Master Media and Music
What can I expect to learn in the Master of Arts Media and Music?
The university's master's degree in Media and Music brings together two branches of the university's education, which are recognized nationally and internationally for their excellence: communication and musicology. As a rule, applicants must have completed a bachelor's degree in communication, journalism or media science or a musicology degree. Graduates of music-related artistic and scientific training courses can also apply. The IJK allocates 17 places for the master's program each year, starting in the winter or summer semester.
The study program gives in-depth knowledge of communication and musicology combined with the practical application thereof. Graduates of this study program are experts in the field of production, reception and evaluation of music and have learned how to put this knowledge into practice. Career opportunities are manifold. To name a few examples: music journalist, public relations or in management positions of media or music companies. The study programs main aim is specialisation.
How is the Media and Music Study Program organised?
The reformed master's degree in "Media and Music" further expands the strengths of the established and tried-and-tested program: It is now more focused on individual profiling opportunities and designed as a research degree and consists of a total of six study modules and one exam module. By participating in at least two research projects in the first two or three semesters, you will be able to independently carry out, prepare and document projects as research or strategic consulting projects from the problem to the discussion of the results. In modules 1 to 3, you will work on current research and practice challenges in the field of media and music and carry out scientifically-based empirical research and, if necessary, advisory processes that will prepare you as best as possible for shaping the future of the music and media industry. In terms of content, the focus is, for example, on current developments in music labels and publishing houses, the festival and concert system, music networks and cities, cultural policy, but also on topics such as big data and digitalization.
Module 4 provides you with a deepening of your communication and musicological research skills, in which you acquire advanced methodological knowledge until the end of the third semester. In parallel, you will acquire qualifications for strategic management in the field of media and music in module 5.
In addition to the research orientation, the possibility of individual academic profile building and further development is an essential new quality feature of the master's program. After your admission, the course contents aimed at will be individually determined with a mentor of your choice, taking into account your previous knowledge and with a view to the consolidation and profiling goals you are aiming for. They form the study module 6.
In the fourth semester, the exam module initially provides for a colloquium to prepare for the master's thesis, which you then prepare independently and then defend.
The standard period of study for the course is four semesters.
Structure of the course
1. Research project 1: Media and Music
2. Research project 2: media and music or communication and media research
3. (3a) Research project 3: media and music or musicology
(3b) Selected musicological research areas
4. Communication and musicological research methods
5. Strategic media and music management
6. Individual research and management skills (IFM)
7. Master thesis with defense
If You have further questions, please contact us:
Prof. Dr. Carsten Winter
Tel. 05 11 / 31 00 494
Magdalena Rosset
Tel. 05 11 / 31 00 453
Last modified: 2024-05-21
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