Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut Scherer, retired


  • 1955 born in Zweibrücken
  • Mass Communication studies (major), Philosophy, German Language and Literature at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz
  • 1984 Master of Arts
  • 1984-85 Research Assistant at the Institute of Opinion Research in Allensbach (department of media research)
  • 1985-89 Research Assistant with Winfried Schulz at the Department of Mass Communication and Politics at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • 1989 Ph.D. in Mass Communication at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • 1989-96 Research Assistant at the Department of Mass Communication and Politics at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • Summer term 1995 Stand in for professor of Empirical Mass Communication Research at the University of Munich
  • 1995 postdoctoral lecturing qualification in "Mass Communication" at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • 1996-99 Professor of Mass Communication at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Augsburg
  • Since 1999 Professor of Mass Communication and Media Research at the Department of Journalism and Communication Research at the Hanover University of Music and Drama
  • February, 2002 to February, 2009 and July to September, 2010 Director of the Department.

Major teaching and research interests

  • Audience research
  • Media effects research
  • Political communication
  • Public opinion


  • Member of the German Society of Mass Communication
  • 1996-1998 Speaker of the subdivision Reception Research of the German Society of Mass Communication
  • 1998-2002 deputy chair of the German Society of Mass Communication
  • Member of the International Communication Association (ICA)
  • Member of the "International Scientific Advisory Board” of PRIME research International F.A.Z. Institute
  • Scientific partner in the project "Public Value" of the Department of Journalism and Media Management of the University of Applied Sciences Vienna



Eilders, C., Gerads, M., Scherer, H., & Scheper, J. (2022). Family, friends and taxi drivers in hybrid networks. Integrating the immediate social environment into the Spiral of Silence Theory. Studies in Communication Sciences, 22(1).


Scherer H., Scheper J., Pfeiffer L. (2021) Frames der Protestberichterstattung. Eine Analyse der medialen Protestberichterstattung im Zeitverlauf. [Frames of protest coverage. An Analysis of Media Protest Coverage over Time.] In Hahn K., Langenohl A. (eds) Protestkommunikation: Konflikte um die Legitimität politischer Öffentlichkeit. Medienkulturen im digitalen Zeitalter. [Protest Communication: Conflicts over the Legitimacy of Political Public Spheres. Media Cultures in the Digital Age.] Wiesbaden: Springer VS. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31482-8_4


Baumann, E., Scherer, H., Link, E., Wiltfang, J., Wenz, H.-J., Koller, M. & Hertrampf, K. (2019). Exploratory research focusing on oral cancer prevention: Challenges of dealing with informational and cognitive barriers. Qualitative Health Research, 29(3), 1930-1941. doi.org/10.1177/1049732318802263

Scherer, H. (2019). Trink Brüderlein trink, lass doch die Sorgen zu Haus. Diskussion unterschiedlicher Forschungsstrategien zur Wirkung von Alkohol auf prosoziales Verhalten [Drink brother drink, leave your sorrow at home. A discussion about different research strategies regarding the effects of alcohol on prosocial behavior]. In H. Schramm, J. Matthes & C. Schemer (Eds.), Emotions meet cognitions. Zum Zusammenspiel von emotionalen und kognitiven Prozessen in der Medienrezeptions- und Medienwirkungsforschung [Emotions meet cognitions. On the interaction of emotional and cognitive processes in media reception and media effects research] (pp. 117-128). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.


Emde-Lachmund, K., Scherer, H. & Mergel, F. (2018). Von Normen, Gratifikationen und Habitualisierung: Ein Erklärungsmodell zu den Determinanten der Nachrichtennutzung [Of norms, gratifications and habitualization: An explanation model on the determinants of the use of news]. In C. Wilhelm, N. Podschuweit, M. Hofer & T. Koch (Eds.), Medienwahl. Aktuelle Konzepte, Befunde und methodische Zugänge [Media selection. Recent concepts, results and methodological approaches] (pp. 135-152). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Schluetz, D. M., Emde-Lachmund, K., Scherer, H. & Wedemeyer, J. (2018). Quality TV and social distinction: An experiment on how complex television series valorize their users. Series - International Journal of TV Serial Narratives, 4 (2), 61-75. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2421-454X/8216 


Scherer, H. (2017). Connecting media use to media effects. In P. Rössler (Editor-in-Chief), Cynthia A. Hoffner, & Liesbet van Zoonen (Associate Editors), The international encyclopedia of media effects (pp. 137-147). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9781118783764.wbieme0016

Scherer, H., & Geber, S. (2017). Standardization. In J. Matthes (Ed.), The Wiley Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication. The international encyclopedia of communication research methods. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Scherer, H. & Link, E. (2017). Massenkommunikation über Gesundheit und Krankheit [Mass communication on health and illness]. In C. Rossmann & M. Hastall (Eds.), Handbuch Gesundheitskommunikation – kommunikationswissenschaftliche Perspektiven [Handbook health communication – Perspectives of mass communication]. Berlin: Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-10948-6_12-1


Geber, S., Scherer, H. & Hefner, D. (2016). Social capital in media societies: The impact of media use and media structures on social capital. International Communication Gazette, 78(6), 493–513. doi.org/10.1177/1748048516640211

Scherer, H., Link, E., Baumann, E., Emde-Lachmund, K. & Klimmt, C. (2016). Kommunikation in Krisenzeiten: Neue Perspektiven auf die Interaktion von Risikowahrnehmung und Gesundheitsinformationsverhalten am Beispiel der Ebola-Epidemie [Communication in times of crises: New perspectives on the interaction of risk perception and health information behavior using the example of the Ebola epidemic]. In A.-L. Camerini, R. Ludolph & F. B. Rothenfluh (Eds.), Gesundheitskommunikation im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis [Health communication between the priorities of theory and practice] (pp. 196-210). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Starke, C., Naab, T. K. & Scherer, H. (2016). Free to expose corruption: A cross-national analysis of 157 countries on the impact of media freedom, internet access and online service delivery on corruption. International Journal of Communication, 10,  4702–4722.


Geber, S. & Scherer, H. (2015). My voter, my party, and me. American and German parliamentarians on Facebook. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 12(4), 360-377. doi.org/10.1080/19331681.2015.1101037

Possler, D., Hautzer, L., Buschow, C., Scherer, H. & Schneider, B. (2015). Die Dynamik von Social TV – Themenverläufe und Aufmerksamkeitsfaktoren der Twitter-Diskussion zum Dschungelcamp [The dynamic of social TV - Course of subjects and factors of attentiveness of the Twitter discussion about "I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!"]. In S. Pagel (Ed.), Schnittstellen (in) der Medienökonomie [Interactions in/of media economy] (pp. 279-300). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Scherer, H. (2015). The Groucho Marx dilemma in media branding: Audience as a part and signal of media brands. In G. Siegert, K. Förster, S. Chan-Olmsted & M. Ots (Eds.), Handbook of media branding (pp. 296-280). Berlin: Springer.

Scherer, H. & Winter, C. (2015). Success factors for music-based crowdfunding as a new means of financing music projects. International Journal of Music Business Research, 4(1), 9-25.


Link, E., Scherer, H. & Schlütz, D. (2014). Unsicherheit behandeln: Kommunikation über Therapieentscheidungen in Onlineforen [Treating insecurity. Communication on therapy decisions in online forums]. In E. Baumann, M. R. Hastall, C. Rossmann & A. Sowka (Eds.), Gesundheitskommunikation als Forschungsfeld der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft [Health communication as a research field of cmass ommunication and media sciences] (pp. 209-223). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Schlütz, D., Drabner, K. & Scherer, H. (2014). 50 Jahre Kinder in der Werbung – Eine Inhaltsanalyse der Darstellung von Mädchen und Jungen in Anzeigen der Brigitte [50 years of advertising with children - A content analysis of the presentation of girls and boys in advertisments in the women's journal Brigitte]. In C. Schwender, D. Schlütz & G. Zurstiege (Eds.), Werbung im sozialen Wandel [The social change of advertising] (pp. 18-33). Cologne: von Halem.


Baumann, E. & Scherer, H. (2013). Offenheit organisieren: Zu den Vorteilen von Mixed-Model-Designs in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungspraxis am Beispiel von Befragungsstudien [Organizing openness: On the advantages of mixed model designs in the social scientific research practice using the example of survey studies]. In T. K. Naab, D. Schlütz, W. Möhring & J. Matthes (Eds.), Standardisierung und Flexibilisierung als Herausforderungen der kommunikations- und publizistikwissenschaftlichen Forschung [Standardization and flexibilization as a challenge in mass communication and journalism research] (pp. 180-202). Cologne: von Halem.

Baumann, E., Harden, L. & Scherer, H. (2013). Portrayal of eating disorders in the press with special regard to its adequacy. In A. Schorr (Eds.), Campaigning for health. Case studies in health communication & health promotion (pp. 183-207). Rockledge, FL/Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.

Scherer, H. (2013). Mediennutzung und soziale Distinktion [Media use and social distinction]. In R. Wiedemann & M. Meyen (Eds.), Pierre Bourdieu und die Kommunikationswissenschaft. Internationale Perspektiven [Pierre Bourdieu and mass communication. International perspectives] (pp. 100-122). Cologne: von Halem.

Scherer, H. & Naab, T. K. (2013). Messen im Zeitverlauf [Measuring in the course of time]. In W. Möhring & D. Schlütz (Eds.), Handbuch standardisierte Erhebungsmethoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Hand book of standardized survey methods in mass communication] (pp. 103-123). Wiesbaden: VS.

Naab, T., Scherer, H., Dyszy, A., Emde, K., Engel, S., Sponer, J. (2013). Mass media’s role in coping moving into a retirement home. IBER - International Business and Economics Review, no Vol. (4), 194-204.

Naab, T., Scherer, H., Emde, K., Dyszy, A., Engel, S., Sponer, J. (2013). Vertrautheit und Gewohnheit: Die Rolle der Mediennutzung in Senioreneinrichtungen [Familiarity and habit: The role of media use in retirement homes]. Medien & Altern, o.J. (3), 46-60.

Scherer, H., Hefner, D. & Weisgerber, T. (2013). Alte Theorie - neue Werte. Nachrichtenfaktoren in der Blog-Kommunikation [Old theory - new values. News factors in blog communication]. In O. Jandura, A. Fahr & H.-B. Brosius (Eds.), Theorieanpassung in der digitalen Medienwelt [Theory adaption in the digital media world] (pp. 225-239). Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Wirth, W. & Scherer, H. (2013). Standardisierung in der empirischen Forschung [Standardization in empirical research]. In T. K. Naab, D. Schlütz, W. Möhring & J. Matthes (Eds.), Standardisierung und Flexibilisierung als Herausforderungen der kommunikations- und publizistikwissenschaftlichen Forschung [Standardization and flexibilization as a challenge in mass communication and journalism research] (pp. 18-29). Cologne: von Halem.


Baumann, E. & Scherer, H. (2012). Wider das Ideologische – Plädoyer für den Pragmatismus in der Kombination qualitativer und quantitativer Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Against the ideological - A case for pragmatism in the combining qualitative and quantitative methods in mass communication]. In W. Loosen & A. Scholl (Eds.), Methodenkombinationen in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. Methodologische Herausforderungen und empirische Praxis [Method combinations in mass communication. Methodological challenges and empirical practice] (pp. 26-49). Cologne: von Halem.

Mono, R. & Scherer, H. (2012). Wer zählt die Toten, kennt die Orte. Ist der internationale Nachrichtenfluss von Länderfaktoren oder Ereignismerkmalen determiniert? [Who counts the dead, who knows the places. Is the international news flow determined by country factors or incident characteristics?]. Publizistik, 57 (2), 135-159.

Scherer, H. (2012). Die Musik, ihr Wert und das Geld. Eine Gleichung, die nicht aufgeht [The music, its value and the money. An equation that does not work out]. Musikforum, no Vol. (4), 12-16.

Scherer, H., Fröhlich, R. & Scheufele, B. (2012). Das Zusammenspiel von gesellschaftlicher Umwelt- und Selbstbeobachtung in der Medienberichterstattung [The interaction of societal observation of environment and self in the media coverage]. Publizistik, 57 (3), 271-292.

Scherer, H., Naab, T. K., Niemann, J. & Adjei, B. (2012). Macht Mediennutzung sympathisch? Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Eindrucksbildung durch Kommunikation über Genrepräferenzen [Can media use be responsible for appearing to be likeable? An empirical study on impression formation by communication on genre preferences]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 60(1), 64-79.

Scherer, H., Schlütz, D., Schmid-Petri, H. & Trommershausen, A. (2012). Marken im Web 2.0: Theoretische Einordnung und empirische Erkenntnisse zur Markenkommunikation im Web 2.0 aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Sicht [Brands in Web 2.0: Theoretical classification and empirical knowledge on brand communication in Web 2.0. A mass communication perspective]. Cologne: von Halem.

Schlütz, D., Scherer, H., Schmid-Petri, H. & Trommershausen, A. (2012). Markenkommunikation 2.0 [Brand communication 2.0]. In H. Scherer, D. Schlütz, H. Schmid-Petri & A. Trommershausen (Eds.), Marken im Web 2.0: Theoretische Einordnung und empirische Erkenntnisse zur Markenkommunikation im Web 2.0 aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Sicht [Brands in Web 2.0: Theoretical classification and empirical knowledge on brand communication in Web 2.0. A mass communication erspective] (pp. 183-197). Cologne: von Halem.

Trommershausen, A., Scherer, H., Schlütz, D. & Schmid-Petri, H. (2012). Nutzen hoch drei [Value to the third]. In: H. Scherer, D. Schlütz, H. Schmid-Petri & A. Trommershausen (Eds.), Marken im Web 2.0: Theoretische Einordnung und empirische Erkenntnisse zur Markenkommunikation im Web 2.0 aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Sicht [Brands in Web 2.0: Theoretical classification and empirical knowledge on brand communication in Web 2.0. A mass communication perspective] (pp. 198-206). Cologne: von Halem.


Möhring W. & Scherer, H. (2011). Eine Frage des Themas? Einsatzfelder qualitativer und quantitativer Verfahren in den letzten Jahrzehnten [A question of the subject? Applications of qualitative and quantitative processes during recent decades]. In A. Fahr (Ed.), Zählen oder Verstehen? Diskussion um die Verwendung quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden in der empirischen Kommunikationswissenschaft [Counting or understanding? Discussing the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in empirical mass communication] (pp. 57-71). Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Scherer, H. (2011). Nur was wirkt, hat Wert. Public Value als Wirkungsbegriff [Only effects have value. Public value as an effect term]. Texte. Öffentlich-rechtliche Qualität im Diskurs, 5, 15-19.

Scherer, H. & Schneider, B. (2011). Music on radio and television. In S. Schulmeistrat & M. Wallscheid (Eds.), Musical life in Germany. Structure, facts and figures (pp. 219-239). Bonn: Deutscher Musikrat gemeinnützige mbH, Deutsches Musikinformationszentrum.


Hansen, M., Schmid, H. & Scherer, H. (2010). "Erstens: ignorieren, zweitens: diffamieren, drittens: umarmen?" Eine inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung der Kommentierung der Linkspartei von 2005 bis 2009 ["First: ignore them, Second: defame them, Third: embrace them?" A content analysis on comments made on the political party Linkspartei, 2005-2009]. Publizistik, 55, 365-381.

Scherer, H. (2010). Public Value als Publikumsauftrag oder Publikumsdesiderat [Public value as the audience's request or as the audience's desideratum]. In M. Karmasin, D. Süssenbacher & N. Gonser (Eds.), Public Value. Theorie und Praxis im internationalen Vergleich [Public value. Theory and practice internationally compared] (pp. 127-139). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Schneider, B., Scherer, H., Gonser, N. & Tiele, A. (2010). Medienpädagogische Kompetenz in Kinderschuhen. Eine empirische Studie zur Medienkompetenz von Erzieherinnen und Erziehern in Kindergärten [Competence in media education is still in the early days of development. An empirical study on media competence of female and male pre-school teachers]. Berlin: Vistas.

Trepte, S. & Scherer, H. (2010). Opinion leaders - Do they know more than others about their area of interest? Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 35 (2), 119-141.


Möhring, W. & Scherer, H. (2009). Adhoc-Medienforschung. Entscheidungs- und Qualitätskriterien für die Auswahl und Bewertung von Anbietern [Ad hoc media research. Criteria of decision and quality for the selection and evaluation of suppliers]. planung & analyse (5), 18-20.

Naab, T. K. & Scherer, H. (2009). Möglichkeiten und Gefahren der Meinungsfreiheit. Eine inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung des Diskussion in deutschen überregionalen Tageszeitungen während des Karikaturenstreits 2006 [Opportunities and dangers of freedom of opinion. A content analysis of the discussion in German national daily newspapers during the controversy over the Muhamad cartoons in 2006]. Publizistik, 54 (3), 373-389.

Scherer, H. & Naab, T. K. (2009). Money does matter. In T. Hartmann (Ed.), Media choice. A theoretical and empirical overview (pp. 70-83). New York/London: Routledge.

Scherer, H., Schmid, H., Lenz, M. & Fischer, R. (2009). Reine Geschmacksache? Der Kinobesuch als Mittel zur sozialen Abgrenzung [Purely a matter of taste? Going to the movies as a means of social distinction]. Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 4 (57), 484-499.


Kemner, B., Scherer, H. & Weinacht, S. (2008). Unter der Tarnkappe. Der Einsatz „volatiler Themen“ und „opportuner Zeugen“ in der Berichterstattung zum Übernahmeversuch der ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG durch den Springer-Verlag [Beneath the magic hood. The use of "volatile topics and "opportune witnesses" in the news coverage on the attempt of Springer Publishing House to take over ProSieben.Sat.1 Media AG]. Publizistik, 53 (1), 65-84.

Scherer, H. (2008). Media use by social variable. In W. Donsbach (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of communication (Vol. 7, pp. 3025-3031). Oxford, UK, und Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Scherer, H. (2008). Media events and pseudo-events. In W. Donsbach (Eds.), The international encyclopedia of communication (Vol. 7, pp. 2908-2909). Oxford, UK, und Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Scherer, H. & Tiele, A. (2008). Der Einzelne und die öffentliche Kommunikation. [The Social Individual and Public Opinion.] In H. Bonfadelli, K. Imhof, R. Blum & O. Jarren (Eds.) Seismographische Funktionen von Öffentlichkeit im Wandel. Mediensymposium Luzern Band 10  [Seismographic function of public communication and its change. Series Media Symposium Lucerne], (Vol. 10, pp. 102-116). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Schroll, T., Gonser, N. & Scherer, H. (2008). "Generation Volksempfänger" - Die Radionutzung älterer Hörer längsschnittlich betrachtet ["Generation 'Volksempfänger'" - The radio use of elderly people from a longitudinal perspective]. In J. Haganah & H. Meulemann (Eds.), Alte und neue Medien. Zum Wandel der Medienpublika in Deutschland seit den 1950er Jahren [Old and new media. On the change of media audiences in Germany since the 1950s] (pp. 181-200). Berlin: LIT Verlag.

Weinacht, S. & Scherer, H. (Eds.). (2008). Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Musik und Medien. Reihe: Musik und Medien, Bd. 1 [Scientific perspectives on music and the media. Series Music and the media, Vol. 1]. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Weinacht, S. & Scherer, H. (2008). „Musik und Medien“ auf dem Weg aus dem Niemandsland der Disziplinen ["Music and the media" on its way from the no man's land of disciplines]. In S. Weinacht & H. Scherer (Eds.), Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Musik und Medien. Reihe: Musik und Medien, Bd. 1 [Scientific perspectives on music and the media. Series Music and the media, Vol. 1] (pp. 7-16). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.


Fröhlich, R., Scherer, H. & Scheufele, B. (2007). Kriegsberichterstattung in deutschen Qualitätszeitungen. Eine inhaltsanalytische Langzeitstudie zu Framingprozessen [News coverage on war in German quality newspapers. A content analytical long-term study on framing processes]. Publizistik 52 (1), 11-32.

Kistler, S., Klimmt, C. & Scherer, H. (2007). Der Kicker als Zentrum der Fußballkompetenz: Die Leitmedien im Sportjournalismus [The "Kicker" as major football authority: The leading media in sports journalism]. In T. Horky (Ed.), Die Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2006: Analysen zum Mediensport [The World Football Championship 2006: Analyses on media sports] (pp. 87-100). Norderstedt: Books on Demand Verlag.

Hartmann, T., Scherer, H., Möhring, W., Gysbers, A., Badenhorst, B., Lyschik, C. & Piltz, V. (2007). Nutzen und Kosten von Online-Optionen der Musikbeschaffung [Use and costs of online options of obtaining music]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 55, 105-119.

Scherer, H. (2007). Themen machen Politik - Politik macht Themen. Ein Beitrag zum Verhältnis von Medien und Politik [Topics make politics - politics make topics. On the relationship of media and politics]. In W. Möhring, W. J. Schütz & D. Stürzebecher (Eds.), Journalistik und Kommunikationsforschung. für Beate Schneider [Journalism and communication research. Festschrift in honor of Beate Schneider] (pp. 129-140). Berlin: Vistas.


Gonser, N. & Scherer, H. (2006). Die vielfältige Mediennutzung älterer Menschen: Eine empirische Auswertung der Media-Analysen im Hinblick auf Menschen ab 50 Jahren [Diverse media use of eldery people: An empirical evaluation of media analyses concerning people from the age of 50]. In J. Hagenah & H. Meulemann (Eds.), Sozialer Wandel und Mediennutzung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Social change and media use in the Federal Republic of Germany] (pp. 122-138). Berlin: LIT Verlag.

Klimmt, C., Bartels, K. & Scherer, H. (2006). Kommunikation für die Rundfunkgebühr: Die Furchtappelle der GEZ fruchten weniger als Überzeugungsarbeit [Communication for broadcasting fees: The fear provoking methods by the German Society of Broadcasting Fees areless useful than persuasion]. Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 54 (4), 579-598. (Erratum: Table 2 on page 590 contains an error. You may download a pdf document with the corrected table here).

Klimmt, C., Bepler, M. & Scherer, H. (2006). "Das war ein Schuss wie ein Mehlkloß ins Gebüsch!" Fußball-Live-Kommentatoren zwischen Journalistik und Entertainment ["That was a shot like a clod in the bush!" Live soccer commentaries between journalism and entertainment]. In H. Schramm, W. Wirth & H. Bilandzic (Eds), Empirische Unterhaltungsforschung: Studien zur Rezeption und Wirkung von medialer Unterhaltung [Empirical entertainment research: Studies on reception and effects of media entertainment] (pp. 169-189). Munich: R. Fischer.

Scherer, H. (2006). Individualisierung und Eventisierung - Probleme und Strategien bei der Vermarktung von Medienangeboten [Individualization and eventization - Problems and strategies of commercialization of media offerings]. In C. Scholz (Hrsg.), Handbuch Medienmanagement [Handbook of media management] (pp. 815-831). Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer.

Scherer, H. (2006). Stichworte: Erlebnisgesellschaft, Massenpsychologie, Mediennutzung, Publikum (auch disperses), Vielseher, Zuschauerforschung, Wahrnehmung [Keywords: Thrill-seeking society, mass psychology, media use, audience (also disperse audience), heavy viewers, audience research, perception]. In G. Bentele, H.-B. Brosius & O. Jarren (Eds.), Lexikon Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft [Encyclopaedia of communication and media research]. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Scherer, H., Schneider, B. & Gonser, N. (2006). „Am Tage schaue ich nicht fern!" Determinanten der Mediennutzung älterer Menschen ["I don't watch television during day-time!" Determinants of media use of eldery people]. Publizistik, 51(3), 333-348. 

Scherer, H., Tiele, A. & Naab, T. (2006). Die Theorie der Schweigespirale: methodische Herausforderungen und empirische Forschungspraxis [The theory of the spiral of silence: Methodical challenges and empirical research practice]. In W. Wirth, Fahr, A. & Lauf, E. (Eds.), Forschungslogik und -design in der Kommunikationswissenschaft, Band 2: Anwendungsfelder in der Kommunikationswissenschaft [Research logic and design in mass communication, Vol. 2: Fields of use in mass communication (pp. 107-138). Cologne: Herbert von Halem.

Scherer, H., Tiele, A., Haase, A., Hergenröder, S. & Schmid, H. (2006). So fern und doch so nah? Zur Rolle des Nachrichtenfaktors "Nähe" in der internationalen Tagespresse [So far and yet so close? On the role of the news factor "closeness" in international daily newspapers]. Publizistik, 51 (2), 201-224.


Möhring, W., Tiele, A., Scherer, H. & Schneider, B. (2005). Repräsentative Stichprobe des Zeitungsmarktes - die Methode der Publizistischen Stichprobe als computerbasiertes Auswahlverfahren [A representative sample of the newspaper market - the method of the mass communication sample as a computer-based selective operation]. In Gehrau, V., Fretwurst, B., Krause, B. & Daschmann, G. (Eds.), Auswahlverfahren in der Kommunikationswissenschaft ]Selective operations in mass communication] (pp. 158-172). Cologne: Halem.

Scherer, H. (2005). Berufsfeldforschung und Absolventenbefragungen [Research of occupational fields and graduate surveys]. In J. Wilke (Ed.). Die Aktualität der Anfänge. 40 Jahre Publizistikwissenschaft an der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz [The topicality of the beginnings. 40 years of Mass Communication at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz] (pp. 144-157) Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Scherer, H. (2005). Stichwort: Schweigespirale [Keyword: Spiral of silence]. In S. J. Weischenberg, H. J. Kleinsteuber & B. Pörksen (Eds.), Handbuch Journalismus und Medien [Handbook on journalism and the media]. Konstanz: UVK.

Scherer, H., Baumann, E. & Schlütz, D. (2005). Wenn zwei das Gleiche fernsehen, tun sie noch lange nicht dasselbe. Eine Analyse von Rezeptionsmodalitäten am Beispiel der Nutzung von Krankenhausserien durch Krankenhauspersonal [Even though two people watch the same thing on TV, it doesn't mean they do it in the same way. An analysis of reception modalities exemplified by hospital staff's use of hospital series]. In V. Gehrau, H. Bilandzic & J. Woelke (Eds.), Rezeptionsstrategien und Rezeptionsmodalitäten [Reception strategies and reception modalities] (pp. 219-234). Munich: R. Fischer Verlag.

Scherer, H., Schneider, B., Gonser N. & Roßa, P. (2005). Familienbilder und Familienthemen in fiktionalen und non-fiktionalen Fernsehsendungen [Family images and family topics in fictional and non-fictional TV programs]. Sub-Study "Program Analysis" (Final Report) for the Adolf-Grimme-Institut, Hannover.

Scherer, H., Fröhlich, R., Scheufele, B., Dammert, S. & Thomas, N. (2005). Bundeswehr, Bündnispolitik und Auslandseinsätze. Die Berichterstattung deutscher Qualitätszeitungen zur Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik 1989 bis 2000 [The German armed forces, alliance policy and foreign assignments. News coverage of German quality newspapers on security policy and defence policy]. Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 53 (2-3), 277-297.

Trepte, S., & Scherer, H. (2005). What do they really know? Differentiating Opinion Leaders into 'Dazzlers' and 'Experts' (Hamburger Forschungsbericht zur Sozialpsychologie Nr. 60) [Hamburg resesarch report on Social Psychology, No. 60). Hamburg: Universität Hamburg, Arbeitsbereich Sozialpsychologie.


Baumann, E., Scherer, H. & Schlütz, D. (2004). "Der Arzt, dem die Frauen vertrauen". Mitarbeiterbefragung: Krankenhausserien und Realität ["The doctor women have trust in". Survey among staff members: TV hospital series and reality]. Impuls. Die Zeitung für MitarbeiterInnen im Klinikum Hannover, o.Jg. (23), 20-22.

Neubert, K. & Scherer, H. (Eds.). (2004). Die Zukunft der Kommunikationsberufe. Ausbildung, Berufsfelder, Arbeitsweisen (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Bd. 31) [The future of communication professions. Education, fields of profession, working methods (Series of the German Society of Mass Communication, Vol. 31)]. Konstanz: UVK

Neubert, K. & Scherer, H. (2004). Kommunikationswissenschaft - ein Fach im Wandel. Vorwort [Mass communication - A subject in the process of change]. In K. Neubert, K. & H. Scherer (Eds.), Die Zukunft der Kommunikationsberufe. Ausbildung, Berufsfelder, Arbeitsweisen (Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Bd. 31) [The future of communication professions. Education, fields of profession, working methods (Series of the German Society of Mass Communication, Vol. 31)] (pp. 7-18). Konstanz: UVK.

Rössler, P., Scherer, H. & Schlütz D. (Eds.). (2004). Nutzung von Medienspielen - Spiele der Mediennutzer [The use of media games - the games of media users]. Munich: R. Fischer.

Scherer, H. (2004). Die Darstellung von Emotionen in der Sportberichterstattung [The presentation of emotion in sports news coverage]. In T. Schierl (Ed.), Die Visualisierung des Sports in den Medien. Sportkommunikation II [Visualization of sports in the media. Sports communication II] (pp. 214-240). Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Scherer, H. (2004). Schwankender Grund statt festem Boden? Eine Analyse der Auswirkungen der Variabilität von Panelintervallen auf die Ergebnisse von Kausalanalysen im Panel [Instable instead of steadfast grounds? An analysis of the impact of variability of panel intervals on the results of causal analyses in panels]. In W. Wirth, E. Lauf & A. Fahr (Eds.), Forschungslogik und -design in der Kommunikationswissenschaft (Band 1: Einführung, Problematisierungen und Aspekte der Methodenlogik aus kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Perspektive) [Reserach logic and research design in mass communication (Vol. 1: Introduction, problematizations and aspects of the logic of methods as seen from the perspective of mass communication] (pp. 179-196). Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Scherer H. & Schlütz, D. (2004). Das neue Medien-Menü: Fernsehen und WWW als funktionale Alternativen [The new media menu: TV and WWW as functional alternatives]. Publizistik, 49 (1), 6-24.

Scherer H. & Vesper S. (2004). Was schreiben die anderen? Ausländische Pressestimmen als Vorform paneuropäischer Öffentlichkeit - Eine Inhaltsanalyse deutscher Qualitätszeitungen [What is written by others? Foreign voices of the press as a pre-form of the pan-European public - A content analysis of German quality newspapers]. In L. Hagen (Ed.), Europäische Union und mediale Öffentlichkeit. Theoretische Perspektiven und empirische Befunde zur Rolle der Medien im europäischen Einigungsprozess [The European Union and the media public. Theoretical perspectives and empirical results on the role of the media in the process of European unification] (S. 195- 211). Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Scherer, H., Schlütz, D. & Rössler, P. (2004). Nutzung von Medienspielen - Spiele der Mediennutzer: Medienspiele als Forschungsfeld [The use of media games - the games of media users: Media games as a field of research]. In P. Rössler, H. Scherer & D.Schlütz (Eds.), Nutzung von Medienspielen - Spiele der Mediennutzer [The use of media games - the games of media users] (pp. 9-39). Munich: R. Fischer.

Sylvester A.-L., Trepte, S. & Scherer, H. (2004). Erfolgsfaktoren von Quizshows am Beispiel von Wer wird Millionär? und Das Quiz mit Jörg Pilawa [Factors of success of quiz shows by example of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" and "Das Quiz mit Jörg Pilawa"]. In P. Rössler, H. Scherer & D. Schlütz (Eds.), Nutzung von Medienspielen - Spiele der Mediennutzer [The use of media games - the games of media users] (pp. 107-133). Munich: Verlag Reinhard Fischer.

Tiele, A. & Scherer, H. (2004). Die Agenda - ein Konstrukt des Rezipienten? Die Bedeutung kognitiver Informationsverarbeitung im Agenda-Setting-Prozess [The agenda - A construct of the recipient? The significance of cognitive information processing in the agenda-setting process]. Publizistik, 49 (4), 439-453.


Baumann, E., Harden, L. & Scherer, H. (2003). Zwischen Promi-Tick und Gen-Defekt. Zur Darstellung von Essstörungen in der Presse [Between star quirk and gene defect. On the presentation of eating disorders in print media]. Themenheft "Gesundheit in den Medien" [Special issue "Health in the media"], Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 51 (3/4), 431-454.

Scherer, H. & Schlütz, D. (2003). Das inszenierte Medienereignis: Die verschiedenen Wirklichkeiten der Vorausscheidung zum Eurovision Song Contest in Hannover 2001 [The directed media event: The different realities of the preliminary decision of the Eurovision Song Contest in Hannover 2001]. Cologne: Herbert von Halem Verlag.

Scherer, H., Schlütz, D. & Baumann, E. (2003). Berichterstattenswerte Berichte: Die medial erschaffene Wirklichkeit [Newsworthy reports: Reality created by the media]. In H. Scherer & D. Schlütz (Eds.) Das inszenierte Medienereignis: Die verschiedenen Wirklichkeiten der Vorausscheidung zum Eurovision Song Contest in Hannover 2001 [The directed media event: The different realities of the preliminary decision of the Eurovision Song Contest in Hannover 2001]. Cologne: von Halem.


Scherer, H. (2002). Die Nutzer erfinden die Medien. Ein Essay zur Entwicklung medialer Gebrauchsweisen [User invent the media. An essay on the development of ways of media use]. In A. Rudel (Ed.), Zwischen Technik und (Er)-Leben: der Faktor Mensch. Herausforderungen und Chancen im Bereich IT/Multimedia [Between technique and experience: The factor human being. Challenges and chances in the field of IT/multimedia] (pp. 192-201). Hannover: Blumhardt Verlag.

Scherer, H. (2002). Wer reden will, muss hören: Die kommunikative Rolle politischer Akteure in der vernetzten Gesellschaft [Who wants to talk has to listen: The communicative role of political actors in the network society]. In. H. Schatz, P. Rössler & J.-U- Nieland (Eds.), Politische Akteure in der Mediendemokratie. Politiker in den Fesseln der Medien [Political actors in media democracy. Politicians in the bonds of the media] (pp. 129-145). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Scherer, H. & Baumann, E. (2002). Medien in der parlamentarischen Debatte. Eine empirische Analyse von Medienverweisen in den Debatten des Niedersächsischen Landtags [Media in the parlamentary debate. An empirical analysis of media references in the debates of the Lower Saxony State Parliament]. In K. Imhof, O. Jarren & R. Blum (Eds.), Integration und Medien [Integration and the media] (Series Mediensymposium Luzern, Vol. 7] (pp. 201-218). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Scherer, H. & Schlütz, D. (2002). Gratifikation à la minute: Die zeitnahe Erfassung von Gratifikationen [Gratification à la minute: The situational approach to gratifications]. In P. Rössler, S. Kubisch & V. Gehrau (Eds.), Empirische Perspektiven der Rezeptionsforschung [Emprical perspectives on reception research] (pp. 133-151). Munich: R. Fischer

Scherer, H. & Wirth W. (2002). Ich chatte - wer bin ich? Identität und Selbstdarstellung in virtuellen Kommunikationssituationen [I chat - who am I? Identity and self-presentation in virtual communication situations]. Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 3.


Scherer, H. & Baumann, E. (2002). Medien in der parlamentarischen Debatte. Eine empirische Analyse von Medienverweisen in den Debatten des Niedersächsischen Landtags [The media in parliamentary debates. An empirical analysis of media references in the debates of the Lower Saxony Landtag]. In K. Imhof, O. Jarren & R. Blum (Eds.), Integration und Medien (Reihe Mediensymposium Luzern, Bd. 7) [Integration and the media (Series Media Symposion Lucerne)] (pp. 201-218). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Schlütz, D. & Scherer, H. (2001). Der Einsatz der ‚Experience Sampling Method‘ in der Medienwissenschaft [Using the 'Experience Sampling Method' in media research]. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 13 (3), 146-149.


Scherer, H. (2000). Political participation and the internet. In European Network for Young Thinking (Ed.), Living Bridges. Report of the 3rd conference on European Young Thinking (pp. 57-63). München: o.V.

Scherer, H. (2000). Wählt das Panel anders? [Does the Panel (s)elect otherwise?] In: H. Bohrmann, O. Jarren, G. Melischek und J. Seethaler (Eds.), Wahlen und Politikvermittlung durch Massenmedien [Elections and political influence through the mass media] (pp. 213-234). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Scherer, H. & Behmer, M. (2000). ... und wurden zerstreut in alle Winde: das Internet als Medium der Exilkommunikation [...and will be scattered to the winds: the internet as medium of communication for those in exile]. Otfried Jarren, Kurt Imhof und Roger Blum (Eds.): Zerfall der Öffentlichkeit? [Collapse of the public sphere?] (S. 272-299). Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.


Scherer, H. (1999). Gentechnik in den Medien [Genetic engineering in the media]. In T. Hausmanninger & R. Scheule (Eds.), ...geklont am 8. Schöpfungstag. Gentechnologie im interdisziplinären Gespräch [...cloned, on the 8th day of creation. Genetic engineering in interdisciplinary discussion] (S. 161-172). Augsburg: Wißner.




Leuppert, R., Rahe, V., Scherer, H. & Bruns, S. (2023, May). Brand or quality? Investigating the relevance of media brands and journalistic quality for the quality assessment of German news articles. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 25-29, 2023, Toronto, Canada.


Bytyci, I., Scherer, H. & Scheper, J. (2022, October). To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, is this a public opinion question? The Spiral of Silence in a health communication context. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Communication Conference (ECREA), October 19-22, 2022, Aarhus, Denmark.

Eilders, C., Scheper, J., Scherer, H., Gerads, M. & Vondeberg, C. (2022, October). It's more than fearing isolation and falling silent: An extension of the Spiral of Silence Theory to include various forms of speaking out and falling silent and their motives. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Communication Conference (ECREA), October 19-22, 2022, Aarhus, Denmark.

Spreen, N., Link, E. & Scherer, H. (2022, October). Turning to information about populism – Applying the Theory of Motivated Information Management to political information seeking. Paper presented at the 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA), October 19-22, 2022, Aarhus, Denmark.

Scheper, J. & Scherer, R. (2022, May). Silence is not an option: Opinion leaders’ willingness to express their opinion under spiral of silence pressure. Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 26-30 May 2022, Paris, France.


Eilders, C., Scherer, H., Scheper, J., & Gerads, M. (2021, April). Schweigespirale goes Meso: Konzeptualisierung der Einflussbeziehungen im sozialen Nahbereich auf die wahrgenommene öffentliche Meinung und die Meinungsbildung. [Spiral of Silence Goes Meso: Conceptualisation of the Relations Between Immediate Social Environment and the Perception of The Climate of Opinion]. Paper presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science - DACH21, April 7-9, 2021, Zurich, Switzerland [digitally].

Scheper, J., Reich, S., & Scherer, H. (2021, April). Baby im Wandel der Zeit: Die Darstellung von Frauen in der populären Musik von 1960 bis 2018 [Baby through the ages: the representation of women in popular music from 1960 to 2018]. Paper presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science - DACH21, April 7-9, 2021, Zurich, Switzerland [digitally].

Scheper, J., Scherer, H., & Peter, C. (2021, April). Täuschen oder Imaginieren: Meinungsklimawahrnehmung in Bezugsgruppen als experimentelle Bedingung [Deceiving or Imagining. How to Manipulate Opinion Climate Perceptions for the Social Environment]. Paper presented at the Three-Country Conference on Communication Science - DACH21, April 7-9, 2021, Zurich, Switzerland [digitally].

Scheper, J., Gerads, M., Scherer, H., & Eilders, C. (2021, February). Who Conforms With Whom? Eine empirische Untersuchung der öffentlichen Redebereitschaft bei wahrgenommener Dissonanz zwischen Gesellschaft und sozialem Nahbereich. Paper presented at the annual conference of the DGPuK division „Politik und Kommunikation“, February, 12, 2021 [digitally].


Freytag, A., Wertz, K. & Scherer, H. (2019, November). Benefits and functions of influencer marketing – a young user’s perspective. Paper presented at the joint Annual Conference of the Media Education and Advertising Communication divisions of the German Society of Mass Communication, November 27-29, 2019, Vienna, Austria.

Pfeiffer, L., Scherer, H. & Scheper, J. (2019, March). Frames der Protestberichterstattung. Eine Analyse der medialen Protestberichterstattung im Zeitverlauf [Frames of media coverage on protest. An analysis of the media coverage on protest over time]. Paper presented at the Conference of Protest Communication - Controversial Legitimacy of the Political Public in Digital and Urban Spaces, March 29-30, 2019, Salzburg, Austria. 


Scheper, J., Scherer, H. & Geber, S. (2018, November). Breaking the silence? Opinion leadership as a factor within the spiral of silence. Paper presented at the 7th European Communication Conference (ECC) of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), October 31 - November 3, Lugano, Switzerland.

Bruns, S., Scherer, H. & Niemann-Lenz, J. (2018, May). Bad news? The role of emotions in information processing of news stories. Paper presentation at the 68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.

Bruns, S., Scherer, H., Niemann-Lenz, J. (2018, January). Bad news? Wenn Nachrichten Emotionen wecken [Bad news? When news arouse emotions]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception ad Effects Research of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 26-28, 2018, Hohenheim.


Emde-Lachmund, K. Scherer, H. & Mergel, F. (2017, January). Von Normen, Gratifikationen und Habitualisierung: Ein Erklärungsmodell zu den Determinanten der Nachrichtennutzung [Of norms, gratifications and habitualizations: An explanation model on the determinants of the use of news]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception and Effects Research of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 26-28, 2017, Erfurt.


Emde, K. & Scherer, H. (2016, June). A funny version of the evening news? A comparison of the issue selection of news satire with traditional evening news. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 9-13, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan.

Scherer, H. & Possler, D. (2016, March). Faszinierende Könner oder nette Jungs? Eine inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung der Entstehung von Parasozialen Beziehungen [Fascinating artists or nice guys? A content analysis of the formation of parasocial relationships]. Poster presentation at the 61st Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, March 30 to April 1, 2016, Leipzig.

Drabner, K., Schlütz, D. & Scherer, H. (2016, January). Du, ich und dein Smartphone: Ein Experiment zur Untersuchung der Effekte von Smartphone-Crosstalk [You, me and your smartphone: An experimental study on the effects of smartphone crosstalk]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception Research, January 28-30, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Geber, S., Hefner, D., Klimmt, C. & Scherer, H. (2016, January). Wie kommunizieren Meinungsführer wirklich? Eine Beobachtung politischer Alltagsgespräche [How do opinion leaders really communicate? An observation of political daily small talk]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception and Effects Research of the German Association of Mass Communication, January 28-30, 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Werner, J., Scherer, H. & Schlütz, D. (2015, November). Musik und Bilder des Konsums: Praxis und Potentiale des Product Placements in Musikvideos [Music and images of consumption: Practice and potentials of product placement in music videos]. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Conference of the Expert Group Advertising Communication, November 26-27, 2015, Hanover.

Scherer, H., Baumann, E., Link, E., Emde, K. & Klimmt, C. (2015, November). Kommunikation in Krisenzeiten: Neue Perspektiven auf die Interaktion von Risikowahrnehmung und Gesundheits-informationsverhalten am Beispiel der Ebola-Epidemie [Communication in times of crisis: New perspectives on the interaction of risk perception and health Information behavior using the example of the Ebola epidemic]. Poster presentation at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Health Communication, November 12-14, 2015, Lugano, Switzerland.

Possler, D., Owsianski, S.-A. & Scherer, H. (2015, October). Wenn Nationalspieler zu Freunden werden. Parasoziale Beziehungen zu deutschen Fußballnationalspielern [When international players become friends. Parasocial relationships to German soccer players]. Poster presentation on the Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Media Sport and Sport Communication of the German Society of Mass Communication, October 5-6, 2015, Munich.

Link, E., Scherer, H. & Schlütz, D. (2015, May). Online-Kommunikation als Mehrwert: Wie Frauen und Männer Krebsforen als Therapiebegleiter nutzen. [Online communication as added value: How women and men use cancer forums as therapy accompaniment]. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 13-15, 2015, Darmstadt.

Emde, K. & Scherer, H. (2015, February). Politische vs. persönliche Kritik: Die Darstellung von Politikern in der Nachrichtensatire "heute Show" [Political vs. personal criticism: The presentation of politicians in the satirical news show "heute Show"]. Paper presented at the joint Annual Conference of the Expert Group Communication and Politics (German Society of Mass Communication), the Working Group Politics and Communciation (German Association of Political Sciences) and the Expert Group Political Communication (Swiss Society of Communication and Media Sciences), February 19-21, 2015, Düsseldorf.


Possler, D., Hautzer, L., Scherer, H., Schneider, B. & Buschow, C. (2014, November). Die Dynamik von Social TV - Themenverläufe und inhaltliche Aufmerksamkeitsfaktoren [The dynamic of social TV - Courses of subjects and content-based factors of attentiveness]. Paper presented at the Conference "Interfaces (in) of Media Economy", Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, Expert Group "Media Economy", November 14, 2014, Mainz.

Gusmag, J., Schlütz, D. & Scherer, H. (2014, November). I think I'm definitely a Carrie at heart: SATC, Girls and identity formation. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), November 12-15, 2014, Lisabon, Portugal.


Schlütz, D., Drabner, K. & Scherer, H. (2013, November). 50 Jahre Kinder in der Werbung: Eine Inhaltsanalyse der Darstellung von Mädchen und Jungen in Anzeigen der Brigitte [50 years children in advertising: A content analysis of the presentation of girls and boys in advertisements in the woman's journal Brigitte]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Advertising Communication, November 28-30, 2013, Berlin.

Link, E., Scherer, H. & Schlütz, D. (2013, November). Emanzipation von der Krankheit: Foren als Kompass der Therapieentscheidung [Emancipation from illness: Forums as a compass for therapy decisions]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Ad Hoc Group Health Communication, November 21-23, 2013, Hanover.

Naab, T., Starke, C., Wahl, S. & Scherer, H. (2013, July). My music, my friends, and me: Processes of social distinction by taste in music. Radio Conference, July 10, 2013, Bedfordshire.

Starke, C., Naab, T., Scherer, H. (2013, June). Media freedom, media access, and good governance: A cross-national examination of influences. Paper presented at the Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), June, 2013, Dublin.

Wahl, S., Starke, C., Naab, T. & Scherer, H. (2013, June). The social value of music. Processes of social distinction by taste in music. Paper presented at the Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), June 28, 2013, Dublin.

Geber, S. & Scherer, H. (2013, June). My voter, my party, and me. American and German parliamentarians on Facebook. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), June 17-21, 2013, London, UK.

Scherer, H., Schlütz, D. & Tiemeyer, N. (2013, May). Macht oder Coolness? Der Einfluss von Partizipations- und Selbstdarstellungsmotiven auf politische Facebook-Aktivitäten [Power or coolness? The influence of participation motives and self-expression motives on political facebook activities]. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 8-10, 2013, Mainz.

Baumann, E., Scherer, H., Wiltfang, J., Wenz, H.-J., Koller, M. & Hertrampf, K. (2013, March). The analysis of ‚risk perception attitudes’ for evidence-based segmentation of health communication. Paper presented at the Symposion „(How) Can Lab-Experiments Inform Health Communication? Towards an Evidence-Based Approach” for the Conference of Experimental Psychologists, March 24-27, 2013, Vienna, Austria. 


Blake, C., Scherer, H. Arndt, R., Drews, M., Jansen, S., Peschke, J. & Weisgerber, T. (2012, Oktober). Media use while waiting. Paper presented at the 4th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), October 24-28, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.

Geber, S., Hefner, D. & Scherer, H. (2012, October). Media’s impact on trust and collectivism – An international comparative multilevel analysis. Paper presented at the 4th European Communication Conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), October 24-27, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.

Hertrampf, K., Baumann, E., Wenz, H.-J., Koller, M., Scherer, H. & Wiltfang, J. (2012, September). Qualitative Analyse zur Identifikation von Botschaften und Kommunikationskanälen für die Präventionskampagne ‚Gemeinsam gegen Mundkrebs in Schleswig-Holstein‘ [Qualitative analysis on the identification of messages and communication channels for the prevention campaign ‚Together against oral cancer in Schleswig-Holstein‘]. Paper presented at the 11th German Conference for Care Research and at  the 4th National Prevention Conference, September 27-29, 2012, Dresden. 

Geber, S., Scherer, H. & Hefner, D. (2012, May). Surfing together: The social capital of media societies. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), May 24-28, 2012, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Scherer, H., Naab, T., Dyszy, A., Emde, K., Engel, S. & Sponer, J. (2012, May). Die Bedeutung medialer Koorientierungsprozesse in sozialen Umbruchsituationen [The significance of co-orientation processes in the media in situations of social change]. Paper presented at the 57th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 16-18, 2012, Berlin.


Scherer, H. & Schneider B. (2011, July). Media literacy in kindergartens/pre-schools: The case of Germany. Paper presented at the Conference of the  International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), July 13-17, 2011, Istanbul.

Scherer, H., Hefner, D. & Weisgerber, T. (2011, July). Editing, commenting, sharing. News factors in Blog communication. Paper presented at the conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), July 13-17, 2011, Istanbul.

Hefner, D., Scherer, H. & Weisgerber, T. (2011, January). Alte Theorie – neue Werte? Nachrichtenfaktoren in der Blogkommunikation [Old theory - new values? News factors in blog communication]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group Reception and Effects Research of the German Society of Mass Communication, January 27-29, 2011, Munich.


Scherer, H. (2010, October). Besser fernsehen mit Jean-Jacques Rousseau [How to watch better television with Jean-Jacques Rousseau]. Paper presented at the conference "The Multimedia Future of Quality Journalism. Who Gains by Public Value?", Institute for Journalism and Media Management and Competence Center for Media Quality at the University of Applied Sciences, Vienna, October 21-23, 2010, Vienna.

Hartmann, L., Scherer, H. & Schlütz, D. (2010, October). Qualität von Werbemaßnahmen in Online-Communities: Eine Entscheidung der Rezipienten [The quality of advertising measures in online communities: A decision of the recipients]. Paper presented at the 5th Workshop of the Research Group Advertisting, October 1-2, 2010, Vienna.

Scherer, H., Naab, T. K., Adjei, B. & Niemann, J. (2010, June). Do not tell me what you watch, or you may risk being disliked: An experimental study on the effects of impression management. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Mass Communication Division, June 22-26, 2010, Singapore.

Naab, T. K., Hefner, D., Scherer, H., Schmid, H. & Hansen, M. (2010, June). Freedom of expression: Institutionalization and appreciation of the population in different countries. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Mass Communication Division, June 22-26, 2010, Singapore.

Niemann, J., Scherer, H. & Schlütz, D. (2010, May). PROFILierungssüchtig? Der Einfluss von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen auf das Impression-Management von Jugendlichen im Social-Web [Addicted to PROFILisation? The influence of personality characteristics on the impression management of adolescents on the social web]. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication "Media Innovations. How Media Developments Change Communication in a Society", May 12-14, 2010, Ilmenau.

hmid, H., Hansen, M. & Scherer, H. (2010, May). "Erstens: Ignorieren, zweitens: diffamieren, drittens: umarmen?" Eine inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung der Kommentierung der Linkspartei von 2005 bis 2009 ["First: ignore, second: defame, third: embrace?" A content analytical study on the commentation of the Linkspartei (left-wing party), 2005-09]. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication "Media Innovations. How Media Developments Change Communication in a Society", May 12-14, 2010, Ilmenau.


Schroll, T., Gonser, N. & Scherer, H. (2009, July). „Generation Volksempfänger“ – A longitudinal study of elderly radio use. Paper presented at the Radio Conference 09, July 27-30, 2009, Toronto.

Naab, T. K., Scherer, H. & Wüstehube, A. (2009, May). Media goes mobile – Nutzung und Nutzer mobiler Endgeräte [Media goes mobile - Use and users of mobile devices]. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication "Changes in Media Culture", April 29-May 1, 2009, Bremen.

Schroll, T., Gonser, N. & Scherer, H. (2009, May). „[…] Es ist Teil meines Lebens: Fernsehen, Rundfunk.“ Eine qualitative Analyse der Mediennutzung im Lebensverlauf [„[...] It's part of my life: TV, broadcasting.“ A qualitative analysis of the media use during the course of life]. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication „The Change of Media Culture“, April 29-May 1, 2009, Bremen.

Scherer, H., Naab, T. K., Adjei B. & Niemann, J. (2009, May). Sag mir lieber nicht, was du gerne im Fernsehen siehst, vielleicht riskierst du, dass ich dich nicht mag. Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Wirkung von Impression Management [Better not tell me what you watch on TV. You might risk that I'm not gonna like you. An empirical study on the effects of impression management]. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication "Changes in Media Culture", April 29-May 1, 2009, Bremen.

Scherer, H., Schmid, H., Lenz, M., Fischer, R. & Mohmeyer, F. (2009, May). Distinktion in Zeiten des medialen Wandels – Der Kinobesuch als Mittel zur sozialen Abgrenzung [Distinction in times of media change - Visits to the movies as social distinction]. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication „The Change of Media Culture“, April 29-May 1, 2009, Bremen.

Scherer, H., Krämer, B. & Schroll, T. (2009, February). Die Stunde der Experten. Politische Berater in der Berichterstattung zur Gesundheitsreform 2004 [The experts' hour. Political consultants in the news coverage on the health reform 2004]. Paper presented at the Conference "Expertise. Decision. Public" of the DVPW workshops "Politics and Communication" and "Political Consulting" and the Expert Group Communication and Politics of the German Society of Mass Communication, February 14, 2009, Düsseldorf.


Scherer, H. & Schmid, H. (2008, December). Donnerwetter! Ergebnisse der Medienklimastudie Niedersachsen [What a thunderstorm! Results of the Lower Saxony's study on media climate]. Paper presented at the Nordmedia Talk Hannover, December 10, 2008, Hannover.

Scherer, H. & Naab, T. K. (2008, November). More than just habit. Individual rationality and social relevance of ritual media use. Paper presented at the European Communication Conference (ECREA), November 25-28, 2008, Barcelona.


Tiele, A. & Scherer, H. (2007, October). „Super Power Nations“ as points of references in a globalised world of news. Paper presented at the China Communication Forum 2007 "Harmonious Society, Civil Society and the Media" of the Chinese Association of Communication (CAC) and the International Communication Association (ICA), October 21, Beijing.

Schroll, T., Gonser, N. & Scherer, H. (2007, October). „Generation Volksempfänger" – Eine längsschnittliche Untersuchung zu älteren Hörern mit Media-Analyse-Daten von 1980 bis 2005 ["Generation Volksempfänger" - A longitudinal study on elderly radio listeners with media analysis data from 1980 to 2005]. Paper presented at the 2nd Workshop of the Media Scientific Teaching and Research Center „The Old and the New Media - On the Change of Media Users in Germany since the 1950s", October 5-6, 2007, Cologne.

Scherer, H. & Tiele, A. (2007, July). The social individual and public opinion - The individual between civic participation and social adjustment. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), July 23, 2007, Paris.

Tiele, A. & Scherer, H. (2007, May). Mass media or recipient? Who sets the audiences’ agenda? Paper presented at the 57th Annual Conference of the  International Communication Associaton (ICA), May 26, San Francisco.

Naab, T., Möhring, W. & Scherer, H. (2007, May). Freedom of religion and freedom of speech – Two basic human rights in conflict. A case study on the discussion about freedom of speech in German newspapers during the Danish Muhammad cartoon controversy. Paper presented at the International Communication Association, May 2007, San Francisco.


Scherer, H. & Tiele, A. (2006, November). Der Einzelne und die öffentliche Kommunikation [The individual and public communication]. Paper presented at the Media Symposion 2006, November 30, 2006, Luzern.

Schneider, B., Scherer, H. & Gonser, N. (2006, October). „Alles läuft wie geschmiert!?" – Genderspezifische Darstellungen des Familienalltags in Serien des deutschen Fernsehens ["Isn't everything just dandy!?" - Gender specific descriptions of family every-day life in TV series in Germany]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Expert Group "Media, Public and Gender" of the German Society of Mass Communication, October 5-7, 2006, Lüneburg.

Tiele, A. & Scherer, H. (2006, June). News factors in global press coverage. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference "Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations", Panel "Modern Mass Media and the Public Sphere: New Challenges and opportunities for Democracy", June 14, 2006, Moskow.

Scherer, H. & Tiele, A. (2006, May). Auf dem Weg zum "public sphere gap?" Unterschiedliche mediale Darstellungsarten als Quellen öffentlicher Meinung [On the way to "public sphere gap?" Different forms of media presentation as sources of public opinion]. Paper presented at the Conference "The public in the media society" of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group Sociology of Media Communication, May 27, 2006, Zurich.


Möhring, W. & Scherer, H. (2005, November). European mass communication research: Methods and trends 1970-2000. A census of eight journals. Paper presented at the First European Communication Conference “Fifty Years of Communication Research in Europe: Past and Future” KIT, November 24-26, 2005, Amsterdam.

Scherer, H. (2005, September). Konvergenz der Medien aus der Perspektive von Nutzerinnen und Nutzern. Beiträge der Rezeptionsforschung [Convergence of the media from the perspective of female and male users. Contributions of reception research]. Paper presented at the Expert Colloquium: Synergy of media use in proceedings with local citizen involvement. Institute for Information Management, September 8, 2005, Bremen.

Scherer, H. (2005, June). Wie verändern sich die Medien? Wie verändert sich die PR? [How do media change? How does PR change?] Paper presented at the German PR day, June 24, 2005, Mainz.

Scherer, H., Arnold, A.-K. & Schlütz, D. (2005, May). Media's Creating Reality: Construction as a social process. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, May 28, 2005, New York.

Scherer, H., Schneider, B. & Gonser, N. (2005, May). Determinanten der Mediennutzung älterer Menschen [Determinants of media use of elderly people]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 4-6, 2005, Hamburg.

Scherer, H., Tiele, A., Haase, A., Hergenröder, S. & Schmid, H. (2005, May). So nah und doch so fern? Zur Rolle des Nachrichtenfaktors „Nähe“ in der internationalen Tagespresse [So far and yet so close? On the role of the news factor "closeness" in international daily newspapers]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication, May 4-6, 2005, Hamburg.

Scherer, H. (2005, April). Acht Thesen und eine Frage. Eine Provokation über klassische Musik im Fernsehen [Eight theses and one question. A provocation on classical music on television]. Paper presented at the Music Council of Northrhine-Westfalia, April 15, 2005.

Scherer, H. (2005, January). Berufsfeldforschung und Absolventenbefragungen [Occupational area research and interviews with graduates]. Paper presented at the Symposion "The topicality of the beginnings. 40 years of Mass Communication at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz", January 1, 2005, Mainz.


Scherer, H. (2004, October). Krieger oder Bündnispartner? Muster der Amerikaberichterstattung im sicherheitspolitischen Kontext. Eine Inhaltsanalyse von FAZ und Süddeutsche Zeitung von 1989 bis 2000 [Warrior or ally? Examples of news coverage on the United States of America in the context of security policy. A content analysis of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Süddeutsche Zeitung, 1989-2000]. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, October 6-10, 2004, Washington, D.C.

Möhring, W., Tiele, A., Scherer, H. & Schneider, B. (2004, October). Repräsentative Stichprobe des Zeitungsmarktes – die Methode der Publizistischen Stichprobe als computerbasiertes Auswahlverfahren [A representative sample of the newspaper market - the method of the newspaper sample as a computer-based selection procedure]. Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Methods of Mass Communication", October 2, 2004, Berlin.

Scherer, H. (October 2004). Die unterschiedliche 'Trägheit' von Variablen als Forschungsproblem in Panelstudien [The different 'lethargy' of variables as a research problem in panel studies]. Workshop "Analyses of Time Series Data" of the 6th Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Methods of Mass Communication": Selection Procedures in Mass Communication, September 30-October 2, 2004, Berlin.

Gonser, N., Scherer, H. & Schneider, B. (2004, October). "Sonst würden wir ja abseits stehen von der Welt" - Die Bedeutung der Massenmedien für ältere Menschen ["Otherwise, we'd stood outside of the world" - The significance of mass media for elderly people]. Poster presentation at the 7th Conference of the German Society of Gerontology and Geriatry: "Getting older has a future", October 7-9, 2004, Hamburg.

Trepte, S. & Scherer, H. (2004, May). What do they really know? Differentiating opinion leaders into dazzlers and experts. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association: "Communication in the Public Interest", May 27-31, 2004, New Orleans.

Scherer, H. & Schlütz, D. (2004, May). Immediate gratification: The close capture of gratifications. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association: "Communication in the Public Interest", May 27-31, 2004, New Orleans.

Ranné, N., Scherer, H. & Trepte, S. (2004, May). Evaluation of movie quality from the audience perspective. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association: "Communication in the Public Interest", May 27-31, 2004, New Orleans.

Tiele, A. & Scherer, H. (2004, May). Does the schema set the agenda? Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication: "The myth of the media society", May 19-21, 2004, Erfurt.

Trepte, S. & Scherer, H. (2004, May). What do they really know? Differentiating opinion leaders into dazzlers and experts. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication: "The myth of the media society", May 19-21, 2004, Erfurt.

Fröhlich, R., Scherer, H., Scheufele, B. & Vesper, S. (2004, February). In Stahlgewittern? Themen, Akteure, Ursachen und Folgen in der Kriegsberichterstattung der FAZ und SZ von 1989 bis 2000 [In tempests of steel? Topics, actors, causes and consequences of the news coverage on war in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Süddeutsche Zeitung, 1989-2000]. Joint Annual Conference of German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Communication and Politics" and of the DVPW workshop "Politics and Communication" cooperating with the Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research: "War as an event in the media", February 13-14, 2004, Guesthouse of the University of Hamburg.

Scherer, H., Fröhlich, R., Scheufele, B. & Vesper, S. (2004, February). The Germans to the Front. Die Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr in der Berichterstattung der FAZ und SZ von 1989 bis 2000 [The Germans to the front. The foreign military services of the Federal Armed Forces in the news coverage of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung und Süddeutsche Zeitung, 1989-2000]. Joint Annual Conference of German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Communication and Politics" and of the DVPW workshop "Politics and Communication" cooperating with the Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research: "War as an event in the media", February 13-14, 2004, Guesthouse of the University of Hamburg.

Scherer, H., Baumann, E. & Schlütz, D. (2004, January). Wenn zwei das Gleiche fernsehen, tun sie noch lange nicht dasselbe. Eine Analyse von Rezeptionsmodalitäten am Beispiel der Nutzung von Krankenhausserien durch das Krankenhauspersonal [Even though two people watch the same thing on TV, it doesn't mean they do it in the same way. An analysis of reception modalities exemplified by hospital staff's use of hospital series]. Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Reception Research": "Reception Modalities", January 22-24, 2004, University of Salzburg.


von der Kall, N., Scherer, H. & Baumann, E. (2003, October). Diagnose: Unzureichend informiert? Die Rolle der Medien und anderer Informationsquellen im Berufsalltag von Ärzten [Diagnosis: Lack of information? The role of the media and other sources of information in the professional everyday life of doctors]. Paper presented at the Conference "Media and Health Communication" of the "Network Media and Health Communication", Ocober 24-25, 2003, Loccum.

Baumann, E., Scherer, H., Schlütz, D. & Vesper, S. (2003, October). Kollision zweier Welten: Krankenhausserien aus Sicht des medizinischen Personals [Collision of two worlds: Hospital TV series from the perspective of the medical staff]. Paper presented at the Conference "Network Health Communication", October 25, 2003.

Scherer, H. (2003, September). Brauchen wir Forschung im kulturpolitischen Alltag? [Do we need research in cultural policital every-day life?] Paper presented at the Conference: "Music moves!? The Conference of the project day 'Music for Children!' at the Federal President", organized by the German Music Council, Berlin.

Möhring, W. & Scherer, H. (2003, September). Eine Frage des Themas? Einsatzfelder qualitativer und quantitativer Verfahren in den letzten Jahrzehnten [A question of the topic? Fields of utilization of qualitative and quantative methods in recent decades]. Paper presented at the 5th Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Methods of Mass Communication": "Contrast, Congruency, Complement: 'Qualitative' and 'quantitative' methods in Mass Communication", Münster.

Scherer, H., Baumann, E., Schlütz, D. & von der Kall, Nils (2003, September). Offenheit statt dogmatischer Beschränktheit - Über die Integration quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden in der Kommunikationsforschung [Openess instead of dogmatic narrowness - On the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods in communication research]. Paper presented at the 5th Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Methods of Mass Communication": "Contrast, Congruency, Complement: 'Qualitative' and 'quantitative' methods in Mass Communication", September 25-27, 2003, Münster.

Scherer, H. (2003, March). Urteile und Vorurteile über Medienwirkung [Judgements and prejudices on media effects]. Paper presented at the German Society of Mass Communication, Division Hesse/Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland, at the Frankfurt Press Association.

Baumann, E., Harden, L. & Scherer, H. (2003, March). Portrayal of eating disorders in the press with special regard to its adequacy. Paper presented at the European Communication Congress of the ECA, March 24-26, 2003, Munich.

Scholz, I., Scherer, H. & Wirth, W. (2003, January). Substitut oder Komplement? Die Financial Times Deutschland im Internet und als gedruckte Zeitung [Substitute or complement? The Financial Times Germany on the Internet and as a printed newspaper]. Paper presented at the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Reception Research": "From Audience to User. Media Use and Media Reception in Convergent Media Surroundings", Potsdam-Babelsberg.


Borges, K., Scherer, H.  & Wirth, W. (2002, May). Mehr Demokratie wagen - Die Nutzung partizipativer Elemente auf den Homepages der Bundestagsparteien [Venturing more democracy - the use of participative elements on the homepages of Bundestag parties]. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication "Chances and risks of media democracy", May 29-31, Dresden.

Scherer, H. & Vesper, S. (2002, February). Was schreiben die Anderen? Die Repräsentation medialer Debatten aus Ländern der EU in der nationalen Qualitätspresse als Vorform einer europäischen Öffentlichkeit [What is written by others? The representation of media debates from EU countries in the national qualitity newspapers as a early form of a European public]. Paper presented at the joint Annual Conference of the German Society of Mass Media's Expert Group "Communication and Politics" and of the Workshop "Politics and Communication of the DVPW: "European Union and European Public", February, 7-9, 2002, Nuremberg.

Organization of the Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Reception Research": "The Use of Media Games - Games of Media Users" of the Expert Group "Reception Research", January 25-26, 2002, Hannover. 

Sylvester, L. A.,  Trepte, S. & Scherer, H. (2002, January). Warum ist es so spannend, wenn andere Millionär werden? Eine Analyse der Erfolgsfaktoren von TV-Quiz-Shows [Why is it fascinating when others become millionaires?] Paper presented at the Conference of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Reception Research": "The Use of Media Games - Games of Media Users" of the Expert Group "Reception Research", January 25-26, 2002, Hannover. 


Scherer, H. (2001, September). Schwankender Grund statt festem Boden? Über die Bedeutung impliziter Konstanzannahmen bei der Kausalanalyse [Hovering ground instead of solid ground? On the significance of implicit assumptions of consistency at causal analyses]. Paper presented at the 3rd Conference of the German Society of Mass Communications's Expert Group "Methods of Mass Communication in the German Society of Mass Communication", Panel "Causality and Research Design: On the argumentation in empirical mass communication, September 27-29, 2001, Feldafing.

Scherer, H. & Wirth, W. (2001, July). Ich chatte - wer bin ich? Identität und Selbstdarstellung in virtuellen Kommunikationssituationen [I chat - who am I? Identity and self-presentation in virtual communication situations]. Paper presented at the joint workshop of the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Sociology of Media Communication" and the Expert Group "Qualitative Media Research" of the GMK: "Media Identities: Identity in the Context of Globalization and Media Culture, July 6-7, Ilmenau.

Scherer, H. (2001, February). Wer reden will, muss hören. Die kommunikative Rolle politischer Akteure in der vernetzten Gesellschaft [You need to hear to talk. The communicative role of political actors in the cross-linked society]. Paper presented at the joint Annual Conference of the Workshop "Politics and Communication" of the DVPW and the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Communication and Politics": "Political Actors in the media democracy. Politicians, Parties and Organizations Face New Requirements of Political Communication",  February 8-10, 2001, Erfurt.

Scherer, H. & Schlütz, D. (2001, January). Gratifikation à la minute. Die zeitnahe Erfassung von Gratifikationen [Gratification à la minute: The situational approach to gratifications]. Paper presented at the German Society of Mass Communication's Expert Group "Reception Research": "The Process of Reception", January 26-27, 2001, Berlin.


Scherer, H. (2000, December). Medienverweise in der parlamentarischen Debatte [Media references in the parliamentary debate]. Paper presented at the Media Symposion Luzern: "Media and Integration", December 14-16, 2000, Luzern.


Scherer, H. & Behmer, M. (1999, December). In der Ferne - und doch so nah? Das Internet als Medium der Exilpublizistik [So far - and yet so near? The Internet as a medium of exile journalism]. Paper presented at the Media Symposion Luzern: "The breakup of the public?", Luzern.

Scherer, H. (1999, July). Political participation and the Internet. Paper presented at the 3rd Conference on European Young Thinking: "Living Bridges". Munich.


Last modified: 2023-10-09

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