A., Knop-Hülß, K., Hefner, D., Klimmt, C., Reinecke, L., Meier, A. & Vorderer, P. (2019, May). Permanently online – Always stressed out? The effects of online vigilance on digital stress experiences. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 24-28, 2019, Washington, D.C., USA.

Klimmt, C. & Dittrich, A. (2019, May). Disclosure of perpetrator nationality in crime news. Changing practices in journalism after populist accusations? Poster presentation at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2019, Washington, D.C., USA.

Kreissl, J. & Klimmt, C. (2019, May). Das digitale Labor: Arbeitnehmerperspektiven auf Digitalisierung und Automatisierung der Arbeitswelt [The digital laboratory: Employee perspectives on digitization and automation in the workplace]. Paper presented at the LABVOLUTION exhibition, May 21-23, 2019, Hanover.

Kreissl, J., Possler, D. & Klimmt, C. (2019, May). Parasocial relationships to internet celebrities: The case of Let’s Players. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2019, Washington, D.C., USA.

Possler, D., Klimmt, C., Raney, A. A., Steger, F., Landmann, L. & Seibert, J. (2019, May). The “Wow!”-effect: Introducing awe as novel element of the (VR) video game experience. Paper presented at the 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA.

Bruns, S., Dittrich, A. & Klimmt, C. (2019, February). Wenn Wissenschaftskommunikation die soziale Identität bedroht: Voreinstellungen, Social Identity Threat und Ärgeremotionen gegenüber einem Informationsportal zu Tierversuchen [When science threatens social identity: Dispositions, social identity threat and emotions of anger regarding an information portal on animal experimentations]. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Expert Group Science Communication of the German Society of Mass Communication (DGPuK), February 6-8, 2019, Braunschweig.


Possler, D., Kuempel, A. S., Unkel, J. & Klimmt, C. (2018, November). Awe-inspiring video games: Exploring the role of the emotion awe for video game entertainment. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), October 31 to November 3, 2018, Lugano, Switzerland.

Klimmt, C., Buschow, C., Heimer, A. & Possler, D. (2018, Juni). Exploring the role of media experiences in entrepreneurship motivation. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association (EMMA), June 13-15, 2018, Warsaw, Poland.

Geber, S., Baumann, E., Czerwinski, F. & Klimmt, C. (2018, May). The effects of social norms among peer groups on risk behavior: A multilevel approach to differentiate perceived and collective norms. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.

Klimmt, C., Possler, D. & Steger, F. (2018, May). True presence, finally: The effect of virtual reality on video game enjoyment. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.

Knop-Hülß, K., Klimmt, C., Hefner, D., Reich, S., Reinecke, L., Rieger, D. & Vorderer, P. (2018). Mehr Selbstbestimmung oder mehr Stress? Die Folgen permanenter Online-Verbundenheit in Alltagsepisoden [More self-determination or more stress? The consequences of being permanently online in everyday episodes]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication (DGPuK), May 9-11, 2018, Mannheim.

Klimmt, C. (2018, April). The advent of consumer virtual reality: A superspreading event for internet addictions? Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA), April 23-25, 2018, Cologne.

Possler, D., Klimmt, C. & Raney, A. A. (2018, April). Awe-inspired entertainment: How video games can elicit awe to create enjoyable and meaningful experiences. Paper presented at the Conference "Media2Inspire: A Research Symposium on Self-Transcendent Media Content and Experiences", April 20-21, 2018, Talahassee, USA.

Klimmt, C., Possler, D., Steger, F., Borgmann, P. Muminovic, A., Reichelt, C., Schlögl, F. & Hadler, P. (2018, January). Ankereffekte in der medienvergleichenden Selbstbericht-Messung von Rezeptionserfahrungen: das Beispiel des Präsenzerlebens beim Computerspielen mit VR (versus herkömmlichem Bildschirm) [Anchor effects in the media-comparing self-report measurement of reception experiences: The example of presence experience during video games with VR (vs. conventional computer monitor]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Reception and Effects Research Section of the German Society of Mass Communication (DGPuK), January 25-27, 2018, Hohenheim.


Klimmt, C. (2017, September). Haben Internetsüchtige eigentlich Spaß? Medienpsychologische Perspektiven auf das Verhältnis von Online-Entertainment und exzessiver Nutzung [Do internet addicts have fun? Media psychological perspectives on the relationship between online entertainment and excessive use]. Paper presented at the Symposium "Positions on Internet-Related Disorders: State of the Art" with Matthias Brand and Hans-Jürgen Rumpf at the German Addiction Conference, September 18-20, 2017, Lübeck.

Reinecke, L., Meier, A., Klimmt, C., Hefner, D., Reich, S. Rieger, D. & Vorderer, P. (2017, September). Permanently on and never switching off? The role of online vigilance as a source of digital stress. Paper presented at the 10th Conference of the Media Psychology Section of the German Society of Psychology (DGPs) (MediaPsychology 2017), September 6-8, 2017, Landau.

Possler, D., Klimmt, C. & Lada, T. (2017, September). Understanding poke-fun: Location-based play and nostalgia as new sources of video game appeal. Paper presented at the 10th Conference of the Media Psychology Section of the German Society of Psychology (DGPs) (MediaPsychology 2017), September 6-8, 2017, Landau.

Klimmt, C., Knop-Hülß, K., Krämer, N., Brand, M. & Wölfling, K. (2017, September). Is internet game addiction contagious? Exploring social influence processes among (excessive) gamers. Paper presented at the 10th Conference of the Media Psychology Section of the German Society of Psychology (DGPs) (MediaPsychology 2017), September 6-8, 2017, Landau.

Possler, D., Klimmt, C., Schlütz, D. & Walkenbach, J. (2017, July). A mature kind of fun? Exploring silver gamers' motivation to play casual games – Results from a large- scale online survey. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, ITAP 2017, held as part of HCI International 2017, July 12-14, 2017, Vancouver, Canada.

Emde-Lachmund, K., Oschatz, C. & Klimmt, C. (2017, May). Does personalization improve audience memory for news? Exemplars, narrative involvement and information processing. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2017 in San Diego, USA.

Klimmt, C., Wahl, S., Bruns, S., Scheper, T. & Schneider, B. (2017, May). Consumer responses to biotechnology declarations on food boxes: Discrepancies between general attitudes and specific product evaluations. Poster presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2017, San Diego, USA.

Oschatz, C., Emde-Lachmund, K. & Klimmt, C. (2017, May). Journalistic storytelling and narrative persuasion: The impact of different exemplar types on message-consistent attitudes. Poster presentation at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2017, San Diego, USA.

Possler, D., Klimmt, C. & Kisser, M. (2017, May). Like gaming, but without playing? Audience gratifications of watching “Let’s Play” videos. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2017, San Diego, USA.

Reinecke, L., Klimmt, C., Meier, A., Reich, S., Hefner, D., Knop-Hülß, K. Rieger, D. & Vorderer (2017, May). Permanently online and permanently connected: Development and validation of the online vigilance scale. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2017, San Diego, USA.

Possler, D., Klimmt, C. & Raney, A. A. (2017, April). Gaming is awesome! A theoretical model on cognitive demands and the elicitation of awe during video game play. Paper presented at the BEA’s Research Symposium 2017 „Video Games: A Medium that Demands Our Attention“, April 23, 2017, Las Vegas, USA.

Reinecke, L., Meier, A., Hefner, D., Reich, S., Rieger, D., Klimmt, C. & Vorderer, P. (2017, April). Permanentes Vernetzt-Sein als ‚State of Mind‘: Entwicklung und Validierung einer Skala zur Messung von Online-Vigilanz [Being permanently connected as ‘state of mind’: Development and validation of a scale to measure online vigilance]. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication (DGPuK), March 30 – April 1, 2017, Düsseldorf.

Emde-Lachmund, K., Oschatz, C. & Klimmt, C. (2017, January). Nachricht + Protagonist = größerer Erinnerungswert? Journalistisches Storytelling, narratives Erleben und die Behaltensleistung des Publikums [News + protagonist = higher memory value? Journalistic storytelling, narrative experience and the audience’s memory performance]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception and Effects Research of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 26-28, 2017, Erfurt.

Oschatz, C., Emde-Lachmund, K. & Klimmt, C. (2017, January). Narrative Persuasion und journalistisches Storytelling: Eine Studie zum Einfluss von Fallbeispielen auf Policy Support und Verhaltensintensionen [Narrative persuasion and journalistic storytelling: A study on the influence of case examples on policy support and behavior intensions]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception and Effects Research of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 26-28, 2017, Erfurt.

Possler, D., May, N. & Klimmt, C. (2017, January). Nur schmückendes Beiwerk? Die Rolle von Soundtrack-Musik für das (Horror-) Unterhaltungserleben beim Computerspielen [Just embellishment? The role of soundtrack music for the (horror) entertainment experience during video games]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception and Effects Research of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 26-28, 2017, Erfurt.


Possler, D., Schmeil, N., Ji, Q, Klimmt, C., Ding, W., Lu, Z. & Wang, W. (2016, November). A question of culture? A comparative study of motivations to watch digital game live streams among American, British, and Chinese users. Paper presented at the 6th Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), November 9-12, 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.

Link, E. & Klimmt, C. (2016, July). Earning and losing it: Dimensions and determinants of patient trust in specialized physicians. Poster presentation at the 14th International Conference on Communication, Medicine, and Ethics (COMET), July 4-6, 2016, Aalborg, Denmark.

Emde, K., Klimmt, C. & Schlütz, D. (2016, June). Plasticity of news consumption during the transition from early to middle adolescence: Family and peer influences. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 9-13, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan.

Geber, S., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2016, June). Revisiting the role of peer communication in normative social influences on risk behavior. Paper presented at the 66th Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 9-13, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan.

Klimmt, C., Possler, D., Auge, H., Wolf, A.-L. & Wanjek, L. (2016, June). Effects of soundtrack music on the gameplay Experience. Poster presentation at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 9-13, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan.

Link, E., Emde, K. & Klimmt, C. (2016, June). Expert statements and distressing pictures: Audiences responses to media coverage of animal experimentation. Poster presentation at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 9-13, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan.

Possler D., Klimmt, C., Carnol, N., Weber, I. & Raney, A. A. (2016, June). Variation in player-avatar relationships: Towards a genre-independent typology. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 9-13, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan.

Possler D., Klimmt, C., Fellechner, F. & Golombek, L. (2016, Juni). Critics’ appreciation of digital games as art: The case of soundtrack music. Vortrag im Rahmen der Game Studies Division 2016 Pre-Conference der 66. Jahrestagung der International Communication Association (ICA), 8. Juni 2016, Tokyo, Japan.

Possler D., Klimmt, C. & Raney, A. A. (2016, June). Inspirational video games: The impact of game-induced awe on appreciation and pro-social behavior. Paper presented at the Game Studies Division 2016 Pre-Conference of the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 8, 2016, Tokyo, Japan.

Klimmt, C., Kreissl, J. & Possler, D. (2016, March). Die neuen Entertainer: Parasoziale Beziehungen zu Youtube-Stars am Beispiel von „Lets Playern“ [The new entertainer: Parasocial relationships with Youtube stars using the example of „Lets Players“]. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, March 30 to April 1, 2016, Leipzig.

Emde, K. & Klimmt, C. (2016, January). News consumption around age 14: A typology of adolescents’ preferred channels, topics, and outcome expectations. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception and Effects Researchof the German Association of Mass Communication, January 28-30, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Geber, S., Hefner, D., Klimmt, C. & Scherer, H. (2016, January). Wie kommunizieren Meinungsführer wirklich? Eine Beobachtung politischer Alltagsgespräche [How do opinion leaders really communicate? An observation of political daily small talk]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception and Effects Research of the German Association of Mass Communication, January 28-30, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Possler, D., Kisser, M. & Klimmt, C. (2016, January). Watch me play. Gratifikationen der Zuschauer von Youtube®-Entertainment: Der Fall „Let’s Play“ – Videos [Watch me play. Gratifications of the audience of Youtube®-Entertainment: The case of „Let’s Play“ videos]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception and Effects Research of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 28-30, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Geber, S., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2015, November). Die Rolle der Peer-Kommunikation für gesundheitsrelevantes Risikoverhalten Jugendlicher: Theoretische und kommunikationsstrategische Ansatzpunkte [The role of peer communication for health relevant risk behavior of adolescents: Theoretical and communicative strategical approaches]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Health Communication, November 12-14, 2015, Lugano, Schwitzerland.

Scherer, H., Baumann, E., Link, E., Emde, K. & Klimmt, C. (2015, November). Kommunikation in Krisenzeiten: Neue Perspektiven auf die Interaktion von Risikowahrnehmung und Gesundheits-informationsverhalten am Beispiel der Ebola-Epidemie [Communication in times of crisis: New perspectives on the interaction of risk perception and health Information behavior using the example of the Ebola epidemic]. Poster presentation at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Health Communication, November 12-14, 2015, Lugano, Switzerland.

Link, E., Emde, K. & Klimmt, C. (2015, June). Media coverage of medical devices: Public visibility of implants between scandalism and health progress reports. Poster presentation at the 13th International Conference on Communication, Medicine, and Ethics (COMET), June 25-27, 2015, Hongkong.

Baumann, E., Geber, S. & Klimmt, C. (2015, May). Celebrity endorsement in anti-drunk-driving campaigns. Paper presented at the 65th Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 21-25, 2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Emde, K., Klimmt, C. & Schlütz, D. (2015, May). Beyond sociodemographics: Explaining adolescents’ news exposure from a social cognitive perspective. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 21-26, 2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Hefner, D., Sowka, A. & Klimmt, C. (2015, May). To control or not to control – That is the question: The influence of time spent with mobile phones and perceived control over usage on well-being. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Conference of the der International Communication Association (ICA), May 21-25, 2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Possler, D., Klimmt, C., Carnol, N. N., Grote, L., Scharfenberg, N., Weber, I., & Raney, A. A. (2015, May). Human and digital bodies becoming one and going apart: Differences and situation dynamics in player-avatar relations. Paper presented at the Game Studies Division 2015 Pre-Conference of the 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 21-26, 2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Sowka, A., Klimmt, C., Hefner, D. & Possler, D. (2015, May). Does media literacy make the difference between young people’s harmless and harmful smartphone use? Paper presented at the 65th Annual Conference of the der International Communication Association (ICA), May 21-25, 2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Sowka, A., Klimmt, C., Hefner, D. & Possler, D. (2015, May). The measurement of media literacy: Development and testing of an empirical test instrument. Paper presented at the 65th Annual Conference of the der International Communication Association (ICA), May 21-25, 2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Emde, K., Link, E., Klimmt, C. & Schneider, B. (2015, January). Revolution oder Mogelpackung? Die mediale Berichterstattung zu personalisierter Medizin. Eine Frame-Analyse des Chancen-Risiken-Diskurses und seiner Akteure [Revolution or fraud? Media news coverage on personalized medicin. A frame analysis of the chances and risks discourse and its actors]. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Science Communication (German Society of Mass Communication), January 30-31, 2015, Jena.

Klimmt, C. & Wahl, S. (2015, January). Hinweise auf Biotechnologie bleiben folgenlos für Verbraucherurteile: Ein Experiment mit Speiseeis-Verpackungen [Evidence of biotechnology remains without consequence for consumer evalutations: An experiment with ice cream packaging]. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Science Communication of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 30-31, 2015, Jena.

Klimmt, C., Sowka, A., Sjöström, A., Ditrich, L., Gollwitzer, M. & Rothmund, T. (2015, January). Wie Journalisten mit sozialwissenschaftlicher Evidenz umgehen: Erkenntnisse aus einem Workshop [How journalists deal with social-scientific evidence: Cognition from a workshop]. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Science Communication of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 30-31, 2015, Jena.

Klimmt, C., Fietz, H., Sowka, A., Possler, D. & Hefner, D. (2015, January). Eigenschaften exzessiver Mediennutzer: Ein „Reverse Engineering“-Ansatz zur Identifikation von Risikofaktoren [Characteristics of excessive media users: A „reverse engineering“ approach to identify risk factors]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception and Effects Research of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 22-24, Bamberg.


Baumann, E., Geber, S., Klimmt, C., Maurer, M., Oschatz, C. &  Sülflow, M. (2014, November). Zielgruppe = Gesundheitsrisiko plus Resistenz gegen gut gemeinte Ratschläge. Grenzen der Wirksamkeit präventiver Botschaften am Beispiel von Verkehrssicherheitskampagnen [Target group = Health risk plus resistence against well-meant advice. Limits of efficacy of preventive messages using the example of traffic safety campaigns]. Paper presented at the 2nd Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Health Communication of the German Society of Mass Communication, November 20-22, 2014, Mainz.

Baumann, E., Geber, S., Oschatz, C., Sowka, A., Sülflow, M., Maurer, M. & Klimmt, C. (2014, November). Road safety campaigns and driver attitudes towards safe driving: The case of Germany, 2008-2013. Paper presented at the 5th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), November 12-15, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

Emde, K., Link, E. & Klimmt, C. (2014, November). Communicating animal experimentation: Effects of animal images and expert statements on news audience attitudes. Paper presented at the 5th Conference of the der European Communication Research and Education Organisation (ECREA), November 12-15, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.

Baumann, E., Geber, S. & Klimmt, C. (2014, June). Celebrity endorsement in prevention campaigns: Reaching risk groups by risk-taking advocates? Paper presented at the Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET), June 26-28, 2014, Lugano, Switzerland.

Emde, K., Schlütz, D. & Klimmt, C. (2014, May). Does storytelling help adolescents to process the news? Comparing narrative news and inverted pyramid. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 22-26, 2014, Seattle, WA, USA. (Top Paper Journalism Studies Division)

Geber, S., Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2014, May). Risk profile + communication profile = Means for tailored health campaign strategies: The case of young car drivers. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 22-26, 2014, Seattle, USA.

Emde, K., Link, E. & Klimmt, C. (2014, May). Media psychology for inclusive science communication: The case of narrative message design. Paper presented at the Conference “Public Communication of Science and Technology” (PCST 2014), May 5-8, 2014, Salvador de Bahia, Brasilia.

Link, E., Emde, K. & Klimmt, C. (2014, May). Cute cats versus rational arguments: The challenge of communicating animal experimentation. Paper presented at the Conference “Public Communication of Science and Technology” (PCST 2014), May 5-8, 2014, Salvador de Bahia, Brasilia.

Wahl, S., Klimmt, C., Schneider, B., Scheper, T., Berger, R. & Beutel, S. (2014, May). Predicting the lines of communication conflict: Dimensions of concern about flavor and aroma biotechnology among citizens and experts. Poster presentation at the 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, May 5-8, 2014, Salvador, Brasil.

Emde, K., Link, E., Klimmt, C. & Schneider, B. (2014, January). Interne Wissenschaftskommunikation: Verständigung in interdisziplinären Forschungsteams als Diversity Management [Internal science communication: Understanding in interdisciplinary research teams as diversity Management]. Paper presented at the Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Science Communication (German Society of Mass Communication), January 30 - February 1, 2014, Zurich, Switzerland. 

Emde, K., Schlütz, D. & Klimmt, C. (2014, January). Verstehen statt Vergessen? Ein Experiment zur Vermittlungsleistung narrativer Nachrichten in jugendlichen Zielgruppen [Understanding instead of forgetting? An experiment on the communication effeciency of narrative news in adolescent target groups]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception Research, January 23-25, 2014, Hanover.

Sowka, A. & Klimmt. C. (2014, January). Wie medienkompetent sind jugendliche Rezipienten? Auf dem Weg zu einem Testinstrument für Medienkritikfähigkeit [How about media literacy of adolescent recipients? On the way to a test instrument for the ability to criticize the media]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception Research, January 23-25, 2013, Hanover.


Schlütz, D., Klimmt, C. & Terek, D. (2013, November). Hauptsache lustig: Der Einfluss von (schwarzem) Humor und Markenfit auf die Weiterleitungsbereitschaft von viraler Werbung [As long as it's funny: The influence of (black) humour and brand fit on the willingness to forward viral advertising]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Advertising Communication, November 28-30, 2013, Berlin.

Klimmt, C., Sowka, A., Roth, F., & Daschmann, G. (2013, June). Children process advertisements in video games with more cognitive effort than adults. Poster presentation at the 63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 17-21, 2013, London, UK.

Schlütz, D., Mohr, F. & Klimmt, C. (2013, June). The smartphone as daily hassle: Exploring communication workers‘ stress experience and coping strategies. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, June 17-21, London, UK.

Sowka, A., Baumann, E., Klimmt, C., Belgard, S., & Gailus, T. (2013, June). For the fun of it: Experimental explorations of advergame effects on children. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 17-21, 2013, London, UK.

Wahl, S. & Klimmt, C. (2013, June). The "strategy" deliverable as vehicle to reconcile project and public obligations of communication scholars in science and technology projects. Paper presented at the Workshop of the Science and Environment Communication Section of ECREA "The Communication Researcher's Role(s) in Science and Environmental Communication", June 6, 2013, Uppsala.


Klimmt, C., Belgard, S., Gailus, T., Sowka, A. & Baumann, E. (2012, November). Innovation der Persuasion durch „Gamification“: Experimente zur Wirkung von Advergames auf Kinder [Innovation of Persuasion by „Gamification“: Experiments on the effects of advergames on children]. Paper presented at the Conference of the Ad Hoc Group „Advertising Communication“ of the German Society of Mass Communication, November 21-23, 2012, Würzburg.

Schlütz, D., Klimmt, C. & Culemann, I. (2012, November). „iNews“: Zeitungs-Apps als innovatives Geschäftsmodell im Urteil der User [„iNews“: Newspaper apps as an innovative business model evaluated by users]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Media Economy of the German Society of Mass Communication, November 8-10, 2012, Dortmund.

Blake, C. & Klimmt, C. (2012, November). Geschlechtergerecht = sprachlich schlecht? [Gender-neutral language = bad language?] Paper presented at the project week "Listening, playing, thinking gender-neutrally" on the occasion of the 20 year jubilee of the Equal Opportunities Office of the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, November 5-9, 2012, Hanover.

Hefner, D., Klimmt, C. & Sowka, A. (2012, October). Taking a critical stance as dimension of media literacy: Towards a conceptual specification. Paper presented at the Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), October 24-27, 2012, Istanbul.

Klimmt, C. & Baumann, E. (2012, October). Don’t drink and drive: Requirements for successful risk communication on alcohol and drug abuse among adolescents in Germany. Paper presented at the 4th European Communication Conference (ECREA), October 24-27, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.

Bartel, H., Schlütz, D. & Klimmt, C. (2012, May). "taz zahl ich" - Eine empirische Exploration von Social Payments als innovatives Finanzierungsmodell für (urbanen) Journalismus ["I'm paying for taz" - An empirical exploration of social payments as an innovative financing model for (urban) journalism]. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 16-18, 2012, Berlin.

Sowka, A., Klimmt, C., Rothmund, T., & Gollwitzer, M. (2012, May). Difficult. Issues x busy people x systemic constraints: A reciprocity model of bias risks in news media reporting of social science research. Paper presented at the 62nd Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Sjöström, A., Gollwitzer, M., Rothmund, T., Sowka, A., & Klimmt, C. (2012, April). Improving the interplay between science and the media: A workshop concept. Paper presented at the Conference of the Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST), April, 18-20, 2012, Florence.

Sowka, A., Klimmt, C., Gollwitzer, M., Sjöström, A. & Rothmund, T. (2012, April). The representation of social science research in news reports on violent video games in Germany and the USA. Accepted paper for the Conference of the Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST), April, 18-20, 2012, Florence (because of a documented organizational mistake the paper could not be presented).

Baumann, E. & Klimmt, C. (2012, March). Empirische Fundierung von Verkehrssicherheitskommunikation. Umfragebefunde zur Prävention von Fahrten unter Alkohol- und Drogeneinfluss bei jungen Fahrern [Empirical foundation of traffic safety communication. Results of a survey on preventing young drivers to drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs]. Paper presented at the 6th Conference of the Network Media and Health Communication „Health Communication in the Media: Results, Developments and Challenges of an Interdisciplinary Field of Research“, March 22-23, 2012, Munich.


Sowka, A., Klimmt, C. & Daschmann, G. (2011, July). New challenges for children’s media literacy: Exploring the case of In-Game Advertising. Paper presented at the Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), July 13-17, 2011, Istanbul.

Sowka, A., Klimmt, C., Rothmund, T. & Gollwitzer, M. (2011, July). Appearance of social science research in the media: An exploration of news reports on violent video games. Paper presented at the Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), July 13-17, 2011, Istanbul.

Hefner, D., Klimmt, C. & Rieger, D. (2011, May). Can serious games contribute to political education? Evidence from two field experiments. Paper presented at the 61st Conference of the International Communication Association, May 26-30, 2011, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.


Blake, C., & Klimmt, K. (2010, October). Die Eignung generisch maskuliner und alternativer Personenbezeichnungsmodelle zur Verwendung in Nachrichtentexten [The adequacy of generic masculine and alternative description models for persons in news texts]. Guest paper presented at the University of Applied Sciences Hanover in a Seminar on Professional Ethics & Gender, October 25, 2010, Hanover.

Hefner, D., Raney, A. & Klimmt, C. (2010, October). Response to (interactive) media characters: Evidence for video game identification across different culture. Paper presented at the 3rd European Communication Conference (ECREA), October 12-15, 2010, Hamburg.

Klimmt, C., Sowka, A., Dautermann, A., Hennerici, L., Kilb, T.-S., Kording, T., Leinemann, J., Lemke, R.,  Oschatz, C., Weichselbaum, P. & Roth, F. (2010, September). Do war video games undermine positive social change? Stereotyped enemies in First Person Shooters and their impact on ethnic attitudes. Paper presented at the Conference “Future and Reality of Gaming” (FROG 2010), September 24.-26, 2010, Vienna.

Vorderer, P., Hefner, D., Blake, C., Roth, C., Raney, A. & Klimmt, C. (2010, July). Finding a place for the user in interactive stories: Identification revisited. Paper presented at the IGEL 2010 Conference of the International Society for Empirical Literature Sciences (IGEL), July 7-11, 2010, Utrecht.

Schmid, H. & Klimmt, C. (2010, June). Good-bye Harry? Audience Reactions to the End of Parasocial Relationships: The Case of „Harry Potter“. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Mass Communication Division, June 22-26, 2010, Singapore.

Klimmt, C., Vorderer, P. & Nuss, S. (2010, June). Interactivity versus narrative: Using think-aloud data to understand the enjoyment of playing adventure video games. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Mass Communication Division, June 22-26, 2010, Singapore.

Klimmt, C., Roth, C., Vermeulen, I., Vorderer, P., & Roth, F. S. (2010, June). Forecasting the experience of future entertainment technology: “Interactive Storytelling” and media enjoyment. Full Paper (poster) presented at the 60th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Mass Communication Division, June 22-26, 2010, Singapore.

Blake, C. & Klimmt, C. (2010, May). Auf der Suche nach der 'optimalen' sprachlichen Repräsentationsform für gemischtgeschlechtliche Gruppen in Nachrichtentexten [The search for the 'optimal' linguistic form of presentation for gender-mixed groups in news texts]. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 12-14, 2010, Ilmenau.

Klimmt, C. & Hofmann, E. (2010, March). Die Rezeption interaktiver Online-Nachrichten: Vom Umgang des Publikums mit linearen und Hypertext-Beiträgen [The reception of interactive online news: On the audience's handling of linear and hypertext articles]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Swiss Society of Mass Communication, March 26-27, 2010, Lucerne.


Roth, C., Vorderer, P. & Klimmt, C. (2009, December). The motivational appeal of interactive storytelling: Towards a dimensional model of the user experience. Short paper presented at the Conference “ICIDS 09 - Interactive Storytelling“, December 9-11, 2009, Guimarães, Portugal.

Klimmt, C. (2009, November). Can we explain variance in human beings‘ search for meaning in life? Media Psychology and complex modes of entertainment experiences. Invited response to a paper of Mary Beth Oliver and Anne Bartsch at the International Conference “Entertainment = Emotion”, November 15-20, 2009, Benasque, Spain.

Klimmt, C. (2009, November). The stereotyped, threatening outgroup: Shooter video games and anti-Arabic attitudes. Paper presented at the XIVth Workshop Aggression, November 6-8, 2009, Berlin.

Hefner, D., Klimmt, C., Thalemann, R., Pompetzki, V. & Czolkoss, J. (2009, September). Gamers behind the edge: Exploring reasons to play in adolescents treated for excessive video game use. Paper presented at the Conference “Future and Reality of Gaming (FROG) 2009: Exploring the Edge of Gaming”, September 25-27, 2009, Vienna.

Hefner, D.,  Klimmt, C.,  Blake, C., Roth, C. & Vorderer, P. (2009, September). Graphology vs. questionnaire: Explicit and implicit self‐esteem and their role for video game enjoyment. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Expert Group Media Psychology ("New Media and Interactive Systems") of the German Society of Psychology, September 9-11, 2009, Duisburg.

Blake, C. Klimmt, C., Sowka, A., Dautermann, A., Lemke Jr. R., Oschatz, C. & Roth, F. (2009, September). Does media literacy buffer the cognitive effects of violent video games? Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Expert Group Media Psychology ("New Media and Interactive Systems") of the German Society of Psychology, September 9-11, 2009, Duisburg.

Klimmt, C., Kilb, T., Blümle, M., Braun, K., Hennerici, L., Schlereth, S. & Hefner, D. (2009, September). Video game stereotypes can amplify chauvinistic political attitudes. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Expert Group Media Psychology ("New Media and Interactive Systems") of the German Society of Psychology, September 9-11, 2009, Duisburg.

Klimmt, C., Blake, C., Hefner, D., Vorderer, P. & Roth, C. (2009, September). Player performance, satisfaction, and video game enjoyment. Full paper presented at the International Workshop on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2009), September 3-5, 2009, Paris.

Hefner, D., Klimmt, C. & Komorowski, M. (2009, May). Grenzgänger der Medienkulturen? Die Mediennutzung Deutscher in den Niederlanden [Crosser of media cultures? The media use of Germans in the Netherlands]. Paper presented at th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, April 29 - May 1, 2009, Bremen.

Klimmt, C., Schmid, H., Feierabend, S. & Hemker, T. (2009, May). Unterhaltungskultur im Wandel? Online-Computerspiele als Konkurrent des Fernsehens [A change of entertainment culture? Online computer games as competitor to television]. Paper presented at th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, April 29 - May 1, 2009, Bremen.

Klimmt, C. (2009, March). The challenge of measuring the use of computer games. Keynote at the Conference „Computer Games / Players / Game Cultures“ of the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (Prof. Dr. Johannes Fromme), March 18-21, 2009, Magdeburg.



Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Klimmt
Telephone: 0511-3100-476
Room: 2E.4.71

Last modified: 2025-01-16

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